Foster boy what breed

    • Gold Top Dog

    Foster boy what breed

     Have to figure out what to put up on petfinder when putting this little fellow up. He's the cutest little guy. About the size of a Boston maybe just a bit bigger. His body is a bit longer than tall. The long hair is mostly just around his neck and some of the upper body and head. It's almost as if he has a funny looking mane. The rest of his coat his short. I don't have him at home. I can't bring anymore home...I've failed fostering 101 too many times and we are full at this Inn, for now anyway. This little cutey is at the Boarding kennel that belongs to one of our members. He was a stray picked up by one of our local dog controls. We got him from the shelter. Since I still haven't figure out how to set my computer to allow me to post HTML, here are 3 links to photobucket where you can see pictures. If anyone would post them here for me, I'd be thankful for that as well.¤t=hiram3.jpg /a>¤t=hiram2.jpg¤t=hiram1-1.jpg
    • Gold Top Dog

    Ummm....Terrier and All-American Mutt!!!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd say maybe Boston and mini schnauzer?


    • Gold Top Dog

     yeah i was gonna say boston and schauzer too.... or maybe.... chiapet?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Does he EVER look like Ginny..."The Dog Who Rescued Cats"....check out the book cover at Amazon...think she was a Husky/Schnauzer and bigger but the random wire hair and etc are so similar!


    • Gold Top Dog

     Thanks Gina for posting the pictures. Good call. I knew I could rely on you. You and I both usually guess pretty much the same on breeds. I don't always post but I follow, especially the guess the breed threads. Try to keep in practice for figuring out our own fosters. I forgot all about that dog. Maybe that is why this little fellow looked so familiar to me. It is probably just a guess on that dog too, as he was rescued from a shelter. I do think though, that you can definitely see Schnauzer in that dog, with the shape of the head and some of the coloring. I can maybe see Husky in him as well, or something along that line. Course there may be several breeds. Since it looks pretty much like he has schnauzer and he has that strange coat...though thicker than our guys, but still very similar, maybe one of the breeds in our little fellow is schnauzer. That was one of the breeds on my mind. His head and face are more round like the Boston and to me it looks as though the pattern in the face is more Boston. He is Brindle in color, along with the white. I've been thinking of putting Boston, as the first breed, and then maybe schnauzer, but just wanted some others thoughts on it. Seems as though some others have thought Boston as well. You have to have some breed listed for petfinder. And usually once you put the breed and people see it, then it just seems to be that is what the dog is for sure, so I try really hard to come up with some accurate breed ideas. We can't be sure. It is a guessing game, but we can try to do our best.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh yes I could definitely see Boston Schnauzer and these BYB's seem to LOVE both of those breeds...ish! He is chock FULL of character, your guy.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Could be a Bosti-poo. Boston terrier/poodle mix. Sometimes they come out with the random weirdly wirely hair.