What Breed am I (Puppy)???

    • Bronze

    What Breed am I (Puppy)???

    Any Ideas? 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Gosh it's so hard to tell when they're that young.  They could end up looking like anything when they grow up.  His head shape is reminiscent of some larger poof dogs I've seen like Great Pyranese, or maybe Aussie - coloring could be some herding breed, a hound, St Bernard.  Looks like he'll have a thick coat when he's older.  That's about all I can tell....wait a while and try again when he's older!  He certainly is cute though (or is it a she?) [:D]
    • Bronze
    It's a he.  I think he is about 6-8 weeks.  Found him on the side of the road!  How could anyone dump him!!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    He definitely looks Pyr in the face to me.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I definitely see a Pyr. I'm stunned by the markings though? Like Nikki_Burr said, maybe post in a couple of months when he's developed more. Also if you bring him to the vet they might be able to tell by just looking at him or running some tests.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Personally I'd never trust the vet to tell me what mix of breeds my dog is. Some actually know their breeds and could tell you flat out I see this but it could have others in it. And other's would look at this puppy and say St Bernard/lab mix just because he's colored similarly and lab mix is such a popular description. After what someone else said in a thread I started about messed up dog breed listings, heck no would I trust the vet. This person said he took his black tri Aussie to the vet and the vet insisted it was a Rott mix just because it didn't have a tail. Say what??[8|]
    Wait until he grows up a little more and maybe you can tell a bit better. I don't really see any Pyr, but that's because my mother has a purebred one I see every day. His face is a little large, so he could have Pyr in him, but being a puppy you can't really tell for sure.
    • Gold Top Dog
    He is oh so cute.  Are you keeping him? 
    I agree that it's hard to guess the breed when they are this young.  Wait till he matures a little and it will be much easier. 
    I love that first picture by the way.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: Shiva

    This person said he took his black tri Aussie to the vet and the vet insisted it was a Rott mix just because it didn't have a tail. Say what??[8|]

    Yup, that was me...true story. I agree, post more pics when he is older, but for now I will say he looks a bit like a pyr x collie I saw once. He is a cute, fluffy little thing. People dump the best dogs sometimes...I don't get it.
    • Gold Top Dog
    That has to be the most adorable little ball of fluff I have ever seen! He looks like a stuffed animal my daughter has. I want him!! lol
    I don't know how anyone could dump a helpless little puppy....but people dump helpless little babies all the time. Truly boggles the mind.
    something in the body made me think corgi???
    • Gold Top Dog
    Can't tell you but he's soooooooo cute I want him lol [:)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    breed=ECP!!!!  Extremely Cute Puppy!!!!
    I'm thinking Great Pyrenees and Border Collie...here's our former dog (rest her soul) of that same mix:

    • Bronze
    ORIGINAL: Nikki_Burr
    coloring could be some herding breed, a hound, St Bernard. 

    Can you imagine if he is a Great Pyr/St. Bernard mix???? That would be an enormous dog! lol....  I own a great pyr myself, and he definitely has the pyr head structure.

    He is gorgeous!

    Ley xxxx