What IS this little fella?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What IS this little fella?

    Someone dumped him at a gas station and he was found covered in oil.....he's just a few months old, and apparently sweet!  I am considering taking him, but I want to meet him first.  I'm thinking English Springer Spaniel mix???
    • Gold Top Dog
    looks like he could be springer/border collie.
    i need a better picture of him from different sides to even be half way sure though
    one thing is certain.... he KNOWS he's cute! he's doing the Puss in Boots Big Sad Eyes thing!!
    • Gold Top Dog
    He does look like a Springer to me, so you're probably right in thinking Springer mix.
    • Bronze
    I would say there is definitely some springer in there, for sure.  How can anyone resist that face....no wonder I have 5 dogs! lol

    Good Luck [;)]

    Ley xxxx
    • Gold Top Dog
    wow, your the only mom of 4 that I know of who has 5 dogs!!!  I want 2, and I often wonder if I can handle that!!!  I love, love, love your Pyr!!!
    • Bronze
    I'm going with springer as well.  BC comes to mind too, but his headpiece seems a little too meaty for a BC.  Careful if not well bred they can be trouble.  Hate to generalize breeds, but this is one breed that has not faired well due to popularity so make sure you socialize and train.  Still a cutie patootie though!
    • Gold Top Dog
    Looks like a field-bred Springer to me- could be entirely springer, to be honest. Very cute. Go meet him. :) 
    • Bronze
    awww, thanks :)  My great pyr, along with 3 of the others were rescues.  The only one of my 5 that I actually bought from a breeder as a pup is Nigel, my bulldog [&:]  I never intended to have this many, and it stops at 5, as vet bills and feeding all of these guys is at about the breaking point (falcor eats a LOT).  I just feel that I have the time, space, and resources to give all of these guys a great forever home.  There have also been more than a few that I have taken in, and then found other forever homes for.  We do what we can do.

    Ley xxxx

    *edited, because my sig was screwy
    • Gold Top Dog
    Does he have a tail?  Could he be a Field Bred English Setter like my Trudy?
    Here's  photo of a Llewelin setter puppy at about 15 months.  They start developing their spots at about 6 months and finish at about 18 months.

    Lots of people ask me if  Trudy is a dal mix, a border collie mix, or a springer mix.  Most people are not familiar with the field variety English Setter.  Hunters buy/breed them to hunt birds and if the dog doesn't pan out as a bird dog, they dump them.  There are quite a few of them in rescue.

    Here's Trudy as a puppy:

    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm sorry Diane, but comparing the two your setter and the pup look nothing alike. Even a setter puppies nose wouldn't be that rounded. The pup in question does look more like a springer pup.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Actually, it has more of a domed head than my girl does.  Setters have flater foreheads.  Spaniels have a rounder head.  Trudy's face is quite refined, even for a setter.  Many of them are pretty full faced.  In general, though Springers are bigger boned dogs.  
    • Gold Top Dog
    ...besides really cute?  People always ask this question, what does he/she look like?  Many people say things like, he looks like X but his head isn't big enough or he looks like X but he is to small.[8|]  One thing to remember is that most mixed breeds are just that.  All mixed up.. not ususally a cross between two pure breeds but more than likely a mix between another dog who was also all a mix.  Many times the pups will resemble a breed but have many things off.  I would tend to say he has lots of bird dog/Spaniel in him.  Either way, especially being a mix breed,  he will be a wonderful dog who will give you and your family many years of love.

    Most mixs between two pure breeds these days are called "desinger dogs" and they get a heaftly ;penny for them - go figure [:@]  Since they bring in $$ they're not deserted and dropped in a parking lot. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think you're right with the Spring mix. He could have something else in him......but Springer for sure. Good luck with him!
    • Gold Top Dog
    That is a certifed 100% Cutie Pie! It is a verrrry rare breed...[;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    Awww, poor little lumpkin.  He is so cute.  We talk a lot about people surrendering dogs to a shelter for stupid reasons, but to just "lose" a dog at a gas station, or some farmer's field, or take a collar off of a hunting dog out in the field and take off is just horrible.

    You're an angel for taking him in.