Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Blue eyed Shepherds?
have a look All the same dog from Poland. the owner seems to think he's mixed with wolf. she isnt entirely sure. IS it sometimes common for sheps to have blue eyes , just like some will have collie ears?
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Labrador Retrievers
A thread about our Labs. I created this because I am getting tired or people always remarking how 'stupid', 'dumb', and 'slow' they think Labs are. This is not to put this breed above all others but to show their good traits and that they are intelligent, strong, and loyal dogs...
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help me pick a breed
Ok, this is meant to be kind of fun. Of course I'm not going to run out and buy a dog because someone says they are nice. BUT, I have spent so much time looking around at dog info sites reading about breeds, and I thought where to get the best breed info than from people who actually own those breeds...
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Am Bulls - Need to Know! :)
My soon-to-be neighbor and good friend just adopted a rescue American Bulldog, purebred, sired by a "Grand Champion" from Texas (sad story - mismarked puppies sold to a family who ended up neglecting them severely). This nine month old female is the most amazing dog. I'm not a novice dog...
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Neo Mastiff
WHAT IS WITH THE WRINKLES?!?! I'm honestly.. Is that even healthy???? All that exposed skin near the eyes just scream infection at me! I love the look of Thor. He looks normal to me.. But when I look up pictures of them.. The ones I find just sicken me.... What is the purpose of all the extra skin...
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The "doodle" craze
Seriously. I'm on and under the 'hybrid' section(looking for a rescue for my Gram.) They have, Bassetoodle(basset hound X poodle) Bernedoodle(bernese mt. dog X poodle) Bossi-Poo(boston terrier X poodle) Boxerdoodle(boxer X poodle) Codoodle(collie X poodle) Doodlemen Pinscher...
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Thoughts about "doodles"
John Q. Public gets a lot of information about the horrors of puppy mills, but most have a very limited understanding of what "we" consider a puppy mill. To the average puppy buyer, those slick internet ads about "designer breeds" are very appealing. The breeds aren't the old...
Cocker Spaniels
I think I have a new breed of intrest every week....this week it is - Cocker Spainel's!!! American variety, the English have a loooooong face that just looks sad to me...I like the "American" Cocker Spainels. We had one as a kid, and my biological father kept her after the devorce...
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Man of the house wants his own dog- any suggestions???
I have 2 boxers (male+female)- but thats just it they are mine and i had them before me and my man got together. He wants a dog of his own- his 2 lil boys (3+4) visit every other weekend- so we have to have one that is excellent with kids- but on the other hand he wants a good watch dog that is ready...
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Pocket Beagles????
All the Beagle-people on this forum....can you answer a question for me? I've been seeing Pocket Beagles and Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles on under the classifieds for MANY months. And if you googles "dogs for sale" there are tons on those sites too. Are they sort of...
The Cane Corso (Italian & American)
Hey there guys, Just wanted to make a topic on this beautiful breed. Any owners out there?!? *Raises hand* There seems to be a common confusion when it comes to these wonderful dogs and I wanted to share with you some knowledgable websites for the Cane Corso. I hope you all find something interesting...
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Breed suggestions...
Not for me this time! LOL! For my Gandma, if she is strong enough after kemo and still wants a dog, I am going to get her one. She needs it to be a small dog, under 25pounds? And no need much up-keep, like, no Shih Tzu's because they need hair-cuts regularly, so, smooth or wired hair. She said a...
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what breed?
I spent today wandering around the Biltmore Estate in Asheville,NC ex home of George Vanderbilt and there were various family pictures featuring a very large, mostly white, with brown patches, seemingly short haired, flop eared dog. Almost looked Saint Bernard-ish but shorter hair and more white. Any...
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First off - Dang it Gina! You've got me into Greyhounds!!! Ok, now for the topic. Gina mentioned Greyhounds to me on another thred, and the next day I saw an ad on CL for a Greyhound Rescue located in NC.....something in me said it was more then chance. Does anyone know much about them?...
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What mix is this?
We've been looking at our local Animal Shelter. And completely fell in love with this little guy...Were seriously considering adopting him. They say he's a Chesepeake Bay Retriever/Lab mix...What do you guys think? See anything else in him?
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Golden Retriever breeder help
A family member has decided to get a golden retriever. Despite my best attempts, they are convinced that a dog coming from a shelter is "damaged," and they want a purebred pup. I am going to try to help them buy from a breeder responsibly. Does anyone know of responsible golden breeders...
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Questions- Health Testing
Me and Jeremy will be moving to a larger house with a yard this Spring. We're going to add a second dog to our family. I'd like to rescue/adopt again, either a Lab, GSD, or Golden...or mix of all three :) Jeremy would like a puppy from a breeder with all the health tests and paperwork and meeting...
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How well would a hound do in an apartment? With daily run's and TONS of training? I love hounds, Blueticks are probably my favorite. Close second is Redbone's and then Plott's(I looooove Plott hound markings). When I move out, and probably after the apartment stage, I want to get a...
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anyone ever heard of this type of sled dog? i was typing in separation anxiety... spelled it wrong.... but you know how firefox google will try to guess the search for you.... it turned up seppala siberian sled dog..... http://seppala-history...
Corgi or Sheltie
Do they stick their tongues out a lot? Kota is a mutt and I am always wondering what he is a mix of but he has this habit of always having his tongue sticking out just a little bit. The photo of Tootsie with her SS gift shows her tongue sticking out so I was wondering if it was a corgi thing, or if shelties...
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