Shih-tzu/Yorkie or Shih tzu/Pom?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Shih-tzu/Yorkie or Shih tzu/Pom?

     So I finally found out through the lady I got Dawbie from that the woman she got Dawbie's pregnant mom from was housed with a shih tzu, yorkie and Pomeranian, all intact of course.Angry The lady that took in the pregnant shih tzu mom was told that she had been bred to the male shih tzu, but when I got Dawbie, I found that she appeared to have something else in her. Well, I'm sure of it now, and when I contacted the lady I got Dawbie from, she apologized and offered me a half off refund, since she had told me Dawbie was full Shih Tzu, as that was what she had been told. I refused to take any money back from her, as it wasn't really her fault, and I love Dawbie full shih tzu or not. So now I know that Dawbie is either mixed with Yorkie or Pom, and was curious to see what you thought. Does she look more yorkie or pom?



    • Gold Top Dog

    She sure is  a cutie------she looks shih tzu/ yorkie to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I will say yorkie too. Will be neat to see her grow up to see what she looks like.  Coudl you do one of those dna tests?

    • Gold Top Dog


    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm gonna say Yorkie too.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I see Yorkie, too.

    I...Coudl you do one of those dna tests?

    Personaly, I wouldn't waste my money on those tests.  They don't have a reputation for being accurate.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I see Yorkie, too.

    I...Coudl you do one of those dna tests?

    Personaly, I wouldn't waste my money on those tests.  They don't have a reputation for being accurate.

    I wouldn't waste my money either. Anyways, seriously does it even matter what she's mixed with??? She's adorable and all yours now.
    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks for your thoughts, everyone!! I love her whatever she may be and the only reason I was kinda curious is because I am allergic to most dog breeds, poms included (thus the reason I choose a shih tzu!). Not that I would send her off if she was half pom, I was just wondering if I was going to have to stock up on Clariton allergy pills if she was indeed half Pomeranian!! Stick out tongue Hopefully she is half Yorkie so she won't send me into an allergy attack every day!

    • Puppy
    I'd be willing to bet she's a shih tzu/Yorkie mix because I have her twin sitting at my feet!
    • Gold Top Dog

       She definitely looks like a Yorkie/Shih Tzu mix - makes perfect sense. There is a chance that all three of the males sired puppies from Dawbie's litter, so she may have some (or no) littermates that are purebred Shih Tzus and some (or none) that are Shih Tzu/Poms, as well as some  (or none) being her full siblings.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would definitely say Shih-Tzu/Yorkie. I would believe that even if it wasn't a fact she might have been sired by one. Cute little girl :)

    • Puppy

    Dawbie is absolutely an adorable little dog, no matter what breed she is.  I personally have a 3/4 Shih Tzu 1/4 Maltese and love that little girl so much.  I personally would say that Dawbie looks Shih Tzu / Yorkie, which if bred with another Shih Tzu or Yorkie would still produce fantastic pups.  I would in no way do DNA testing, cause believe it or not, if your planning on breeding her (which I wouldn't just enjoy her company), you can actually get quite a bit of money for these little "Designer Dogs", regardless of whether you have papers or not.  People just want smaller dogs these days and especially seniors who travel alot, like us.  Even though our little Gabi is small (8.5 lbs) and has more Shih Tzu that Maltese, she tends to take on more of the Maltese characteristics, such as hair, nose, eyes, and size. 

     A little history on the Shih Tzu, somewhere around the 16th Century, the Tibetan Dynasty bred Pekinese and the Tibetan dog (Lhasa Apso) together to make the Shih Tzu, which were actually to alert the occupants of intruders and (get this) for foot warmers, due to their long hair.  When the dynasty died out, only 7 females & 7 males escaped there alive, since all the others were fed glass before they were sold and died shortly after.  So they say every Shih Tzu can be traced back in heritage to those 14 dogs. 

    Regardless of whether your little Dawbie is a pure bred or a designer dog, she will bring you years of loving companionship and happiness.  Our little Gabi has actually enhanced our relationship and was a much needed addition to our family, we love her and wouldn't take any amount of money for her.  These little dogs have great personalities and are very intelligent, their main objective in life is to please you and will go to any extent to do so.  Take care of little Dawbie and enjoy her presence.