Am Bulls - Need to Know! :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Am Bulls - Need to Know! :)

     My soon-to-be neighbor and good friend just adopted a rescue American Bulldog, purebred, sired by a "Grand Champion" from Texas (sad story - mismarked puppies sold to a family who ended up neglecting them severely).

    This nine month old female is the most amazing dog.  I'm not a novice dog person - I've seen tons of dogs and I'm not easily surprised.  "Emma" just kept astounding me over and over.

    I know it's a breed that is bred for (among other things) family/estate guarding.  In this respect, Emma's got the most perfect instincts I've ever seen.  One DAY ONE with this family she had all the characters sorted out.  She was fetching with the eight year old girl who plays with her.  She was very alert and concerned about the seven year old boy who gets into trouble.  She was gentle with and basically pretended to ignore the timid 4 year old boy. 

    And with the 18 month old baby who is hell on wheels, she followed him around and let him get in a sly push or tug of the ear every time his mom wasn't looking.  When he was nursing, she climbed on the couch beside mom, and deliberately put her head under his foot and let him kick her with his other foot.  At another point, she was sitting on the couch and he was standing directly in front of her and the girl threw the toy.  She started to go, then settled back and just watched the girl throw the toy for their rat terrier.  The only way to get out was to run over the baby and she refused to do that.

    This is the first home she's been in with children of any kind, by the way - except possibly the breeder.  She is smart, working smart - lots of brain power combined with an eagerness to please and tons of self control.  I apologize to you smooshy face lovers but it's not the kind of braininess something I associate with that kind of face!

    Is this normal?  Or is Emma just an incredible dog?  If this is normal, how has this breed escaped becoming America's next Golden Retriever?  Tell me more, Am Bull lovers!

    • Gold Top Dog

    All of the American Bulldogs that I know are just like Emma. 

    As pups, they are very active, but, for pups, they are very level headed.  They are whip smart, & they are capable of making associations, both positive & negative, very quickly. 

    Unfortunately, here at least, they are being overbred very quickly.  Many of our "thug want to be's" have moved away from pitties in favor of American Bulldogs, because of the Am. Bullies larger size.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've only known one, he was in the same therapy dog class as Rex and I last summer.  He was a rescue also, his name is Bo.  He is one smart dog.  I swear the instructor started to talk to him instead of the owner. Kidding aside, we were all in love with him by the end of the class.  He is doing great in therapy from what I hear.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've known a few.

    The most recent one I came across was a purchased pet store pup. Now - that  dog was scary. Many dogs do NOT scare me - but he definately put the fear of doG in me. He lunged, snapped, and was horribly human aggressive. I was very thankful there was a sturdy kennel fence between him and I every time I walked passed. He was a gorgeous boy - and it was a total shame what he had become. He was not rehabable, and was miserable in the kennel....He was surrendered because he wouldn't let anyone in the house except his shame.

    The others have been total dolls. Protective, but loving. DumDog on here from FL that has two and I love seeing pictures of her crew.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a friend who's father breeds american bulldogs. He breeds them for schuzthund ( I probably spelled that wrong). His dogs were amazing, very energetic, since they are schuzthund dogs, but so smart, willing to please, etc. We were really looking at getting one of them, my fiance fell in love with them, but I just thought Rotties were cuter Dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

     in my experience the females are typically for motherly or "Nanna" like with children. many of you have heard me talk about Lady the Am.Bull my grandparents had back in the early 80's (back when this breed was known only as the White English or Old Southern White.. or just plain old Bulldog) Lady was my baby sitter in the literal sense. my grand parents were probably playing a dangerous game by leaving me ALONE with this dog while they were tending their garden. According to both of my grandparents during the time when they were taking care of me and my brother when we were little i would be placed on a pallet outside under a tree and Lady would lie next to me. if i crawled off she would lie down in front of me. in the house she was my constant companion and face washer.

    i always wished i had been born in 1970 so i could have had one of those pups for myself. i loved Lady..

    So is it any wonder that i HAD to have an Am.Bull for my boys? 

    from the first day we got Kaydee she guarded my house AND me(7months pregnant at the time) she followed me like a shadow to all rooms of the house. waited at the window if i was outside. always slept on my side of the bed. After the baby was born she would sleep outside his bedroom. when he was having tummy time she would lie down to lick him or just be close. when he was old enough to be in the johnny jumper she would purposely lie UNDER him so he could jump on her.....

    • Gold Top Dog

     Dumdog, I love Kaydee! she is a beautiful dog. An american bulldog is probably in my top 5 favorite breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    So many of you have the most beautilful dogs!!! I love just looking through the posts at the dog pics. I have to figure out how to put a picture on here.

    My question is, how are they with other dogs, especially when they haven't grown up with that particular dog? Julie

    • Gold Top Dog

     I've only owned one and known some others. I will say that somewhat it is the character of the breed. They can be very smart dogs naturally, thinking, maternal, ect. This goes the same for APBTs. This description could easily fit some of mine, with the thinking and all, the way with children, ect. You will find these as traits of many bully breeds although not all will have the same depth nor be this way 100% of the time. I also find this type of behavior often in some of the mastiffs. I'm sure there are good dogs like this in other breeds too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My question is, how are they with other dogs, especially when they haven't grown up with that particular dog? Julie


    mine are good as long they meet dogs on neutral territory or if the the dog is the opposite gender. Ben wont tolerate a strange adult male on the property, and the same goes for Kaydee with females. they are both suckers for puppies however. 

    i dont know if thats true of all Ambulls though. i just know thats so with my own. i got them as adults and had nothing to do with their early social lives or training. i suppose like any breed you can teach them how to tolerate strange dogs. but if the other dog is too dominant or starts the fight first the Ambull will not forget.

    a common theme among most bulldog owners is "A bully may not start the fight but they can and will finish it" .. .which is why most bully owners will avoid dog parks or places where dogs are allowed to run loose. all it takes is for one mutt with an attitude problem to wake up the gladiator hidden deep inside your docile fat lazy bulldog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks Dumdog. That sounds like it makes perfect sense. Julie