Web Site Agnst- Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    Web Site Agnst- Bonita of Bwana

    I am close to ready to publish my site, I have bought the domain name and it goes on line this weekend..I think.  I know I am way too close to it and can no longer tell if it is informative and funny or just annoying.  So I need a couple of purebred fanciers, (it does not have to be Ridgebackers), that could take a peek and give me a thumbs up or down.

    To make this Breed Oriented, Ridgebackers can be some of the most critical and hard to please folks in the dog world.  And I simply want to avoid falling on my face when it comes out.  If you would like to preview it for me  let me know with a PM and I will send an invite that I think will get you there...


    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm not an RR fancier, but a GSD fancier and do freelance web design so I can take a look...

    • Gold Top Dog
    Another non-hound person, but I do a lot of dog site design for folks, if you want me to take a look. (Won't be home till tomorrow night, am off to the show again tomorrow.)
    • Gold Top Dog

    Definitely send it my way! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I"m a graphics person and a technical writer, and you know I'm a bit involved in my breed (LOL, only a director on the USBCC board).  I would be glad to give you some input. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow you are all too kind!!  Thank you so much for sparing the time to check it out. Let me offer a caveat, it is supposed to be a place that offers some information and positive vibes.  Not a The in standard dog is the only dog worth anything site. ( Way too many of thoes out there). It will advocate spay neuter . It will not be a finger pointing  eioouw look at that faulty wrong dog, more of a check out the unusual variations that can happen in our breed.  I had someone ask me why on earth we would charge for a dog that can't be shown or bred??  Apparently the calls to some other breeders left them thinking the mark up was because the show dogs were the only ones really worth purchasing. So they and a few others indicated they felt we, breeders , should be thrilled someone would take the defective pup off of our hands.  I went to a web seminar and they had some rules and suggestions that seemed silly to me but I went ahead and followed them anyway...we will see.

    The site seems to be working alright, there was a glitch the other day and the techies assured me it was handled.  I have a few friends that are as close as I am to it and then of course my kids checking and proofing it , it still pops up a quirk everynow and then. Do not feel you have to read every word, it is most likely only of any real interest to ridgebackers.  So with a nervous stomach I offer the site for your investigation,,,,


    Please sign the guest book, I activated it last night late,  apparently that will help it show up when entering the name in a search bar.  Your info is safe and will never be sold or shared. I have a privacy program on the site to protect visitors.   If I get a good feeling from all of you I will bite the bullet and offer it to my RR list.  man my stomach may never stop fluttering from nerves over this... I am so not a cyber smart person!

    Fingers crossed,

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    I loved it! I learned a lot. And as always, what a treat to see pics of your beautiful babies!! i think my favorites on there were Zion and Leonidas.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Looks good, but found one typo here - http://www.bwanakennel.com/tailsbitesandkinks.htm


    Pyrometria should be pyometra, no? 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I spent most of the afternoon looking at your website. I also learned alot. And boy did you have some beautiful dogs on there. That brindle one I fell in love with.