Rough collies - experiences

    • Gold Top Dog

    Rough collies - experiences

    I grew up with a rough collie who was absolutely wonderful with everyone, but I wonder if this is the norm???

    The collies that I've met since then have also been wonderful dogs, but maybe I'm just running into the good ones?

    Tell me your collie experiences! :-)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have loved every collie I have ever met too.  We think our dog Misty is a collie mix, and she is THE best and sweetest dog I have ever had! (I have had 5 dogs and I'm in my 40's)

    • Gold Top Dog

    They are absolutely WONDERFUL. :)


    Kaylee, my service dog, is a rough collie (as was her predecessor.) 

    This is my current houseguest, Pebbles. She's a littermate to my smooth boy, Malcolm, and half-sister to Kaylee. 


    And so she doesn't feel left out, Kaylee & Pebbs' aunt (littermate of their mom), Rittie, who is currently expecting puppies by a really beautiful rough boy, Mac. 

    Here's Mac :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Off topic - Pwca, how is that litter doing??

    On topic - I've never met any collies(rough or smooth), but I've heard there quite the personality!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Off topic - Pwca, how is that litter doing??

    On topic - I've never met any collies(rough or smooth), but I've heard there quite the personality!


    She's due around the 27th-28th. (Vet felt that she did not take on the first breeding but the second or third based on palpation @ 30 days)



    • Gold Top Dog

    They are absolutely WONDERFUL. :)


    Kaylee, my service dog, is a rough collie (as was her predecessor.) 

    This is my current houseguest, Pebbles. She's a littermate to my smooth boy, Malcolm, and half-sister to Kaylee. 


    And so she doesn't feel left out, Kaylee & Pebbs' aunt (littermate of their mom), Rittie, who is currently expecting puppies by a really beautiful rough boy, Mac. 

     Here's Mac :)

    Wow, gorgeous dogs!! And trainable too - in order to become a service dog!

    If you don't mind my asking, what sort of tasks does Kaylee perform as a service dog?

    I assume the temperaments on these collies are as superb as their looks? I have always wanted to get a collie again, but one that is well-bred (last one had hip dys at a young age and then eye problems later on) for both health, temperament, and type.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Kaylee is a medical alert dog. (Check your PMs.)


    And yes, temperament is awesome on these guys. :P Mac is a half-brother to my smooth boy Mal and Pebbles and he's very sweet and VERY stable. (I'd like a little more drive, but some of that is training and ENCOURAGING a dog to be drivey. :P)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I dog sat on a regular basis for a female rough Collie, the same colors as Lassie.  Her name was Diva.  She was a GREAT dog.  She was very smart, gentle, very easy to take care of.  She was just a really, really nice dog.  She always got tons of attention when I walked her.

    One time I was sitting, there was a big snow storm and we had to move her to another sitters home.  She rode with her bed and her other stuff in my husbands truck with him and I to the house and she did great.  That was a sort of scary experience, I would of thought for her but she just took it in stride.  A very stable girl for sure. 

    I would definately consider one of my own after that experience.  She was damn near perfect. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    As a young child I would visit my grandma's dairy farm in Iowa for a week each summer.She had a  sable rough collie named Ringo who was always more interesting to me than anything else there.As is the case with many farm dogs he could have been better cared for.He was very gentle and I remember spending many hours trying to work the matts out of his coat with my fingers.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I had a rough, black tri collie as a kid. She was very calm and gentle. I remember going out on the back porch with her after getting in trouble for something or another. I sat there and cried while she just laid her head in my lap. We had to move to an apartment for a few months so she moved in with my grandparents. When we moved back to a normal house, my grandparens asked to keep her as they'd gotten very attached. I would definately consider getting one again some day (though my husband suspects this is only because I'm a Texas A&M fanatic!)

    • Gold Top Dog

     I had a female rough collie named Sadi from when I was 7 to 17.  She was the LOVE of my life, and absolutely one of the best dogs I've ever had the privlege of having.  Because of my experiences with her, I will definitely have another collie again. 

    From my experiences with Sadi and meeting other collies, the breed really is quite fantastic.  While no dog is Lassie, there's a lot of truth in terms of temperament and intelligence.  Sadi was very ladylike, always calm and gracious.  She willingly tolerated all of us kids growing up, as well as other peoples' children.  All of the other pets (cats, birds, etc) were absoutely safe from her, she seemed to understand that they were part of the family too.  

    She always seemed to know who needed her, and would stay by that person's side until she deemed that they were feeling better.  And she NEVER strayed from the yard or from your side.  She was definitely the epitome of a family dog, and I was absoutely devastated when she passed on.  

    I can't wait until I have another collie someday!  (perhaps as a friend for Nike? Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

     Never met a collie I haven't liked.  They really are a great dogs as far as temperment, intelligence, and loyalty all rolled into one.  My parents had a rough collie by the name of Socrates and I'm always hearing stories of how clever he was.  Unfortunatly I don't remember him since I was only a toddler when he passed away from old age. 

    My dad was in the police force at the time they got him, and they let my mom take Socrates and join in the dog classes with the other trainees, for fun.  Apparently he was a natural and excelled at everything from the opstical courses to the human search/rescue work.  She did everything with him the class did minus the bitework.

    • Gold Top Dog


    Krissim Klaw

     Never met a collie I haven't liked. 

    Ditto.  My mom's best friend had one when I was young, and truthfully, the dog was too good for them - didn't get nearly enough attention and exercise, but a great temperament and very handsome dog.  Up until a few years ago, my friend had two Collies on her farm that would greet us when we came for hay.  A bit more reserved, but great, smart dogs nevertheless.