Breed suggestions

    • Silver

    How to pronounce Samoyed?  Sounds like a simple question, but not so much.  When the breed was first brought into western civilization in the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was pronounced like you thought with the emphasis on the middle syllable and the oy sound like in coin.

    Then one of the pillars of the breed did some research and decided that the original pronounciation among the native Samoyed people was Sam e ed. Like the two names Sammy and Ed said together with emphasis on the Sam. This was probably in the 80s.  Eventually people got on board and that is the name you will hear when they announce the breed at dog shows. Never mind that the Samoyed people did not call themselves Samoyed, that was a name given to them by the Russians I think.  Among breeders you will hear both pronounciations used. 

    Personally, I don't care. I use what ever I think people will recognize. At shows I say Sams or Sammies. ;) 

    If you want to know more about the breed let me know. I could go on and on, and often do! LOL

    In fact (stop reading if this is too much) on Monday of next week I will be at the Samoyed nationals, attending a seminar that sounds fascinating. Here is the abstract:

    Abstract: Archaeological evidence indicates that the Samoyed has an extremely ancient inception, dating back at least to 5500 BCE. Excavations of Copper Age Botai culture settlements of horse herders in northern Kazakhstan have yielded numerous ritual dog burials that provide proof of the antiquity of Samoyeds. The shape, size and proportions of the Botai dog skulls and skeletons are remarkably close to those of modern Samoyeds. These findings support earlier DNA studies that identify the Samoyed as one of the 14 oldest breeds (Parker, et al. 2004).

    • Gold Top Dog

    I feel less stupid for not knowing now, lol. I would definitely like to know more about them. It's not going to be for a while, but I really want to think this through and make the best decision for my family. And I've been able to learn alot about different breeds and really think about the characteristics that would be a good fit for us. Thanks for everyone's suggestions!!

     Also, I really enjoyed learning about the Sammy's history.. it's really cool that they've managed to survive as a breed for so long when so many other animals have become extinct or extremely rare.

    A coworker mentioned that all the ones he's met are usually really hyper... are they more so than say golden/lab/collies would be?

    • Silver

    More active than a golden or collie, yes. Less hyper than a young Labrador though.

    With this breed, I think the ones that are really hyper may be the ones that don't get enough socialization or human contact. Then when they do get the attention they are so starved for it they do act crazy. Part of the whole "lousy backyard dog" thing. They really don't develop their personality properly without being a full member of the family. They do like visitors, so when we have guests over mine do get excited. Not really obnoxious but I do tell people that they are normally calmer!

    • Gold Top Dog


    More active than a golden or collie, yes. Less hyper than a young Labrador though.

    With this breed, I think the ones that are really hyper may be the ones that don't get enough socialization or human contact.



    Funny must be a country thing. I would go activity scale as Border Collie, very closely followed by Goldie quite long away to Sammies.

    I have never associated hyper with Sammies, in fact for working purposes it seems that they are a bit flat and a little flakey on the motivation front.