Ridgeback website Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ridgeback website Bonita of Bwana

    Okie Dokie, so far I have had really great feed back and I think I may be able to breathe through the weirdness of asking everyone on I Dog to check out my site, I am going to ask that you sign the guest book, After about 24-48 hours I will finally release it to the RR community. If I have enough nice or accepting comments I am hoping the more snarky members will bite their tongues and behave . They can be the original  "If you can't say anything nice" folks...

    So any one with extra time to scan and surf here is my site, please do not feel obilgated to read every word, it is a monster site, I am only hoping it will come off as amusing, eduational and positive...everything else I will work on. There is more about the basic RR than most of you ever wanted to know!!

    check it out at :    http://www.bwanakennel.com/  or the other RR related site for our mentors who's special need child nearly drowned this summer, she has come so far ...from a nearly vegitative state  

    all but really wonderful baby steps in the right direction!!  http://www.freewebs.com/rebeccalyonwinford/   I am also working on two more sites. One for fun, about RVing and cooking on the road for fun and food raisers.... Nothing like trying to cook for a really tough audience!!  And yet another for a Rescue site. The group is a ferociously independent one and The founder is often a total curmongeon... He believes the National Breed club and Breeders are the death marker of the breed. I will ask all of you to check that site out as well, in a few days. I do not agree with his views but if I set it up well I can turn it over to him and he can vent all he wants. But I will know I gave his organization a gift they really need. Is that really egotistical??? I hope not! But I am realistic and know it is a chance...........

    Fingers Crossed for best posibilities right ??? 


    Bonita of Bwana



    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     Hey Bonita I just flipped through lots of your site it looks great! Two little editing things I noticed - don't kill me I can't help but notice these things - Recipes is a typo I think it says recipies and there are two different fonts on the weight page.

    More importantly to me I really enjoyed looking all the informative pictures and accompanying text.  I love RR's and found it fascinating to see the color variations.  I knew the wheaten could vary and that some are ridgeless but never knew about the chocolate or doberman like coloring.  Question for you did I see some spots on a white blaze?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I sent you a PM....

    The only thing I noticed is the RR puppies page has a different background.

    What did you use to make the photo galleries?

    • Gold Top Dog

    I signed. Now I am no expert but guestbooks CAN give spammers an "in" and some viruses too I think??...maybe Lies or a more web site savvy person can lemme know on that. I don't have them on my site...but I did sign yours and enjoyed the site!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know about the typo, it is one of those words that I just never, ever spell right !!   I went in to correct it  yesterday, deleted the word then re - mis-spelled it !!  I think I am determined to make every one spell and drive like me!!

    Did not notice the font mess up Thank you for pointing it out, That stuff drives me nuts too so I appreciate your pointing it out to me  Waving

    And yes you saw Spots or "freckles"  Most large white areas on puppies will freckle in, sometimes to the point of erasing the white all together.  The white blaze is a throw back thing, I have seen RRs with Basenji Stockings,  Boxer chest and throat white and even slippers all around. They are interesting looking aren't they?


    • Gold Top Dog

    I signed. Now I am no expert but guestbooks CAN give spammers an "in" and some viruses too I think??...maybe Lies or a more web site savvy person can lemme know on that. I don't have them on my site...but I did sign yours and enjoyed the site


     Thanks Gina, and yes you are right , some web hosts offer zero protection , just space.  I pay a premium for privacy protection for my "guests"   ,  and the Techs also assure me that it will take care of viruses too...  Since I am sooo not cyber savvy I go out of my way to find folks who are.  I appreciate you checking the site out, it means a lot !!  I am working on a companion site for it, the new one will have RV'ing and Cooking tips and tricks for the dog showing crowd. And of course a million photos of dogs and kids...

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog


    I signed. Now I am no expert but guestbooks CAN give spammers an "in" and some viruses too I think??...maybe Lies or a more web site savvy person can lemme know on that. I don't have them on my site...but I did sign yours and enjoyed the site!


    I don't use guestbooks or forums on any of my domains anymore.  I've never used the freebie forums anyway, I use ones that are coded well and available through the domain host, but it's just not worth the time it takes to manage securely.  Once the bots are on to your guestbook you will be hounded 24/7.  I also have comment control enabled on my blogs (because I allow non-users to comment since I'm the only one that posts to my blog), and I probably get about 50 spam comments a day just on one blog.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bleah.  Maybe you can use the guestbook for a month or so and then take it down?  I did leave you a comment.  Smile 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Its ia nice site, Bonita! I like the story about Bwana on the homepage. I do photo manips(on gimp) in my spare time and can help out if you want any simple manips done to any pics. ;)