Pocket Beagles????

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pocket Beagles????

    All the Beagle-people on this forum....can you answer a question for me?

    I've been seeing Pocket Beagles and Queen Elizabeth Pocket Beagles on www.wral.com under the classifieds for MANY months. And if you googles "dogs for sale" there are tons on those sites too.

    Are they sort of like the Chihuahua's that are being bred smaller, and Smaller, and SMALLER??

    Just sort of wondering....heres a link too....


    ETA -


    apparently different "breeds"........hmmm

    • Gold Top Dog

    according to dogbreedinfo.com

    The smaller Beagle originated in England. Used as a hunting dog, it could travel under shrubs, brush and bushes and were used to hunt small animals such as rabbits. The name Old English Pocket Beagle originated because the hunters would carry the dogs in their saddle bags. It is said these original small size Beagles have become extinct, however they have been re-created and are now being bred once again.

    In a sense, they are bred for size/look/fashion - but they origionally DID have a purpose.

    • Gold Top Dog


    In a sense, they are bred for size/look/fashion - but they origionally DID have a purpose.

    Great....now there going to be the new fad(I hope I'm wrong thou)....A dog little enough for a women to feel girly with it, and "manly" enough for a man to walk.....every couple will be dishing out $2000 to get one.

    • Gold Top Dog

    this really isn't a new breed, and I think the barking deters a lot of people away from them, honestly and thankfully.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Most are mixes of Beagles with another smaller breed like Chi's or Rat Terriers or even Mini Dachs...IMO they are a half hinded attempt to recreate a breed from long ago only with the sole purpose of making money.

    Most people in Beagles know the dangers involved in making the hounds too small. See my post in Health about MLS/CBS with Beagles to see what can come of breeding small to small to smaller to smallest.

    IMO if they use another breed like many are, they are designer dogs...and if they aren't? they're playing a dangerous game with their hound's health.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I know there not 'new' but they are being placed for sale at $2000 a pup....so that translates to a high demand somewhere.

    Thank doG for the Beagle-y bark! LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Gina - I sort of figured that they were being crossed with CHi's and other small dogs. Hmmm.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yep...which makes those dogs...not Beagles. But Beagle mixes.

    • Gold Top Dog


    IMO if they use another breed like many are, they are designer dogs...and if they aren't? they're playing a dangerous game with their hound's health.


    I have two examples of what Gina says on my web site from rescues this year in my breed. Both were attempts to Apartment Size Rhodesians and these attempts fail horribly. The Beagle RR mix was adorable and I would have loved to have kept it.  All others in the litter died very young. The Chihuahua  (yes that's right) Chi RR X was a single survivor of an AI from Chi stud to RR dam and it had 9 dermoids... a life threatening problem in a Big Hound. Yet designers see only the bucks at the end of the dream. It is a sorry , sorry thing.  My Step daughter bought an Old English Pocket Beagle and yes paid BIG bucks for it.... gee imagine my "surprise" when it turned out a lemon colored 14 inch dog a year later.... I think "someone" paid through the nose for something that was misrepresented! I would not buy a designer dog, not simply because I am a purebred aficionado but because I could save a lot more mixes at a shelter for the same money!!

    Sigh ...

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog


    Yep...which makes those dogs...not Beagles. But Beagle mixes.

    LOL....who'da thunk it?! Wink


    Thanks Gina, Bonita, and Erica! I thought it was fishy....