Anyone have an idea what breeds Bandit is?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I agree, looks ACD 

    • Gold Top Dog

    The stop and eyes definitely suggest Lab. The stand up ears however, may be ACD.


    • Gold Top Dog

     I dunno about the ACD.... His body seems a bit too long. And his head is all wrong. The ears maybe, but it's hard to go on ears alone. ACD crosses usually have mottled bits. Is the white mottled? It's hard to see.

    The nipping of heels is certainly very ACDish, though. They are called heelers after all.

    To be honest, the body looks more like a Kelpie than an ACD. ACDs are not usually that lean and long, but I've seen some crosses that are taller and leaner.

    The jury is out with me.  

    • Silver

    His white on his chest is kind of mottled. His chest hair is all black, but his white hairs are just everywhere, not really in a shape. He has bigger black spots with less white hair in spots of his white area. The area is just white and black hair all mixed together basically. He doesn't have any of the spots like a heeler does on there legs or head.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Your discription makes me very sure he is ACD/Lab.

    Did you get him as a pup?

    • Silver

    Yes I got him when he was 7 weeks old from the humane society. They said he was a GSD mix online. I went to petsmart where he was being shown at and the lady there told me he was a shar-pei mix. My husband wanted a GSD when I told him I was going to look at him. His brother had the same body only with GSD coloring. As I learned later on, dogs can have more then one daddy. He was the cutest puppy.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Welp, that shot my theory out of the air.

    My theory - he *could* have had more white visible as a puppy....

    • Gold Top Dog


    His face looks like he might have some Pit in him?!?

    Maybe ACD/Pit mix? Probably some other dogs too but I think he resembles those to breeds more....but that is just me.


    I saw that, too, and the other thing that makes me think ACD is the tail carriage when the dog is at rest.  The eye color is typical of both ACD's and Kelpies, but ACD's are by far more common, so that's what I'd say he has in him, especially with the way the white is interspersed with the black on his chest - so typical of their color pattern.  I'm guessing a mix of more than two breeds, though.  Maybe daddy (or mommy) was a Pit/Lab mix and the other parent an ACD.  Thus, the muted Pit face, but the strong herdiness and black color...

    • Silver

    Well, thank you all that all helps a lot. I could tell people he is a cattle dog mix. A toss up between a kelpie or heeler as the dominate breed. And probably some lab then too because he does have webbed toes. I think that is what he most resembles now after hearing what everyone had to say and doing some research. I wanted to get a better idea so when someone asks I could come up with an answer. A lot of people want to know what he is because they say he is such a unique looking dog. The vet I took him too when he was little always said he was a Newfoundland mix. I think that is way out of the ball park.

    He has started to go crazy over little dogs. A big dog could walk by and start barking and growling and he won't care, but a little dog a total different story. I don't understand why a little dog would bother him so much.