More Doodle Mania

    • Gold Top Dog

    More Doodle Mania

    • Gold Top Dog

    Holy ____! That is crazy and did you see the price tag? (Goes to bang head against wall...) 

    • Gold Top Dog
    WOW. Just, wow. Superdoodle? Seriously, $1500 MUTTS?!
    • Gold Top Dog

     WTH?!  That type of cross doesn't really get you much - you can have dogs that look like Labs, GRs, or the original doodles, but nothing new or different imo.  People are sooooo gullible. :(

    • Gold Top Dog

    On the bright side, at least the result doesn't fit in a purse!  Even more than the doodles, I am totally disguisted with the downsizing of already too teeny dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    shamrock I fixed the link so it's "live"...also moved to breeds. Now did anyone see the AUCTION area of the site? If not go to the main homepage which is the URL above and remove everything after .com...the link is right there "No Puppy Left Behind" or something.


    • Gold Top Dog

    "When she failed to have a heat cycle after a year and a half we regarded her as sterile and kept her because she is wonderful. "

    So if she wasnt wonderful they would have throw her out in the street for not being breedable? Oh thats nice.

    Nothing new about these mutts aside from the cheesey name.

    "We offer discounts to the handicapped on puppies to be used as service dogs. "

    • Gold Top Dog


    shamrock I fixed the link so it's "live"...also moved to breeds. Now did anyone see the AUCTION area of the site? If not go to the main homepage which is the URL above and remove everything after .com...the link is right there "No Puppy Left Behind" or something.



    Any puppies left after 3 1/2 months of age (oh, great, a bunch of unsocialized mutts) have the price reduced until they sell - to the highest bidder.  Ugh.  So, Michael Vick can bid on them as bait once the price goes down far enough, and no one would care.  Ya, responsible breeding - just send your pups off to some un-screened home that will hoard them or make them into breeding stock for another Internet puppy mill.  I think that it might be nice to send this site information off to the authorities to have them investigated as a mill, just in case the dogs are not so clean and neat as the web site shows.  This is obviously an enterprise based on greed.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Woops, Thanks for fixing the link, Rwbeagles. I am just at a loss of words for that "breeder." Ick.
    • Gold Top Dog

     I find it odd that there doesn't seem to be any address information...and when you try to get a reverse lookup for the phone # - nothing.  Think it's someone who doesn't WANT you to come look at the parents of your new pup????

    • Gold Top Dog

    Since I didn't see anything about health testing on their site, I'll assume they don't do it.  That leaves the door open to loads of stuff- HD and PRA being at the top of the list.

    "...We had no problems among our goldendoodles, but the list of possible afflictions in the golden retriever gene pool are, sadly, very serious and life threatening. Also, the orthopedic health of both retrievers, Golden and Labrador, are problematic and run deep in their gene pools..."

    Having trouble wording what I want to say, but here goes.  So, following what appears to be their logic, breeding a mixed breed with HD (or PRA) to another mixed breed with HD (or PRA) will make the HD (or PRA) go away.  Makes as much sense to me as saying that all Poodle/Lab (or Golden) don't shed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    WOW. Just, wow. Superdoodle? Seriously, $1500 MUTTS?!

    My thoughts exackly.