Breed guess Apollo!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed guess Apollo!

    Alrighty.....I always wanted to do this on Apollo but never got around to it....

    What do you think he is? Any guesses?
    So far I've heard poorly bred Lab and Lab/hound.


    • he's 110lbs
    • longer than tall
    • heavy boned
    • lots of loose skin under his neck
    • has somewhat of a fluff butt (not like Coke). It's hair that's just a little longer than the rest of his fur.
    • has white under his paws, in his ears, and a little under his tail
    • big, thick paws
    • has a long tail that curves up
    • frequently howls/has a very deep bark
    • has a very long muzzle/large nose
    • has somewhat small eyes for his large head- and he does have a big ol' head!
    • very bright. He can pick up any command with a few reps.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Lab/Great Dane.  Yeah, I know, it doesn't match the "fluff" part, but I've seen some Labs with really thick coats that could be described as slightly fluffy.  Some black Labs have white under their paws- it's called bolo marks (see what I learn hanging out on Lab boards?  LOL)  The howling doesn't mean as much as some might think- the Brittany across the street from us howls like a Siberian. 

    • Gold Top Dog


    Some black Labs have white under their paws- it's called bolo marks (see what I learn hanging out on Lab boards?  LOL)

    Wee! Learn something new everyday! Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would guess Lab/Dane too, but I have seen pure bred Labs that looked like Apollo.  They don't come anywhere near the standard but lots of people love the supersized Labs. Here in Texas you see ads all the time for Labs that read: "Dad weighs 110 lbs, etc.) Who knows how really pure these dogs are but he could be pure bred on paper, so to speak. I have owned Labs that were pure bred and I am 99.9% sure they were totally Lab for many generations, that had tails almost like a hound. The heads were not the blocky head but narrower and the muzzle somewhat pointy. Whatever he is, he sure is handsome. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    He appears to be purebred Lab to me. Some hound breeds that come to mind that he might have in him are: Bloodhound, Blue Tick Coonhound, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and Redbone Coon Hound.


    EDIT: lol weird typo. Thats what I get for typing and talking on the phone at the same time.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd have to agree, Lab/Dane, Pure Lab, or maybe Lab/Hound/Dane.....whatever he is, he's handsome!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aww, thanks guys for calling my boy handsome!

    It's funny when people ask me what he is and I'm like "I dunno, Lab something!" they look at me like "O-M-G this girl doesn't even know anything about her dog!" Haha!

    • Puppy


    I appears to be purebred Lab to me. Sound hound breeds that come to mind that he might have in him are: Bloodhound, Blue Tick Coonhound, Chesapeake Bay Retriever, and Redbone Coon Hound.

    I hope he is not 100% Lab, at that weight he would be a, he doesn't look it.

    He looks to be a Lab/ Great Dane mix.


    • Gold Top Dog

    My uncle had a full lab named bubba and he is was tall...  the tallest lab I ever saw, he was a big boy.  I say all lab!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I hope he is not 100% Lab, at that weight he would be a fatty.....

    Sadly, that's not so true anymore.  Unfortunately, I'm seeing more and more Labs that are way over the standard in height and weight, and not all of them are overweight.  Sad

    Someone listed hound breeds that could possibly be in Apollo's mix- just something I caught there- Chesapeake Bay Retrievers aren't hounds.  Wink 


    • Gold Top Dog

    I never thought of a Dane because I always assumed dane mixes are on the very tall side (like Bugsy). But our vet did suggest that and hound on the first visit. I guess he has some dane like features...I wish you guys could see his paws and head because they're really huge, lol! And you know what they say about dogs with big paws.....

    ......big paw prints! Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog

    hope he is not 100% Lab, at that weight he would be a, he doesn't look it.

    Well, that's insulting!  And not true! 

    • Puppy


    hope he is not 100% Lab, at that weight he would be a, he doesn't look it.

    Well, that's insulting!  And not true! 


    I think you don't understand what I was trying to say. I said he would be a fatty if he was all Lab ( standard that is), and then I said he doesn't look it, fat that is. Where is the insult?

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's funny when people ask me what he is and I'm like "I dunno, Lab something!" they look at me like "O-M-G this girl doesn't even know anything about her dog!" Haha!


    When people ask me about Belle, I say she's a Labbish. LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks so lab in your sig, but you can't tell his size or see his back end.  He's gorgeous!  Love the sleek coat.

    I have no idea what Coke is either, and honestly it sometimes irks me when strangers constantly pester about it or have to keep guessing.  Who knows?!  He's a mix of at LEAST three breeds, I know that, because his mom (who was pulled from a shelter) was a mix.