Minpin Pics Wanted

    • Gold Top Dog

    Minpin Pics Wanted

    Please insert minpin pics below!!

    I met a teeny tiny red minpin girl the other day and found it nearly impossible not to miss Gobie and cry and WANT ANOTHER ONE!  How many times did I say never again?  LOL

    After having lived with such a pain in the rear surely I could handle another LOL.

    Anyway, I need some minpin picture therapy. Share if you've got 'em!

    [img]http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2166/222/73/1310419490/n1310419490_30052178_5789.jpg[/img] here is one of Gobie when he was probably 11, it was in MD.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Pain in the rear in an understatement. ;] I always say, Penny is like a puppy that never grew up! She still acts the same at age 7 as she did as a 9 month old puppy. Some very popular sayings around our house include "PENNY! OUT OF THE GARBAGE!" "PENNY STOP!" "PENNY NO!" Maybe that'll give you some flashbacks about their troublesome attitudes. hehe. Now onto some pics!! See, she's a yappy terror. Wink
    • Gold Top Dog

    Pains in the rear, yes!  

    So is Echo and she's 5 times Gobie's size LOL.  Echo NO! Echo OFF! Echo LET GO OF DARBY'S TAIL! ANd so forth.

    I am a glutton for punishment, eh? 3 dogs is good for now!

    • Gold Top Dog
    They may be pains in the rear, but at least they're lots of fun! It's nice having a tiny dog that acts like a big dog and can do pretty much everything a big dog does. I never realized how much like a big dog she is till we got Daisy. Boy, are they different! I've definitely fallen in love with the quirky breed.
    • Gold Top Dog

    So true! THey want to do everything a big dog can do!  He was a fun guy!

    • Gold Top Dog

    go in my profile and you can see Proof my pinscher. I dont have a photo bucket :(

    • Gold Top Dog


    What a handsome pin :)   What is the black small one? A mix or a patterdale?



    • Gold Top Dog

    yep hunting terrier, hes 18 lbs and Proof is 15 lbs. they are both used for pest removals, very athletic they swim, run along side my bike for miles and pull weight when harnessed up :) Thanks!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Proof- I showed DH the pics of your hunting terrier and he says that is exactly the type of dog he likes.  Gobie was oversized, heavy boned and very sturdy, and so when he sees the other typical teeny minpins, he's turned off by them.

    Maybe in the future... I really like the rough coats. :)  Are they as sassy/naughty as minpins? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    They are terrible pets, High drive, dog aggression and the strength to do damage. Many breeders who have them as show or breeding them bc they are "rare" will tell you they are fine pets and will be great as a family dog.

    The breeder I got Shiner,Grim and Fury from gave a family member a dog that wasnt up tp par in the hunting category. Warned them to excercise train and do not leave alone with thier young child. Well they  left the dog and kid together and kid got bitten pretty bad bc they riled up the dog with a tug. Dog went back to the breeder tho and he kept her.

    If your looking for a hunting dog then this is the dog for you, if your looking for a pet then you can find heavier boned minpins if you look around. Proof was from a farmer who had two larger sized minppins in his barn to rid rats and rabbits. My grandma helped moved 1000 bales and he let her pick a pup, now proof has drive and I do use him on quarry but he isnt like the terriers and would be just as fine as a pet. Patterdales are bred to find, catch, kill or hold quarry until you get there, not something you want in an average pet home.

    If you like terriers tho, there are show Jacks or fox terriers that have had the drive bred out of them and would be good for pethomes but will most likely still be energetic.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Opps I made them sound like a bad dog but they are not. Just a dog bred for a job and are one of the few terriers left that hold true to all those traits, I like to be completely honest and wouldnt want a patterdale to findthemselves in a home that couldnt handle them.

    I know of one that only does ratting and the rest of the time is doing flyball and the owner said the only had one incident of the dog killing a niergborhood cat in the backyard. Other wise hes great at flyball and does alright with his other dogs. If your a active home that has a job for the dog then they should be okay if you dont hunt.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cute as they are ,they don't sound like the right fit for our family (at the moment). We have plans in the future of having a hobby farm and then one would be really useful for keeping vermin out. 

    THanks for sharing a bit about them :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    A farm would be awesome for one of these guys!! Id love to own a farm sometime in my life, my grandma owns one but Id still like my own.

    Your very welcome and thnaks for asking about them, they are great dogs