what breed?

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    • Gold Top Dog

    what breed?

     I spent today wandering around the Biltmore Estate in Asheville,NC ex home of George Vanderbilt and there were various family pictures featuring a very large, mostly white, with brown patches, seemingly short haired, flop eared dog.  Almost looked Saint Bernard-ish but shorter hair and more white.

    Any guesses?  Pics would be from early 20th century

    • Gold Top Dog

     Maybe it WAS a Saint?  Breeds have changed a lot, even in that time...wouldn't surprise me if things like longer coat were being bred for now?

    Other than that, no idea, sorry Karen!

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    • Gold Top Dog

     I did think about that Kate - just don't know but when I have the time I am going to try and find some of those pics online and have a better look.  They do not allow pics in the house - and if this is your house I'm guessing it's unlikely your dog is a mutt LOL.  It was a really neat looking dog but not one that the breed jumped out at me - thus everytime I saw another family pic with it I looked harder and harder at the dog - it is very clear that I am dog crazy

    Not sure if this is the same dog featured with the kids but link

    Ah this is the pic that really peaked my interest link second picture on the right hand side!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Interesting!   Check out the size of the paws!  I have no idea, I'm going to try Google and see what I find.

    • Gold Top Dog

    There is a 1902 NY Times article:

    BISHOP DOANE GETS A DOG.; George Vanderbilt Presents a St. Bernard to Take the Lamanted Cluny's Place.

    My computer won't let me open the article:



    That house...WOW!   Looks like a very interesting place to tour!! 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Actualy kinda looks like an American Bulldog. He could be a SB or a mix, since back then people let their dogs breed willynilly.

    Another breed that comes to mind is a Landseer Newf, they seemed to be pretty popular back then.

    • Gold Top Dog

     It really does look like a Saint to me, and according to wikipedia (I thought I remembered this but wanted to confirm) Saints come in smooth coat and rough (long) coat varieties.  Allowing for breed variations over 100 years, that pic with the little girl looks like a smooth coat Saint, it has a lanky look to it but nothing that wouldn't be explained if the dog was still an adolescent.  The article linked above discusses a Saint "from the kennels of George Vanderbilt" so it sounds as though he bred them.

    And Karen, nothing wrong with being dog crazy! LOL.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog



    There is a 1902 NY Times article:

    BISHOP DOANE GETS A DOG.; George Vanderbilt Presents a St. Bernard to Take the Lamanted Cluny's Place.

    My computer won't let me open the article:


    You are awesome!

    The house is amazing - it is all still furnished as it was, is still owned by the Cecil family (married Vanderbilt) and really 'castle-esque' in its size etc. I found the expose on how they made it interesting and as an 'outdoors' person the gardens and all the landscape could keep you busy for days.  I know I am off topic here but lastly the landscape was designed by Olmstead which is the guy that did Central Park in NY.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If I am ever in that area, I am definitely taking a tour. It looks AMAZING, I think it would definitely be fascinating to see!   I was spending a long time on the website just checking it out, really cool!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think it is probably a smooth-coated St. Bernard.  I found a painting of a smooth-coated Saint that's older, and it looks quite similar. 




    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes, that's a Saint.  They weren't quite as massive and "heady" as they are now (no dogs were, actually).

    Biltmore is amazing.  I guess you are seeing the Christmas decorations, too?  I'd love to do that but I just can't justify the expense.  Or I'd love to do Michaelmas.  I've been twice, once in summer and once in early spring.  The last time, I treated my mom and sisters who had just moved here from CA and they were just floored.  It takes a lot to impress a native San Franciscan! 

    My favorite part is the gardens.  And the views from the promenades.  The house was quite lovely but if I had lived there you couldn't have gotten me indoors most of the year. 

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    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd love to do that but I just can't justify the expense.

    My Mom comes to visit every year about this time and whines I want to go to Biltmore, I went many years ago and like yourself the house is an amazing place but I could spend weeks outside and I too didn't want to spend $100+ to get in.  But Mom is getting older and I just decided I would do it and then I totally lucked out when a colleague of DH was able to get complimentary passes Big Smile 

    I thought too that the pic with GV and dog looked very saint but the one with the daughter is such a splay footed beast, cracked me up.