What kind of dog was JR? Collie x ?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What kind of dog was JR? Collie x ?

    I have always wondered and I can't believe it never occurred to me to ask you guys what you thought!  This was my parents first dog together.  I don't remember him at all, though.


    Mom and JR.


    There's obviously some form of collie but I can't quite decide which one or mixed with what.

    Sorry they're black and white.  I had to take a picture of a picture to get it to turn out and the color turned out weird so I just made it black and white.  He was a light sable.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow he looks like he could be purebred smooth-coated Collie. I want to say Smooth Collie X Greyhound mix. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    That's what always confused me. He looks just *almost* like a smooth collie. But how many smooth collies were running around as a stray back in a small town in northern Texas back in the eighties?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Found another pic:
    • Gold Top Dog

     i'm gonna say GSDXCollie..

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'd actually say all smooth collie. There's a LOT of collie breeders here in North Texas, and some of them are not as careful with keeping track of puppies as they could be, including one or two who are otherwise pretty reputable (and, in fairness, have gotten better in recent years- but I *know* they did not do much in the past.)
    • Gold Top Dog

     I am leaning toward Smooth Collie, but his tuck up is higher than you see in them now, and he is certainly lankier.  One of the views makes me think there might have been a Dobe in his history somewhere, maybe a generation back.  In the 80's, Dobes were the Pit Bull du jour, so not impossible to have that kind of a cross anywhere in the country then.  But, he certainly was a nice looking boy.

    • Gold Top Dog

     That looks all smooth collie, old time, or else a "farm collie" which is basically a dog with Border Collie/Collie genetics but random bred for farm work.  The Border Collie was developed from "sheepdogs" or "collies" in Britain, as were the dogs we call collies today (as were Beardies and a couple other breeds).  The smooth coat is unusual but I'd imagine then as today that smooth coated farm dogs were to be preferred in Texas.

    I think it would be safe to call that dog a smooth farm collie. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think Collie, mostly Collie.  I really don't see any characteristics of a GSD, more likely Mal if anything based on the look of that dog but it doesn't seem likely. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks for the input!  It certainly is interesting and he's always intruigued me. 

     Dogstar, it is certainly not far from you.  It's the area just northwest of DFW.  My whole family lives there.  We were one of the first groups of people to settle there (9 generations ago) and we even have streets named after us and a historical marker because one of us was the last person to be killed by Indians in the sounty.

     Both my parents grew up on farms.  Mom was on a smaller farm and Dad lived on a diary farm all his life.  Dad's brother ended up working cows for a long long time in TX and OK.  He always used either ACDs or Rottweilers, interestingly enough.   Typically I saw people using ACD type dogs for the cows.  That area was and is still a big agriculture area, all my cousins were into showing livestock. 

    Dad always talked about having a collie when he was young that they got from another farming family.  I always imagined Lassie but when Grandad died we found a bunch of pics of them with the dogs and the collie was definitely more along the lines of a farm collie or english shepherd than a rough collie.  He also had a dog that to me suspiciously looked like a beardie mix.  And come to think of it as recently as the early 2000s my grandmother found a collie dog wandering a road and kept it.  I forget that dog's name but she was slightly longer coated than JR but eerily similar to him in build/shape.

     According to Dad JR's temperament was a lot like Trey, one of our shelties.  He said JR had more energy but was very similar in mannerisms and the fact that he was very aloof around new people.

    • Gold Top Dog

     He might well be all smooth collie then- Peggy (Conger, Con-Te) STILL places a lot of her pet-quality smooths on farms in the Weatherford/Mineral Wells area. (Although in these days, it's on limited registration- not an option back then.)

    • Puppy
    I'm leaning toward NOT pure collie, at least in the sense of the AKC recognized pure rough/smooth collie. I definitely see a lot of collie in the dog pictured, and smooth collies in particular were lankier "back in the day" than they are now. But, the head and eye just don't look pure collie to to me, even making generous allowances for not being a strictly show collie. The color is unusual for a pure collie as well, although certainly not inconceivable. And, the coat doesn't look quite right for a smooth collie, especially in the black and white photos. Maybe it's a trick of the photo, but the guard hairs on the body look too long, even though they are pressed flat against the body so that the hair doesn't look floofy. So, I would go with mostly collie, but with smidgen of something else thrown in