Breed guess Apollo!

    • Gold Top Dog

    and then I said he doesn't look it, fat that is. Where is the insult?

    That explains it.  Sounded like you commented on his weight and then implied that he couldn't be all Lab.  Sorry, but I have a pure bred Lab too who is a big boy; and not fat.  Caught me in a bad moment.  Embarrassed

    BTW, Apollo looks 100% Labbie to me!

    • Silver

    I would say mostly lab if not 100%.

    • Gold Top Dog

     He looks all lab to me too, just a big one!

    • Gold Top Dog
    It's funny when people ask me what he is and I'm like "I dunno, Lab something!" they look at me like "O-M-G this girl doesn't even know anything about her dog!" Haha!

    I prefer to call Pirate a 'Greater Smyrnan Dune Terrier'. It's a very, veeery rare breed.

    And I am going to call Apollo 100% Handsome!

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks all lab to me too...and I was thinking he looks like Buddy. I know 110 lbs is way over the standard for a lab, but every one I've ever seen has been huge, so his size doesn't seem that unusual to me. I'm guessing there are alot of people breeding over sized labs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...I'm guessing there are alot of people breeding over sized labs.

    Unfortunately, yes, there is.  Sad

    • Gold Top Dog

     Amalgamated Pot Hound?


    lol sorry, thats a line stolen from Old Yeller and Savage Sam Embarrassed

    • Gold Top Dog

    Aw, thanks guys for saying my boy is handsome!

    It means alot to me because in the shelter he was unwanted and big black dogs usually are.

    And thanks for all the guesses! If I had money to throw away I would do a DNA test, lol!


    • Gold Top Dog


    ...And thanks for all the guesses! If I had money to throw away I would do a DNA test, lol!

    You've probablty gotten more accurate guess here than those DNA tests will give you.  Apollo's resutls would probably come back as Chi being the dominate breed.  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog



    ...And thanks for all the guesses! If I had money to throw away I would do a DNA test, lol!

    You've probablty gotten more accurate guess here than those DNA tests will give you.  Apollo's resutls would probably come back as Chi being the dominate breed.  LOL

    Haha, I know!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     My guess would be lab/hound probably bloodhound. I think his snout and head shape remind me of bloodhound and they are very heavy boned (at least the ones I have seen)  Those pics you posted the other day with his tennis ball I REALLY thought bloodhound in his profile.  His stop is not as pronounced as a dane or a lab IMHO

    I saw a ginormous lab/dane mix last year @150lbs heavy boned, LONG, and about B's height - it and every other 'known' lab/dane mix has a fairly square head that I don't see in Apollo

    in an aside I have given up on B's mix LOL

    • Gold Top Dog


     My guess would be lab/hound probably bloodhound. I think his snout and head shape remind me of bloodhound and they are very heavy boned (at least the ones I have seen)  Those pics you posted the other day with his tennis ball I REALLY thought bloodhound in his profile.  His stop is not as pronounced as a dane or a lab IMHO

    Lab/Bloodhound is exactly what his first vet said he thought he was too. The way Apollo's neck skin stretches is pretty unbelieveable...I can almost wrap it around his head like a scarf, lol!

    • Gold Top Dog


    He looks so lab in your sig, but you can't tell his size or see his back end.  He's gorgeous!  Love the sleek coat.

    I have no idea what Coke is either, and honestly it sometimes irks me when strangers constantly pester about it or have to keep guessing.  Who knows?!  He's a mix of at LEAST three breeds, I know that, because his mom (who was pulled from a shelter) was a mix.

     That is the funny thing - most mixes ARE mixes of more than one breed but people always assume that mices must be between two purebreds. Multi-generatin mix describes many shelter dogs better than "X and X" does.

     As for Apollo, it is hard to say with Lab and Lab mixes. I have seen purebred labs that looked like Apollo (and have seen lots of BIG Labs) but I have seen Lab mixes that were very Labby looking too.