Anyone know what kind of dog I've aquired?

    • Bronze

    Anyone know what kind of dog I've aquired?



    I recently entered into a lease-to-own arrangement for an mid-sized, gently used dog.  He's originally a street dog from Mexico, and a co-worker fell in love with him while on her honeymoon.  She and her husband made arrangements to bring home(apparently this required shots, papers, and lots of quarantine time), and he became part of their family for 3-4 years.  They had to move to London, England, and felt it was unfair to make him go through the quarantine again.  As a result, I've got him until July, and forever if we(he and I) like each other. 

     He loves to run, he's very territorial towards other dogs, he herds the neighbors cattle, sheep, and llamas when they get loose, and is very affecionate, polite,  and eager to please humans.  I'm sure he's a mutt, but I'm not sure what the mix is.  Anyone have any ideas?  He's about 50 lbs, and very muscular, with lots of energy, but isn't hyper or highstrung. 


    • Gold Top Dog

    My guess would be Husky x Collie with likely other things mixed in (ex the "cheekiness", coat and ear carriage remind me of Pit Bull). I will move this post to "Breeds" which is where we usually keep the 'guess the breed' type posts. Welcome to the forum!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't know, but he sure is cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    He's certainly got Collie-like face markings and a tendency to herd! He is quite handsome. I hope you keep him Stick out tongue  Folks here are really helpful if you need help working on his territorialness.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If you look at many street dogs or other randomly bred feral dogs, you will notice they all end up looking like him eventually.  There is a very good chance that his mix of breeds is extensive.  Those curled tails show up in multiple breeds.  The shorter coat is a common development as is the trend toward a "yellow" dog.  He is moving into the size range such dogs develop as well. 

    • Bronze

    RwB, thanks for the welcome and for moving this to where it belonged. 

    MRV-I'm sure you're right in that he's a huge mix..I was mostly curious as to where the curled tail came from.  One of my clients met him for the first time, and said he looked just like a dog his neighbor had.  He's pretty much the perfect dog for me.  He's happy to curl up and sleep all day in the office at my feet while I work, but instantly ready for a walk, wrestling, or a quick game of soccer(we play with a half deflated volleyball.)  He's able to get wound up, play hard, but still calms down instantly if I ask him to do so. 

     Other unique/noticible things: He doesn't bark.  He's got a very intimidating, low-pitched, throaty growl that he'll greet other dogs with if they get to close to me, and he'll do it to strangers if he thinks I don't see them.  Once I greet them, he's a giant softie, and pretends that he's never had an ounce of attention in his entire life.  This is the territorial behavior I mentioned in my first post, and it only occurs in my office/lobby, near my car, or in my yard.  I don't have a problem with it.  It's his space, and he has a right to tell others.  He's not aggressive, just very vocal and dominant.   

    The photos don't exactly show it, but his left ear usually droops over, and his righ ear stands almost straight up, which always gives him a skeptical/suprised look.  His skin is pink, with blotchy patches of different browns.  He runs/gallops like a lab, but bounces/jumps more like a springer.  His front feet toe in when he walks, and his shoulders seem very stiff, sorta like a cartoon bulldog.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, he's really close to the Platonic ideal for "natural dog". He might not have any "actual breeds" in his background. In many parts of the world, feral dogs are just feral dogs, not mixes of purebred pet dogs. They all kind of end up piebald in color with those kinds of ears and fairly narrow snouts and shortish (but not supershort) coats. He's adorable! 

    • Bronze

    hi he is gorges you know i've had alot of dogs and he looks like a pit mix with collie thats the herding and pit are very over protective of there space and owners but you know what i think i think he is the kind of dog that will love you forever unconditionally in my opinion alll he wants isfor you to love him back

    • Puppy

    He is a cutie pie.  Hope you can keep him...he just looks like he will be loyal to you forever.  My guess is part collie or sheltie and pit bull mix.  I see the pit in the shape of his head & ears and the collie/sheltie in his nose and face.  Whatever he is, make him yours I don't think either of you will regret it.  Since he likes to herd the neighbors animals, I am assuming you live close to an open area.  That is good since I am sure he will need running room to make him truely happy. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    From his head he looks like a greyhound. but the coloring and his tail I first thought Akita, But with short hair. Hmm Dunno thats just my thoughts. His cute tho.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Knowing his origin is very, very helpful.  My first thought was that he looks like some of the hound/husky crosses that they use in sledding.  However, knowing that he came from mexico helps a great deal.  As has been said on this thread already, he is most likely a mix of several mixes, the back to basic feral/pariah dog.  The curled tail can come from any number of breeds, the narrow snout the same. 

    Whatever mixes went in to his creation, he's a handsome dog.