Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Any Min Pin lovers out there?
I am the proud momma of 4 min pins. Donny, Daisy, Amber and Itty. All silly little buggers for sure.
standard poodle
been thinking about adding a standard poodle to my family. I've had toys before but wondered what to expect from a standard ? anyone out there have one with anything to share ? thanks...
favourite dogs ?
what is your favourite dog ? and why ? my favourite dog is rottweiler, because i think that rottweiler is strong outside but soft inside.
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Italian Greyhound or Whippet
I'm interested in getting an Italian Greyhound sometime. Anyone own or know one? I don't have the room for a Greyhound but I have a perfect yard for an Italian Greyhound. I'm also interested in Whippet's. Anyone own or know one? Pro's and con's of both breeds would be appreciated...
  • 17 REPLIES
Anyone know what kind of dog I've aquired?
I recently entered into a lease-to-own arrangement for an mid-sized, gently used dog. He's originally a street dog from Mexico, and a co-worker fell in love with him while on her honeymoon. She and her husband made arrangements to bring home(apparently this required shots, papers, and lots of quarantine...
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See any "pibble" in me?
The shelter that Sniper came from was sure of the Labrador breed (the mom) and took a guess on dad, said he was most likely a boxer mix, or badly bred boxer (the whole family was dropped off, mom, dad and pups because the family "couldn't deal with anymore dogs and litters"... who knows...
  • 12 REPLIES
Calling all GSP owners! What are your thoughts on ....
Hi guys, I know there are a few fellow GSP owners on here! Just curious if any of you have had to use a prong collar on your baby? I recently got one to see how it would work with his pulling on the leash...I figured that it was either I break a leg/arm etc one day, or I try this...he is getting SO strong...
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nose color changes
I've noticed it more in pics of maamutes and huskies. Our Mahalo is a malamute mix and Ialthough it changed awhile ago i'm curious. When we adopted her at 10months old her nose was black. now its gort a stripe down the middle. lol Before: [IMG]
Bassett Hounds.
Any bassett owners out there? Any opinions or comments on the breed?
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Is she half BC or half Australian Shepherd?
So, when we adopted Sophie we were told she was a Border Collie/German Shepherd mix. After going to the dog park and seeing many Australian Shepherds I almost wonder if she's actually an Aussie/German Shepherd Mix I'm thinking just because her face seems bigger than a border collies'. She's...
  • 14 REPLIES
Irish Setter
Anyone on here have Irish Setter(s) besides me?I dont know anyone with any and would love to talk with people that have them.
Question about breed for my puppy - Chihuahua or Mini. Pinscher?
Hi everyone. I got a puppy 2 weaks ago and he is only 2 months old! [ ][ ][ ] I got him from a petshop and they said he was a chihuahua but my boyfriend keeps saying that he is a miniature pinscher or mix of chihuahua and miniature pinscher. I have never had a puppy so I have no idea how to distinguish...
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Registries definition of breed standard is controversial
Viewing miniature schnauzer's on, I discovered a debate between Americans that commented on the videos and European's that commented on the videos posted there. The video I was viewing was one showing all white miniature schnauzer pup litter mates playing. An American commented...
  • 11 REPLIES
German Shepards and Great Danes
I'm looking in to researching new breeds for the future when I get two new dogs. I'm looking in to the Great Dane(BF's request. Lol) and any other breed. I was thinking about a Husky or Malamute but after reading up on them, I don't think I'd be able to handle one. So I'm curious...
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Tail Docking
I have noticed that some breeds such as Aussies and Weims get their tails docked by breeders before they are placed in new homes. What is the point of this? It seems unneccesary, not to mention un-natural. What are your thoughts on this?
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Siberian Husky
Are there any good research sites on the Siberian Husky? I was considering a GSD. But after some research, it's not the dog for my family. One breed I've always loved is the Husky. So any sites would be helpful in proving if it's the dog for me. Keeping in mind, the husky puppy would be teamed...
  • 18 REPLIES
Anyone out there owned by a Havanese? We are....would love to exchange experiences...our Winston is almost 9 months old....
king charles spaniels
Anyone out there have experience with them. I am looking in to the breed and I think I want one for my next furkid....but would love to hear from you!
Olde English Pocket Beagle???
I have never heard of an olde English Pocket Beagle, has anyone else ? It was bought by one of my older girls in California with "Papers" I'd love to know what you all know really good or bad Bonita of Bwana
Hearing That D*mn Clock Ticking...what can I do?
I am new to this community and I have truly enjoyed wandering around the cyber neighborhood. I was recently amazed when I posted on my breed list about the pending loss of my soul puppy Jasmine. A 12+ Rhodesian Ridgeback lady who I would happily lay down my own life for. Many of the folks on our list...