Guess the breed... possibly a Jacairn?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Guess the breed... possibly a Jacairn?

    This is Newman... he's almost a year old now... he weighs about 29 pounds. He was our foster dog that we just couldn't let go and adopted. We've been calling him a Wirehaired Belgium Waffle Terrier... but we've seen photos of Cairn terriers crossed with Jack Russells (Jacairn) and he looks similar to them.






    • Gold Top Dog

    He could be a Jack/Cairn mix.  He kind of looks like a Border Terrier mix in the first picture.  I'm not a terrier person, but I will say he sure is cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Wow, I must be on the blacklist or something... i was hoping for some more replys... but I do appreciate the one from Micksmom! thanks!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know nothing about terriers, but he is adorable!

    Congrats on the new addition.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Wow, I must be on the blacklist or something... i was hoping for some more replys...

    I've been down for the count (I was helping Billy scramble into bed Sunday night and got a foot in the eye!  So I've actually got an "abrasion on the cornea" (feel sorry for me yet??? *sigh*  such a BIG Term for such a tiny thing that hurts so danged bad! LOL)

    Anyway -- for some reason this didn't show up on my list -- I think cos you put it under "breeds" which isn't subscribed to by most folks.  It was a sensible place to put it but lesser travelled I think.

    I think he looks like ... a TERRIER!!!  mmmmm, maybe brown terrier mix??

    I'm kidding -- but honestly I have to say border terrier WAS the first thing I thot of but they're pretty rare here.  But I really don't think you're far off with a jack/cairn cross.  And in these days of "designer breeds" you can expect most anything.  

    He sure is cute -- personality on 4 feet it looks like!!  I'm not a terrier person either but he is absolutely freaking MR. Personality!!  You gotta love that grin of his!!


    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL, I am a little late and have nothing to offer other than "he is so cute"  I thinking we will need to see many many more pictures :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Calliecritturs - I hope your eye gets better soon! thanks for the reply...

    My boyfriend also had a recent accident caused by a dog... we went to animal control to meet a couple dogs that we were going to take to an adoption... one was extremely rambunctious, so my boyfriend decided to run with her... she stopped in front of him and he fell - he thinks he broke a rib. We took the other dog to the adoption and she DID get adopted!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, the best I can say is it gave me a two day period where all I could do was SLEEP -- so I got a guilt-free 2 day nap!!  not quite worth the pain, but I like looking on the bright ... er .. good side!! LOL

    He has such personality!