Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
My cousin has narrowed her dog choices to a pound mutt, an Aussie, or a Coton. Pound mutts are no problem and I've been hanging around a really nice Aussie breeder at shows, but I don't know if I've ever even SEEN a Coton! Know of any good breeders or rescues? I actually think this is the...
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Question Re: Goldens
Our last dog was a rescue that had health problems and fear aggression. It's been 2 years since she had to be put down. We're thinking of getting another dog and our vet recommends a Golden Retriever; nice temperment for our family. Wondering if anyone can suggest either a male or female and...
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what is he?
my friend just gave me this dog to foster until I can find him a good home. She found him on the street. I think he's a schnoodle, but not sure since he's kinda short for poodle. He weights about 7 lbs and I think he's just a young boy.
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Alaskan Klee Kai.. (I hope I spelled that right!)
Ok.. I'll bite. I'm REALLY curious about the AKK. What are they like? I know they look like huskies, but how close are they to one? I want a husky but I don't want the size of one. I'm liking the little'er breeds. Lol So any and all advice, websites, ect would be great! Thanks!
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What is typically the most muscular(ripped) of all the dog breeds...
Anyone have any opinions? I was looking around and came across this really neat looking dog called a English Bull Terrier, and man are those ripped, anything moreso than those?
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need help with her breed
I just got my dog, Dakota, on Thursday. Her previous owners tell me that she's a hound mix...but I just don't see that in her. I was wondering if anyone can help me figure it out! Don't mind the creepy green eyes - it's from the flash. Stats -- She's about a year old. Weighs 35-40...
Rough collies - experiences
I grew up with a rough collie who was absolutely wonderful with everyone, but I wonder if this is the norm??? The collies that I've met since then have also been wonderful dogs, but maybe I'm just running into the good ones? Tell me your collie experiences! :-)
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Giant Schnauzer's...what do you know about them?
So....still on the search for a puppy/dog..... I came across the Giant Schnauzer breed and I'm really interested in them. So far, I read they're good guard dogs, intelligent, active, loyal, and just are an all around all purpose dog. I think they're extremely regal looking. What do...
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What kind of dog was JR? Collie x ?
I have always wondered and I can't believe it never occurred to me to ask you guys what you thought! This was my parents first dog together. I don't remember him at all, though. [IMG][/IMG] Mom and JR. [IMG]http://i235...
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Border Collies
Not so new "New" breed. Most of you know about Tucker, my BC. Well, as often as I look for another breed...I'm drawn back to Border's and Mutts. IDK. But I know many of you have TONS of experience with these wonderful dogs, and I would really love if ya'll helped me learn MORE...
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Ridgeback website Bonita of Bwana
Okie Dokie, so far I have had really great feed back and I think I may be able to breathe through the weirdness of asking everyone on I Dog to check out my site, I am going to ask that you sign the guest book, After about 24-48 hours I will finally release it to the RR community. If I have enough nice...
For the Maremmas lovers!
An article about Maremmas guarding penguins:
What have you found to not be true with your breed?
When you researched your breed and decided on it what have you found that you have read about/heard about that you find not true? I was reading about the Irish Setter on the breed info and disagree with something they have on there. Personality: Not as intelligent as the other setters and often...
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Do I dare?
Penny has been reminding us all that she won't be around forever. My partner is not big on the idea of getting another dog larger than Kivi when Penny finally leaves us (which will hopefully be a few years yet). I adore Kivi, but he's too easy! I just get lazy and sloppy with him because I know...
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What would you have like to known about your breed?
I have been working on our web site and found it took on a life of it's own. While cruising other sites I found myself thinking hmmmm they all look like decent sites but most often with a Marketing thrust. When talking to folks I have asked them "What would you have liked to have known about...
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Web Site Agnst- Bonita of Bwana
I am close to ready to publish my site, I have bought the domain name and it goes on line this weekend..I think. I know I am way too close to it and can no longer tell if it is informative and funny or just annoying. So I need a couple of purebred fanciers, (it does not have to be Ridgebackers), that...
More Doodle Mania
Um... seriously??
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Foster boy what breed
Have to figure out what to put up on petfinder when putting this little fellow up. He's the cutest little guy. About the size of a Boston maybe just a bit bigger. His body is a bit longer than tall. The long hair is mostly just around his neck and some of the upper body and head. It's almost...
Aussie help
My cousin's Christmas present is that she gets to pick out a dog. She is in a play right now so they are waiting until spring. I'm pushing a rescue/shelter dog and they agreed sometime we will go to the shelter together and I can explain the dogs' charts since I use to walk dogs there. My...
Now that she is older...
What do you think Soda is? Right now she is about 8-9 months old, probably 40-45 lbs. She has a very soft personality, and loves everyone (though she is a little wary of children for some reason). She is VERY fast and runs circles around her GSD friends. Very intelligent, as well. She learns quickly...