Atlas! What Am I?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Took Atlas to Yosemite this last weekend with me and the wife.  He has doubled in size and we are still wondering exactly what he is.  Vet said Labrador for sure... he is not sure what else is mixed in though.

    • Gold Top Dog

    • Gold Top Dog

    • Gold Top Dog
    He's super cute - that's what he is! And what great pictures! I think he looks like he has some pit in there somewhere. His eyes are very similar to my Rosco's.
    • Gold Top Dog
    first off... OMG that second picture is amazing! like you could almost fall into it!

    second... i still think pit/lab... lol get a full body shot of him [:D]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think from the texture of the coat and length of ear that he has some Lab in him, but I see the Pibble toenails, too.  Check his feet - are they webbed?  Sometimes that's a clue.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Webbed Feet... Dewclaws on front only, bone attached.