The Cane Corso (Italian & American)

    • Gold Top Dog

    The Cane Corso (Italian & American)

    Hey there guys, Just wanted to make a topic on this beautiful breed. Any owners out there?!? *Raises hand*

    There seems to be a common confusion when it comes to these wonderful dogs and I wanted to share with you some knowledgable websites for the Cane Corso. I hope you all find something interesting, and lets have a nice chit chat on the breed.

     Facts on Italian lines

    Height at withers for males is 64-68 cm. (25-27 in).
    Height at withers for females is 60-64 cm. (23,5-25 in).
    Weight for males range from 45-50 kg. (99-110 lbs), ratio weight/size O.710 (Kg/cm).
    For females the weight ranges from 40-45 kg. (88-99 lbs), ratio weight/size 0.680 (Kg/cm).

    Facts on American lines


    Other Cane Corso sites


    CC info:

    CC rescue:

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've never owned one... but we did have one come through the shelter I used to work at. She was a DOLL. She had such a good spirit, she was shy (esp. around men) but never aggressive. She only barked once or twice while we had her. She was great with the other dogs and cats - over all a fabulous dog (minus the health issues) But, she was in terrible shape. Bred by a BYB, her hips were totally shot, she needed surgery badly. She was only about 6 months when we got her. She had the worst UTI I've ever seen - it took forever to get rid of. She was also horrible infested with fleas and ticks. It took several shampooings to clean her up.

    She was a beauty - her ears were natural, but her tail was docked. We eventually got her into rescue, and she was fostered by a fantastic man close by. Unfortuantely, along with the hip damage, we found she had no control over her bowel movements (something hard to detect in a kennel setting). Further examination showed that she had no control over her entire hind end....she had a couple great months in her foster home - with another corso. Even though her beginning was horrible - the end was what she deserved.

    The man surrendered her because she was bought, and returned. She was 'returned' while he was out of town, and he didn't know why.... (pretty obvious why, no?) She wouldn't walk, we had to carry her in, so we didn't see the real problem until she finally stood up for us in the medical room.

    not the best pictures, but this was Betsy. I don't know if she was Italian or American - it didn't matter to us.

    you can see how twisted she was in this last picture.

    RIP baby doll....



    • Gold Top Dog

     I like the Molosser breeds, but would not own one, as I'm even more snickered by the Herders LOL.  But, unfortunately, in my area, we are starting to see them among the same crowd that used to own Pits...hope they don't go down the same road - bad enough we have such a struggle to avoid BSL already.  To be honest, if I owned a CC, I would enjoy my dog among fanciers of the breed, but not let the public know, lest they just become the next poor dogs guarding some thug's drug stashes.  Handsome dogs, but like my Aussies, not for everyone.  It's a huge responsibility to own a dog with a temperamental tendency toward guarding.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I had a customer who brought one home to his wife and she was scared to death of it.....even as a puppy. They had also just found out she was pregnant and the lady would talk up and down about not wanting the dog around her child. The husband didnt relent and sent it away to several training schools so the dog would be so well behaved the wife couldnt complain.

    After the baby came she kept it away from her child and never paid it much attention but the man still refused to give up his dog. Let me just say this dog was a beauty, of great pedigree and was sweet as pie.

    Fast forward 3 years down the lady was watching her child play on the back deck through her kitchen window as she did the dishes and heard a monstorous roar come from the dog farther out in the yard. She thought her worst fear had come about. She rushed outside to swoop up her son to see a family of racoons the dog was holding at bay. All ran away but one who was hissing and putting on a show.....not that it ever get past the dog, LOL!

    From that day on that woman loved that dog. It was so great to see her finally walking him next to her son. She would proudly show off  how the child could wander off only to have the dog heard teh child back to his family.

    That lady would still never come near my pit bull but Hey.....LOL its a start huh?


    • Gold Top Dog
    The American ones, they sadden me. They look more like an oversized Pit TBH. I've only found 2 American breeders (that I like) that breed for the "true" Cane Corso. And it seems that many American judges don't like the Italian (correct) head. American breeders are already trying to ruin the Corso, which is why I pray and hope the Corso never becomes AKC accepted.

    It seems the Corso right now (in America) is looking more like the Neo (with the wrinkles) and the American Bully (with the blocky head).

    I've already contacted an Italian breeder and will be contacting the one American breeder (the other one seems to not be breeding anymore, such a shame). The price of the Italian import is less that half the American BYBs, and that's sad. -shakes head-

    And I've also contacted the Rescue group and they are letting me take a foster Corso (next year) to use for the dog training school. So I think within 4 years max, I will have one with me :D And I cannot wait at all.

    It's sad though to hear they are on some breed ban lists. They are such a wonderful, versitale breed. The only true coursing mastiff. I could talk all day about them... Love them to death.

    • Gold Top Dog

     They're already in the AKC's rare breeds program. I adore them. I've squished a few at AKC obedience trials, and UKC shows. There is a horrible breeder, here in town. His dogs look like oversized Pits, and they're vicious. *sigh*


    I adore the breed, but I couldn't have one. I'm a very soft handler, and they'd walk all over me. I also have a rule about dogs that weigh over 100 lbs.

    • Gold Top Dog


     I also have a rule about dogs that weigh over 100 lbs.

    My Mom had that rule when I was little.....then she married my Dad and I got a 4y/o Akita.. LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog

     If I can't pick it up, in a pinch, I don't think I need it. I can pick up a 100 lb dog, but not anything heavier. Right now, though, my dogs are both under 20, LOL.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Its a good rule. I just love the giant breeds!! I think the reason my Mom didnt want me to have a large dog is because most of the dogs I wanted(deerhound, wolf hound, danes, ect.) were bigger then me at the time....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hey Rene, Can you PM the name of the American breeder you are refering too.

    And I know what you mean, In the recent years, there has been growth in the cane corso breeder program, They are all over now. And yes a good number of them are ruining the breed. Making them more of a Bandogge, I like Bandogges, but love corso's even more.

    • Gold Top Dog

     They're already in the AKC's rare breeds program. I adore them.

    I know, they don't need to be any further than the FSS. I guess, to me, this is like how the BC owners/breeders/enthusiasts felt.
    • Gold Top Dog

     Great thread. I'm an owner. 

    It seems the Corso right now (in America) is looking more like the Neo (with the wrinkles) and the American Bully (with the blocky head).

     Sad shame, I saw one advertised over 170lbs male, looked a Neo, very huge and wrinkly. It is terribly. It is just like with Pits, you get told your dog is too small for the breed when it is the correct size! So annoying.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a great story Auroralove! I do think molossus are so natural as guard dogs and will protect their family (esp. kids) from any kind of threat!

    • Gold Top Dog


     They're already in the AKC's rare breeds program. I adore them.

    I know, they don't need to be any further than the FSS. I guess, to me, this is like how the BC owners/breeders/enthusiasts felt.


    Not to mention the Aussies...AKC is making them into Golden Retrievers in merle suits:-0

    • Gold Top Dog



     They're already in the AKC's rare breeds program. I adore them.

    I know, they don't need to be any further than the FSS. I guess, to me, this is like how the BC owners/breeders/enthusiasts felt.


    Not to mention the Aussies...AKC is making them into Golden Retrievers in merle suits:-0

    The AKC breeds all the smart out of dogs just so they fit into the cookie-cutter breed standard.