Any Irish Wolfhound people?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Any Irish Wolfhound people?

    Is anyone else here owned by Irish Wolfhounds like I am?
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't know of many IW people.  But I'm owned by a pharaoh hound and hope to be owned by an SDH in the next few years!  I love the IWs though.  Never met one that wasn't a sweetheart!
    • Bronze
    My present IW, is a big goofy baby boy-well at two, he technically isn't a baby, but he still acts like a goofy puppy....He is a wheaton, and we do hope to show him, but are waiting for some "presence", some "maturity", some commanding appearance-like the breed standard says.   I fear it may be a long wait with this one.  Keeps splitting his tail open when he gets to wagging it to vigorously
    • Puppy
    Ohh....I love Irish Wolfhounds! Do you guys have any pictures????
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'll try to upload some pictures. I have to figure it out. I have 4 dogs. A 5 year old great dane, a 2 yr old female IW, a 6 month old F IW, and a 3 month old male IW puppy. The IW just love everyone they meet. They're a great breed. I love the look of Pharoh Hounds. I have never seen one outside of a dog show. A very cool breed!

    • Gold Top Dog
    That last picture was Gracie at just under 6 months old.
    This is Texas at just under 3 months.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Here's oliver with my daughter.

    • Gold Top Dog
    This is Maggie. She is always so serious in the house, but she really becomes playful outside.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I used to rent pasture a few miles from my farm, and the lady who lived there had two IWs.  The sheep thought they were livestock guardian dogs and would follow them around whenever the dogs came up to explore.  Evntually I think those dogs got to thinking they WERE livestock guardians because the lady said they spent all their time with them and would have a fit if anyone went near "their" sheep. [:D]

    I moved the sheep a few years ago and was very sad when I heard the dogs had passed away very soon after, one of old age and the other of cancer.  They were beautiful and breathtaking dogs.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Irish Wolfhounds often show guarding behavior. While they are far from aggressive, they will protect their people and their home's possessions. I guess that includes sheep. They can really run for big dogs. It's an awesome sight.