Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Any Irish Wolfhound people?
Is anyone else here owned by Irish Wolfhounds like I am?
i need advice about how to make my dogs bred. pooter is almost 9 years old and won#%92t be with us much longer and I want to bred him so we can have his puppies to remember him the problem is DJ isn#%92t being cooperating. Everynight I put them in the guest bedroom and turn off the lights, but DJ...
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Any guesses?
This is sandy. We were told when she was a puppy that she was full pit bull. However she is now tall lanky and skinny. You can see the pit when she is really excited and smiling. We think she may be part Whippet/Greyhound. And we've been told Weimeriner... Any other guesses?
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Atlas! What Am I?
Anyone shed some light into what breed this puppy may be?
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Boston Terrier Question?
Do Boston Terriers shed?
Pit bull dog aggression questions
Looking for answers from folks experienced with PBs to help someone else: * Does dog aggression in pit bulls (APBTs) develop as they mature? If so, is there a certain age when DA would become obvious? * Can it develop slowly over the course of a few months? * Does it first show itself with...
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What kind of dog am I?
Max has now been with us for 5 months. When we adopted him, we were told he was an Australian Shepherd mix. Now I'm starting to think a bit of border collie - and maybe more BC than AS! He does have the short, stumpy tail and the longer face of an AS but the coloring and fur of a BC. What do you...
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American Eskimos?
Anyone have experience with American Eskimos? Their pros, cons??? I've heard they can be skittish or fear biters ... any truth to this? I'm thinking of taking on a 4 month old bitch pup - she is absolutely GORGEOUS but I want to be 110% sure this breed is good for me before I take the plunge...
Help! What kind of dog do you think this is?
We found her as a stray; she is about 2 months old and is a hybrid/mix of some kind. We have heard Pit Bull, Jack Russell, and Beagle all as possibilities. Would really appreciate your input if you think she looks like a particular breed. We have small children and I am wondering based on her breed...
cattle dog and ? Jack russel maybe?
Cattle dog /Jack Russel mix has been our guess. I posted some pictures a few months back, when he was still a young pup and he looked like he may have been a pure cattle dog....doesn't look like that's what he grew into though, not to me anyway. He is only about 25 pounds and has very long skinny...
two pups at once
I had my pooch Lucky a dalmatian put down 4 weeks ago at the age 14 1/2 yrs and now i'm thinking about getting two Maltese pups at once so they will have a play mate . i would love to know if anyone had two puppies at once any input please Lighthouse
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My Pitbull
So Here Are Some Pics Of Razor When I First Got Him (three weeks ago)
What IS this little fella?
Someone dumped him at a gas station and he was found covered in oil.....he's just a few months old, and apparently sweet! I am considering taking him, but I want to meet him first. I'm thinking English Springer Spaniel mix???
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Lagotto Romagnolo
Anyone ever heard of this dog? I just groomed a 12 wk old today. What a cutie! Ancestor to the PWD, so very similar looking. [link][/link] is a good site with info. Just wanted to see how many other first timers there were out there.
Blackmouth Curs, etc.
Hubby is wanting a hunting dog mostly for coon hunting. We live in suburbia, NOT in the country so I don't want one that's going to bark and bark...or bay and bay! Pretty much any hunting breeds in the AKC are ruled out due to being loud mouths (though I think they're sweet dogs!). I just...
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Siberian Husky/German Shepherd mix
Hey I have a question about my Maggs the siberian husky/gsd mix, I have read tons about both breeds. The vet seems to think after seeing both Maggs and her "sister" Maizey they are mixed with those breeds. Anyway, after having the vet think they are that mix, I am getting nervous that I...
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What breed am I?
I was just wondering what breed people thought my dog was? Ella is approx 4 years old. We thought some basenji initially because of her curly tail and her quiet nature but now we're thinking maybe Blackmouth Cur? Cheers!
doxie and akita
About a year ago my parents decided to get me a dog but they didnt let me choose the breed or anything, so i was stuck with a dachshund (dont get me wrong, i love him to death). But recently, i got a job and asked if i could save for another dog and they said it would be fine as long as i didnt bring...
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Breeding Process
Ok, this is going to sound stupid. But I've never expirenced the dog breeding process. Can somebody who is a responsible breeder please tell everybody what types of dogs you need (boy and girl) to breed dogs. Could you also explain the process for those who have a hard time understanding why their...