Is she half BC or half Australian Shepherd?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Is she half BC or half Australian Shepherd?

    So, when we adopted Sophie we were told she was a Border Collie/German Shepherd mix.  After going to the dog park and seeing many Australian Shepherds I almost wonder if she's actually an Aussie/German Shepherd Mix  I'm thinking just because her face seems bigger than a border collies'.   She's nine months old and weighs about 53 pounds. Just curious if anyone can tell, I know the pictures are not the best.  I don't have a picture of her tail, but it's curled and the fur is very long:





    • Gold Top Dog

    Sophie is adorable! I would tend to believe the Border Collie/German Shepherd mix. The GSD could be adding to her head size and weight. Also, long hair on a tail could be contributed by either breed, especially if the GSD was a "coat".

    Did you see the parents or was the BC/GSD mix a guess by a rescue organization or what? Who told you what cross she was?  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thank you for the welcome! 

    I actually adopted her from someone on Craigslist.   I had asked them where they got her and they just said she was abandoned and a friend of their took in the whole litter, I am not sure if they got to meet the mother at all, I don't think so.   We've had her since she was four months old and she's the most perfect dog for us, just has the sweetest temprament!  

    • Gold Top Dog
    Shes a cutie! If she is a mix of GSD and BC then she is sure to be an intelligent dog. I cant see BC in her but im sure it might be there somewhere, definatly some GSD however. Her body shape looks similar to my Charlie. :D I cant tell you exactly what she may be but she sure is a pretty girl.
    • Gold Top Dog

    That's a tough one. The 2nd pic says aussie to me 

    • Gold Top Dog

    She looks almost Keeshond/BC or Keeshond/Aussie to me. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Lies you read my mind

   Large picture.. but notice the rings around the eyes 


    • Gold Top Dog

    Yep, look at that.  I don't see any German Shepherd, besides the bi-colorish markings, but those are a less common pattern in GSDs and are definitely present in several other breeds. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've actually been asked if she's a keeshond before!  Thanks for the links and the pics!   So interesting, I never really considered that she might actaully have any other breeds in her besides BC or Aussie and GSD, but I suppose she really could be anything.   She is amazingly smart, learns commands very quickly (we do clicker training with her) and is extremely obedient.  Mischevious and a little manipulative at times to of course which comes with the brains!


    It's so hard to see in the pics with the lighting, but her pattern  has the GSD "saddle" type look to it in natural light.   Little kids always say she looks like a police dog.   I have some pics that are from a few months ago when we were hiking and you might get a better idea.  I'll have to post those this weekend sometime.

    • Bronze

    She's a cutie and I really couldn't say which it is!  And I've hung out with a lot of border collies.  Just to add some interesting information, border collies do come in saddleback sable, with markings on their backs like the ones you describe.  Typically they are pretty light with the saddle markings, but  they're there!  The bc museum website has pictures of all of the different colors that bcs come in....neat to wander around in!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I got a question. How THICK are her ears?

    • Gold Top Dog

     here's a sable BC i met at last springs dog show and agility trial. when i first saw him i thought he was an English Shepherd. i had only seen them in pictures before, but his owner assured me that he was indeed an AKC Border Collie.


    • Gold Top Dog
    I see absolutely no GSD in your dog. A friend of mine adopted a herding breed puppy from the shelter in Los Angeles and the staff there listed him as a BC/GSD mix. Turns out he grows up into a purebred Australian Kelpie confirmed by a number of Aussies and a Kelpie breeder.
    • Gold Top Dog


    I got a question. How THICK are her ears?


    Pretty thick.  They stand up a little when she's excited.     Around her ears the fur is really long and crimps when it's wet.  Someone at the dog park said that's an Aussie thing? 

    • Gold Top Dog


     here's a sable BC i met at last springs dog show and agility trial. when i first saw him i thought he was an English Shepherd. i had only seen them in pictures before, but his owner assured me that he was indeed an AKC Border Collie.


    Oh wow!  What a beautiful dog!!  I've never seen a BC that looks like that!  So cool!  I definitely never realized there were BC's with those colors!

    Okay, here she was at about six months (after playing in puddles on a hike).  I can't believe how much she's changed since then!  But these are the only pics with her tail showing (the fur has grown MUCH MUCH longer since than).  Her fur is much longer now to and she's gotten darker, especially her face.  Maybe she doesn't have the saddle patern as much as I thought?  I don't use digital so that's why I only have a limited number of pics of her available on the computer:

    Here she is with the husband and my parent's little Shiapoo: