
    • Bronze


     Well, just outta curiosity I'd like to know what breed mix my beloved dog Felix is made of. I adopted him a couple of months ago from the streets, so I have no idea about his background or age. I think he's around 2-3 years, because his teeth are not yellow, only the canine, and just a little. I've got some opinions, but still not 100% sure...

    What do you think? thanks!






    • Gold Top Dog
    Aww, cute dog! Glad to see he found a good home.

    GSD mix is my guess by the dominate saddle, color of eyes and coat type. GSDs also have a certain personality so getting to know that might also help determine the breed.

    Did you check his age with a vet? He has some white hairs on his muzzle and a well developed face with scaring on it that seems to lead me to think he's older by the pics of him here. Although, some younger dogs can also have white fur around the muzzle so that can be misleading. Is he a heavy chewer? Sometimes chewers have cleaner looking teeth so you also have to look at gum development, how worn down are the teeth, and other clues to guess the age.
    • Gold Top Dog

    How big is he?  He looks almost more tri-color than GSD coloring (GSD would not have those white markings, and often a GSD mix that is half GSD will look a lot more like a GSD).  He looks smaller to me, with markings more like a Corgi or some hound?

    • Gold Top Dog

      I see Beagle or similar hound in his build, tail set/carriage and markings.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I see Beagle or similar hound in his build, tail set/carriage and markings.

    Me, too.  My guess would be GSD/Beagle.  Most likely he's mixed with more than two breeds.  Leisje's suggestion of Corgi is a good one- their coat is similar to a GSD's.  But I'd think he'd look more "dwarfish" if he had Corgi in him.

     ETA- He's a cutie!

    • Bronze

     Hi. thanks for all the answers. He's medium sized. Smaller than a boxer but definitely bigger than a beagle. I had been told he looks like a german shepherd / beagle mix , but when I google it, this type of dogs have usually longer ears, due to their beagle background. My dog has button ears like a jack russell's.

    He's a good chewer indeed, he loves to chew grass, like it was tabaccoBig Smile

    I'd definitely say german shepherd for his coat, maybe beagle for his white chest and paws, but not the ears...guess that's the other breed.


    • Bronze

     Look at this dog , she looks exactly like says she thinks she's part beagle part gsd... but she's not sure...oh well!!Tongue Tied