

A kennel specifically for long term members to chat
Sat, Dec 16 2017 4:41 PM
We seem to be history. I enjoyed this place while it lasted, and enjoyed getting to know some of you. Merry Christmas, Seasons Greetings, Live long and prosper. Doug
14.8K views 4 replies 1 likes


Thu, Dec 14 2017 3:57 PM
It is sad that the place essentially disappeared! I post now on some. And of course FB!
Sat, Dec 16 2017 9:02 AM
I agree, Doug. It's been sad to see this forum go. This fall has been difficult. In late October, my big boy Rock died from complications after emergency surgery for bloat. Then, my sweet Ronnie died in early December after a battle with cancer that had spread throughout his body. On the positive... more
Sat, Dec 16 2017 4:41 PM
Sorry about the dogs. Always hurts, but like lemmings, we head back and get some more.
Mon, May 29 2017 5:39 PM
Once again, we are the proud parents of a clutc h of purple finches. My wife hangs a wreath in our outer entry area, under the roofed area, and every year we get at least one clutch. When I picked up the paper this morning, one of the birds was standing on the edge of the nest watching me. Now, they are all gone. Ungrateful little wretches. We will clean up the wreath and see if another nest gets built. Went to the dog park today-Sky gets another bath . There is a low ground that holds water... more
26.9K views 9 replies 0 likes


Wed, May 17 2017 9:24 PM
About 12 miles to Skyline, which is actually a residential area incorporated as a city but contracting with Mankato for police, fire, and school . The area is actually a river bluff with one access road up the hill. Nice quiet area to live in and lots of money up there. Nobody got hurt and apparently... more
Mon, May 29 2017 3:05 PM
Glenda shared the following on Saturday and asked me to post it here: I just learned that Anne Springer died today and wanted to post to chat but can't find it. Would you please share the sad news? All I really know is that she was hospitalized with an aneurysm and taken off life support and passed... more
Mon, May 29 2017 5:39 PM
THanks so much Kate! This site isnt Glenda friendly! There will be a service sometime in June according to h er cousin. I'd very much like to be there and will share the details when I have them.
Sat, Apr 29 2017 9:23 PM
It is snowing in my yard right now. Snowed overnight on the blooming tulips. Not a pleasant day. The dog park will be all mud. On the plus side, I don't thinkI will mow the lawn today.
17.2K views 4 replies 0 likes


Sat, Apr 29 2017 11:10 AM
Snow?!? Oh my goodness! Are your apple trees OK? Not sure when they bloom, but I know you've had great harvests in the past. We've had a ton of rain here (though not like the storms in Arkansas and Texas!). I've been working in the garden (I call it dirt therapy :-) and have picked asparagus... more
Sat, Apr 29 2017 11:45 AM
Apples are getting ready to bloom, so they are okay. The apricot bloomed and my wife claims to have seen bees. Tulips are taking a beating from the weather and from our herd of bunnies, even with Skys' valiant attempts to catch them. Pie plant (rhubarb) is looking really good. Strawberries are running... more
Sat, Apr 29 2017 9:23 PM
gosh. Had been forevet since I have had a notification. Glad this place is still surviving! Life has been busy. My granddaughters par ents are divorcing. She told him she was in love with someone else on feb 13. March 8 sheamd the bf went to Costa Rica for a vacation. She is 10 or 11 weeks pregnant... more
Tue, Mar 7 2017 10:04 AM
Had a nice walk in the WMA down by the river. Snow is mostly gone and the ground was dry. Almost up to freezing. Sky was smiling at the chance to really use the nose and stretch out and run. Good exercise for me too. Changed to Chicken Soup for the Soul dog food. Sky seems to have more energy, which is a mixed blessing.
28.2K views 12 replies 0 likes


Mon, Mar 6 2017 10:53 PM
Kate I am so sorry to hear about your Mom's passing. (((Hugs))) big hugs for Mozey too. Nice to see he has given both you and your Mom some comfort
Mon, Mar 6 2017 11:33 PM
Kate -- I am SO sorry ... having been there in the last year ... it is just such a tough time. *hugs*
Tue, Mar 7 2017 10:04 AM
I am sorry for your loss. Even when expected, it hurts.
Tue, Feb 7 2017 12:21 PM
Good Morning all, am I surprised to be the first for a Feb thread. We let Rocky's gotcha day go by very quietly, I am sure Ron doesn't even remember what day it is. It was ground hog day in 2008 that we drove 100 miles to go check out that "Newfoundland Pup" that I fell in love with just seeing him on Pet Finder. As we all now know he was a Lab but still loved so much. I find that I miss him a lot and still think of him often. Garth is being a very good brother to Trisha... more
12.6K views 2 replies 0 likes


Mon, Feb 6 2017 4:09 PM
H ello hello! Ive actually thot about getting here but thats as far as I got! We had a great time the last week of J anuary . Because the 24th was the fifth anniversary of Mikes death Rob Asked if he could come down and be with us...and of course Isabella came too! Nothing like our adorable girl... more
Tue, Feb 7 2017 12:21 PM
I am sorry you guys and sounds like Doug too are having such cold temps. We set a record High yesterday and looks like today will do the same. Supposed to be 72. I guess it is the time of years for Moms, mine has also been in the hospital 2x's in 2 weeks. They finally came to the conclusion she... more
Fri, Jan 20 2017 8:07 PM
Bel ated Happy New Year everyone. Mom ended up back in the hospital on New Year's Eve day and was just released on Thursday. Seems she had accumulated more fluid in her lungs plus some pneumonia to make things extra special. She was in ICU 4 or 5 days, then moved to the regular unit. The dogs are sleeping away as I type this--Ronnie is doing some new obedience stuff (here at home--nothing fancy or formal classes or anything like that). He seems to love it, and he's pretty good at it... more
19K views 10 replies 0 likes


Thu, Jan 19 2017 6:42 PM
Tracy I was wondering earlier today where you were. I actually had that conversation 11years ago and she got very agitated even though she was totally out of it. When I called the n ext morning to see how she was doing she was up in a chair eating her breakfast. very lucid and almost completely... more
Fri, Jan 20 2017 7:53 PM
Glenda, I'm glad to hear your Mom is doing as well as can be expected. Being overly medicated definitely makes the dementia symptoms seem even more severe. We've noticed that, too. However, when they take her off some of the drugs, she becomes very distraught and agitated, even belligerent. So... more
Fri, Jan 20 2017 8:07 PM
Aging parents is SOOO Not for cowards! I've said that for years ... that said, it has made David and I **adamant** that we are going to make SURE this house is ready for us as we age. So our quality of life won't be diminished by things like a lack of ramps or accessibility. My Mom was SO terrified... more
Thu, Jan 19 2017 4:44 PM
We seem to be fading away. Once, we had an active vibrant community. Then we got improved. Warm weather in MN. Dog park was crowded over the weekend. Actually walked the sidewalks with Sky today. He found a bunny at the park, but called off it easily. He knows they can run faster than he can. Our house has new siding now. All the outside surfaces have been replaced now-doors, windows, roof. Only thing we have left is re routing the rain drain system . State law says it can not connect... more
18.7K views 9 replies 0 likes


Thu, Jan 19 2017 10:05 AM
In the pre-conversation "interview" with David *I* said "Love me? Love my dogs!" and David said "I don't dance!" 20 years later we are still trying hard not to change each other LOL ... it just gets a tad more difficult the more set in our ways we become. rotf laughing
Thu, Jan 19 2017 11:06 AM
January and the thermometer is going to 40F. Snow melt going down the street and heavy fog. Drops of water coming off the trees, and I don't think I want Sky running through the run off at the dog park today, He smelled funky yesterday. Probably start getting reports of cars going through the ice... more
Thu, Jan 19 2017 4:44 PM
I posted a long post in the other January thread but just wanted to say hello over here and concur that it's a bummer that we don't have as much activity on the site, but I'm glad it's not totally gone. Even though I don't post as often, I think of all of you frequently. I don't... more
Sun, Jan 1 2017 8:06 AM
Starting to get cold out. Ran Sky at the WMA and the puddles had ice. Grass is still green. We are getting the house resided. The old steel has a lot of years on it and is peeling. Glad I don't have to work outside any more. Apparently my wife is getting old. Her AARP card arrived. Wife is trying a new craft-engraving rocks. Using a rotary tool and limestone blocks, she is attempting to make a welcome stone marker for my son featuring a moose. Could be neat, or i could be sleeping in... more
31.7K views 15 replies 0 likes


Sat, Dec 31 2016 7:11 PM
Happy New Year to everyone! I'm pretty sure I'll be in bed by 10, but maybe I'll make it to midnight. The dogs are already all curled up on their beds. The wind has picked up quite a bit so they aren't too excited about going outside. Mom is back in the hospital--more fluid on her lungs... more
Sat, Dec 31 2016 8:46 PM
Kate I am so sorry your Mom is back in the hospital. You have my good thots and prayers. Our only "special" is to go to a movie tonight. The idiots are all outside letting off firecrackers and poor Charlie HATES IT so much. But at this point he's more "resigned" than actively... more
Sun, Jan 1 2017 8:06 AM
H appy new year everyone! Its not easy to look back on 2016 and count blessings since it was not onw of our better years but I came up with a few...isabwlla Rose was birn, mim survived an energency appendectomy and Ryan is now a departme nt head. . Oh and i luved through several more nasty allwegic... more
Thu, Dec 1 2016 9:52 AM
It's hard to believe we're already into the first weekend of November! I tried to stay up for the 7th game of the World Series--too late for me, but what a game. Today's a teaching day, so I'm off to class in a bit.
37.8K views 28 replies 0 likes


Wed, Nov 30 2016 7:18 AM
how fun! and shes a beauty!
Wed, Nov 30 2016 8:24 PM
Oh my goodness--she is seriously adorable! Trisha, welcome to the iDog family!
Thu, Dec 1 2016 9:52 AM
Hi everyone. Happy belated Thanksgiving. Dr. put my hand in a "spica splint" ... I have this long fancy-named (de Quervain's tenosynovitis) -- and the HUGE joke is -- it's a "sports" injury (ME??? ummm ... NOT possible!! LOL) -- you also get it from texting and "gaming"... more
Wed, Nov 2 2016 12:36 PM
Ever watch a Pyrenees play in a mud puddle . Lovely white hair turning brown. Owners face turning white. Our dog park is drying out now, and we can use the Lowes equipment, but one front corner of the park is a bog. Part of the riverside walking trail has washed out and cut the trails width in half for a ways. But the weather has been great and the park is now home to a revolving crowd of people and dogs.
33.4K views 23 replies 0 likes


Mon, Oct 31 2016 4:39 PM
Happy Halloween to everyone and to your 4-legged furry goblins! We get tons of kids at our door, so it presents a challenge with Ruby. DH has to hang on to her leash while I pass out the candy. We don't let her get too close to the door because we worry she'll jump on the kids, or worse. When... more
Tue, Nov 1 2016 11:47 AM
The wood is walnut. A few of the pieces of tree are big enough to make boards, but are too heavy for me to lift. Got enough logs to have some fun making bowls and candlestick holders-thats the wife idea. Had about 50 kids at the house last night begging for candy. Sky was excited, watching out the... more
Wed, Nov 2 2016 12:36 PM
Just erased my post! Warm here today--in the mid-60s, so I bathed all the dogs outside. Mozey is now trying to dry her feet. It might get to 70 tomorrow--amazing. Ginger, we completed the pet therapy training program offered at our community college. It had a course for the humans, a course (8 weeks... more
Thu, Sep 29 2016 6:23 PM
Not walking the river path at the dog park until there is a frost. Gnats go right through the deet. Thanks to several rains a week, we have mosquitos everywhere. Watched a family of tourists taking advantage of the path. They made it about 10 ft into the woods before giving up. It's really too bad as the river walk is really a pretty walk. About a mile long, through a river bottom woodland and along the river. Dog park has a low spot in one corner that the dogs have discovered. Fun to watch... more
27.4K views 28 replies 0 likes


Thu, Sep 29 2016 3:31 PM
P.S. I forgot to say it was great to "see" you, Paige! P.P.S. - You and Sky look great, Doug. What a fun place for the dogs! We have a Lowe's less than a mile from our local animal shelter. I'll have to see if anyone has ever approached them about something similar in our area...
Thu, Sep 29 2016 3:57 PM
Have them put it on high ground. Our unplanned water hazard had about 2 ft of water and is currently similar to a mud wallow. Dogs love it. Owners not so much. Just raked up another wheel borrow full of windfall apples. Still lots in the tree. Wife made crab apple relish today and we have fresh applesauce... more
Thu, Sep 29 2016 6:23 PM
mom seemsxto be hanging in there pretty well. Her dementia is pretty severe too but she is aware that her memory ia like swiss cheese. But. Ahe remembera how wonderful Dixie is and always twlls me to "" take care of our little girl"! Either going to Maine next weekend or th e kids... more
Tue, Sep 27 2016 8:27 PM
For those of you who are trying to create new threads. I clicked on "New Topic" and got this. I presume you do the same. Do you get as far as "Preview Post" and "Publish" buttons on the lower right hand side? Or no buttons appear at all? What internet browser are you using? I'm on Chrome in this window. I'm wondering if this happens in a specific Forum? I created this one in Home > Kennels > iDog, obviously. ;) I'm wondering if... more
9.3K views 2 replies 0 likes


Tue, Sep 27 2016 9:01 AM
I just tried and it seems to be working now. (I work with Chrome here at work; Firefox at home.)
Tue, Sep 27 2016 8:27 PM
I just tried using Mozilla/Firefox and it is working now. You're welcome to delete my two "test threads." I can't do that.
Tue, Sep 27 2016 8:25 PM
3.6K views 0 replies 0 likes
Tue, Sep 27 2016 9:00 AM
This is a an attempt to create a new thread.
3.6K views 0 replies 0 likes
Sat, Sep 10 2016 6:59 AM
Sky's pups are finding homes. The girl and one of the males are staying in the extended family. Requested to keep Sky intact for another set of pups next year. Apparently I will be getting some real money for the stud fees. Enough to buy a big wide brimmed hat with a flamingo feather and a spark e ly band. My safety command is "sit". I 'work on it constantly . Brought him down from a dead run to full stop in about 2 steps while at the park. He is so good.. He is also a chick... more
33.7K views 36 replies 0 likes


Fri, Sep 9 2016 7:56 PM
miserable here today too Kate. So quiet with Isabella here. Gosh I missed her before they were even out of the driveway!
Fri, Sep 9 2016 7:57 PM
That should have been withOUT Isabella!
Sat, Sep 10 2016 6:59 AM
Glenda, I bet it is quiet! Did they finish all the home cooking and baking you did? Doug, I think we'll need a September chat soon. (I still can't seem to start one.) It's supposed to be a bit cooler today--I hope so!
Sat, Jul 30 2016 6:46 AM
Sky is the proud father of 5 male and 1 female puppies. I don't know if I dare go see them. I have been informed that I really don't want another dog. He has been drawing comments at the park and on walks about how handsome and well behaved he is. Then he rolls in some obnoxious substance and gets a bath. The forum appears to be fading away. The other forums I engage in are more argumentative. I like the stable positiveness of this one.
13.8K views 5 replies 0 likes


Sun, Jul 24 2016 11:25 AM
Took Sky out to the WMA this morning. Warm, but no rain falling. The WMA is set up as a prairie. It was a farmstead, but the DNR returned it with burn offs, cutting trees, and replanting prairie grasses. The prairie flowers were beautiful. A sea of waist deep yellow, purple, and white. Lots of bees humming... more
Mon, Jul 25 2016 5:13 PM
Now is your chance. We have pond goldfish that need to be rehomed. No count yet. They are small and some are still dark colored and hard to see, but our little breeding group did it again. Last time, we had several hundred that got rehomed, but wife was still working as a teacher and we had lots of kids... more
Sat, Jul 30 2016 6:46 AM
Got a bit of rain this week (1/4 inch), but we need a lot more. The tomatoes are starting the think about ripening--yeah! I hope to make some pickled beets this weekend. And, the zucchini is here! I'm going to take a precision heeling course with Ronnie and Rock that starts in August. Rock has... more
Sun, Jun 26 2016 10:31 AM
I feel much better now. Chose your hydration liquid carefully.
17.2K views 10 replies 0 likes


Tue, Jun 21 2016 3:56 PM
Yikes, June is flying by! I can't believe that the days will now start getting shorter again. Boo! Kate, I'll be interested in hearing how the pickled scapes come out. We bought some at our local farmers market last summer and DH sauteed them as a side dish, and they were pretty good. I... more
Wed, Jun 22 2016 3:33 PM
You will be welcome. May even toss in a beer or two. Bring mosquito repellent . Mac desk top just rotated in a picture of Piper and Gunther in the snow at the local WMA. I have been blessed. Skys pups should whelp next week. I've reached the point where i can see the pictures and smile at the... more
Sun, Jun 26 2016 10:31 AM
Super-dry here. Our rainfall is 4" plus behind where it should be, which I know is nothing compared to other places. But it is dry and dusty. Planted some "back up" green beans this morning and tried to get everything well watered. The ticks are out in full force, of course. The grass... more
Fri, Jun 3 2016 1:56 PM
Sky is visiting his girlfriend today. Dropped him off Tuesday at my brothers place. Sky was playing well with his sister and an older aunt when we left. Spent a few days by Mile Lacs Lake visiting friends and digging up wild flowers. Las t time we visited their cabin, it was a wilderness. Now, almost a suburb. But we saw Loons, a Bald Eagle nest with momma and young and interrupted a Golden Eagle trying to steal a gosling from a group of big geese. Need to check now for freckles with legs. ... more
15.4K views 11 replies 0 likes


Sun, May 29 2016 4:03 PM
Hi all, been missing my friends here. We have been so busy at work and I just don't get to the computer much at home. Hope everyone is happy and well. Reading thru the thread sound like everyone is busy and gearing up for summer. I hit the big "60" last week , I am feeling it too. Trying... more
Fri, Jun 3 2016 1:45 PM
I don't know if I dare even see the puppies. I have been informed by she who must be obeyed that I really do not want another dog. And I was so sure I did, but I've been wrong so often. I have two brothers who are interested. One really wants the pick of the litter. Guy showed up at the dog... more
Fri, Jun 3 2016 1:56 PM
Doug, I hope you're feeling better! I just tried to start a June thread, but it said a Moderator had to approve it, so we'll see.
Thu, Apr 28 2016 7:24 PM
everyone seems to be on vacation so I will get us started for April. Hope someone is around.
33K views 12 replies 0 likes


Thu, Apr 28 2016 1:37 PM
Wow - where did April go? I haven't stopped by here in ages. My calendar at work and at home was fairly full this month -- lots of extra commitments it seems. In fact, I'll be closing the month with a board meeting tonight and donor reception at our local shelter tomorrow night. I'm looking... more
Thu, Apr 28 2016 5:40 PM
Skys last class in obedience 2 tonight. Next week, he has his date. I think a beret with a red tie would be appropriate, with a good roll in some roadkill. Gave him a bath today-smelling funny. He has a cowlick on the top of his head. Running him on a walking trail at the dog park yesterday, and he... more
Thu, Apr 28 2016 7:24 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Ruby! I can't believe it's 5 years already! She and Ronnie would love playing together--he is loud and loves to play hard. Mozey has to correct him every now and then if he gets too rowdy. Tracy, you've described Rock's sit perfectly with the picture you painted of Tonka's... more
Fri, Apr 1 2016 4:28 PM
It snowed last night-about an inch.
56K views 22 replies 0 likes


Tue, Mar 29 2016 12:18 PM
Took Sky to the ponds for a run. Wife was hunting *** willows. Got a large bouquet . Dog was trying to chase geese, who were not really worried. Dog was starting to swim when the big birds would swim in closer. Sky had a great time splashing through the weeds, then got a warm shower with soap. Swamp... more
Wed, Mar 30 2016 4:55 PM
Hope everyone had a nice Easter, for those who celebrate. Our was quiet -- quick visit with MIL, then some long-distance calls to family/friends in New England, and delicious dinner at the neighbors' house. DH did a stuffed leg of lamb on the Big Green Egg (kind of a smoker), and neighbor did fantastic... more
Fri, Apr 1 2016 4:28 PM
hi all. Haven't been on in ages but for some reason I haven't been getting notifications. And the broken wrist was rather distracting. The cast came off on Monday and what a scaley dried up swollen mess was under it. Through Wednesday the swelling was awful. The hand and the wrist are still a... more
Sun, Feb 28 2016 4:01 PM
Apparently yesterday was Alaskan day at the dog park. Sky loves to play rough with the big dogs. Guy showed up with a beautiful little Alas kan pup-5 months old. Their faces are fantastic. Kid was there with a nice lab that really needed training. Kid was using a collar, but you need to train the dog first. Dog ignored the collar. Kid had to chase down the dog (great game) and carry the dog back to the truck. Comment from the group was that some people should not be allowed to have dogs. Almost gave... more
79.5K views 44 replies 0 likes


Sat, Feb 27 2016 8:34 PM
I posted a couple of pictures of Rock on a walk--the pix are in the Gallery as I couldn't figure out how to include them in a post.
Sun, Feb 28 2016 10:34 AM
I guess I am a little slow, but "Rock hound"...... he is a handsome fellow. Through the process of discovery learning, I found out that you can post multiple pictures in one entry. Just drag them into the provided box. Then they open like a slide show. But I can not post photos to the forum...
Sun, Feb 28 2016 4:01 PM
Rock hound--I love it! I call him Rock-A-Doodle--I'm not sure why, but he knows I'm talking about him. (He has turned into a gorgeous hound after we got the weight back on him. He's a Treeing Walker Coonhound--folks around here think he's a beagle, so I call him my beagle on steroids... more
Wed, Feb 3 2016 4:44 PM
Nice day. In the 20s with a gentle wind. Sky really needs to run. He keeps walking up to us and hitting us with his toys. Going to hit a swamp or WMA when the games start. Up late, specially for old folks. Got home at 1:30 AM. No drinking, but too much beef. Friends have a new BBQ and they cooked a prime rib roast. I may eat again later in the day, but just not hungry yet. All the time with friends and family comes with a down side. The little plague vectors did their worst, and I am... more
79.6K views 58 replies 0 likes


Mon, Jan 25 2016 12:41 PM
LOL at S kys helping himself to your food and drink! Dixie has been know to do the same which is why ahe is crated if she need to leave the vehicle. Not a flake fell here from the huge s torm. Thankfully. Got some pretty stiff wends and cold temps but everything stayed on.We pick up every time... more
Mon, Jan 25 2016 4:26 PM
I can't seem to check in more than once a week, so I get behind on all the news. Hopefully things will be a bit calmer by mid-February. There's just too much going on at work this month, as well as several shelter meetings, visitors, and tasks at home. Paige, your story about the lost-and-then... more
Wed, Feb 3 2016 4:44 PM
Tracy, it helped me a lot, that day in particular. I just had PRAYED for days for the heat to break and for us to have a nice day together. That was the first breezy nice not-humid day and she had to leave her body so we couldn't go run on the beach or in the field as I'd hoped. Doing something... more
Mon, Jan 18 2016 3:53 AM
Are you happy to approve your own group members?
4.8K views 0 replies 0 likes
Fri, Jan 1 2016 4:05 PM
Happy 2016 I was asleep by 10:00 last night, I am the early bird today. Hope everyone has a great day
9.2K views 1 replies 0 likes


Fri, Jan 1 2016 4:05 PM
Ha -- and I didn't even get in BED until almost 4:00 a.m. (out late and I had a ton of computer stuff to do when I got home)
Thu, Dec 31 2015 10:51 PM
It is now winter-barely. It seems that most of this snow will melt soon. I didn't even try the snow blower. Had Jr to the dog park. We were alone, but lots of tracks in the snow. Sky was looking hard for another dog. I'll have to get him into a swamp tomorrow. That, or take up drinking. Kids and wife are hinting that they don't know what to get me. Apparently I need to lose or break a few tools to open up the list.
47.1K views 43 replies 0 likes


Thu, Dec 31 2015 3:51 PM
I had to go back and catch up on posts -- I've not checked in since before Christmas. First, thanks for asking after Ruby, Doug. She was fine the following day and (knock wood) she hasn't had any issues since. She must have just had a sudden bout of extreme nausea or stomach pain or gas... more
Thu, Dec 31 2015 5:33 PM
so far in the month of December I've had six doctors apts and three trips to the ER. I'm hoping that I don't end up adding to the list tonight. I seem to be doing better. The chest and upper arm are now just ted instead of violently red. The skin is only warm instead of very hot. Yesterday... more
Thu, Dec 31 2015 10:51 PM
Hey all we made it thru the floods and now it is 30. Doug I know that's not cold to you but that why I don't live that far north Glenda so sorry you are still suffering, sending good vibes. Tracy so happy to hear that Ruby is much better. Hot has those days when he is sluggish and generally... more
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