favourite dogs ?

    • Bronze

    The folks at the coursing events like to run us first if it's wet--the joke is that the 'ghans will soak up all the puddles--they do get drencehed and muddy, but I treasure their joy more than the coat.  They do get bored easily--I tell folks at my training classes that the BC says (very excited voice) "can we do it again, can we do it again?", the GSD says firmly "Ve vill do hit again!" and the Afghan Hound looks at you in amazement and says, "but I did it once".  I find that training exercises that require choices by the dog are much better received than rote work.  101 things to do with a box--based on targeting exercises--is a real fav with Toozh, my 3 yr old brindle ***.  She picks behaviors, I pick what will be rewarded, varying it from session to session.  When she sees a shoe box on the floor, her eyes light up!


    • Gold Top Dog

    I really  love all dogs, but I have to say my favorite is ,of course, the dalmatian.  They have such a zest for life, are very loving and just love to be part of everything going on.

    • Puppy
     I love my Pomeranians they are such happy loving little dogs, must admit though I have always wanted but never had the room for a Great Pyrenees
    • Gold Top Dog
    My favorite dogs are Standard Poodles.  I enjoy their exhuberance for life and their joy. They prance through life with a smile on their faces. I love how incredibly affectionate and loving they are, yet they aren't clingy and needy dogs.  I love how intellegent they are - they learn so quickly. And I love their sense of humor - they are such clowns and can always make me laugh. I love the grace and elegance that are just so much part of who they are. They have a regal presence about them; they just know that they are special! I have 3 Standards and each one is so different in personality, yet all are so sweet and so special.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't have a favourite breed, but I do have favourite groups. Guardian/molosser/bull breeds are my favourites. [:)]


     I have to agree with Luvabull in that the larger breeds have always been special to me as well as the hunting breeds. But I cannot truly say that I have a favourite breed. There is much that I love and admire in many breeds. I suppose the only group that I do not much care for would be the tiny toy breeds. They are cute but for me that is about it.


    Herding breeds are wonderful to watch working, their attentivness, their drive is a delight to watch, yet I cannot see myself ever owning one.

    Watching a sight hound stretch out and run with all of his heart is another awesome sight, but I doubt I will every own one.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Papillons are my favorite of the dogs I've ever owned.  I've never seen a breed so happy, so loving, so smart, or so funny.  They're just amazing little bundles of personality.  Such a BIG dog in a small package.  They're just amazing. 

    • Puppy

     My favorite dog is the German Shepherd, I have never had a smartesmarter and with more character.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't know that I could pick just one favorite.  The most I could narrow it down to would be the herding group.  They just seem to fit our life, their energy, intensity, loyalty, smarts, agility, all just work for our family.   If I had to pick one favorite I'd probably say Border Collie, I am completely fascinated by them.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Miniature Schnauzers and Maremma Sheepdogs. 

    • Silver

    Oh it's so hard.  I love all dogs.  But I'm very partial to working and herding breeds.  I love the rottie/bully/shepherd breeds, closely followed the wiry, scrappy terrier breeds.  I think this is why I've settled on the Berger Picard, it is all of these rolled into one!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Give me a nice, medium-sized, athletic, working-bred American Pit Bull Terrier any day. Lovely red fur and a nice pink nose is a plus. Wink I love their smarts, I love their courage, I love their tenacity, and I love their desire to please. I think their physical appearance is amazing, too- they are just gorgeous dogs. I will own other breeds, but they will always, always be my absolute favorites. No other breed meshes with me and my personality like they do. We are perfect together.

    I love all other bully breeds and mastiffs as well, but I think next on the list will have to be a working Great Pyrenees. I never cared for them until I got one to guard my livestock, but wow. I am so, SO glad I got one.  We have serious problems with predators out here and I trust him with the lives of my goats, chickens, and horses. Even as a 5 month old puppy, he has had to prove himself on several occasions and has yet to let me down. Chief is a wonderful, mature, amazing dog, and his bravery and courage know no bounds. I don't know if 'd enjoy having a Pyr in a pet situation- they definitely have a mind of their own and given how stubborn they can be we might clash- but as a working partner, I couldn't ask for a better dog. As long as I have livestock- hopefully, for the rest of my life- I'll have a Pyrenees to guard them.

    • Puppy

    My favorite dog is a Cocker Spaniel.  My cocker is 8 years old and a female named Luci Mae.  She stood by me last year when I was seriously ill and I really don't think I would have made a recovery as quickly without her.  She even came to my hospital to visit me while I was there.  When I came home she stayed by my side and never moved unless I did.  Cocker Spaniels are loyal, loving and alert to what is going on around them at all times.  Luci is the product of the first litter that my daughter raised eight years ago.  She and her brother Winston are still going strong and my daughter has raised and sold many litters since.  They are consistantly healthy, loving and well behaved dogs from the feedback that we get from the new owners.  I don't think that you could want for a more wonderful pet for children or adults.

    • Bronze

    Gotta be Poodles--any size. All personality and athleticism. Great goofy clowns. Not to mention easy to train and a hair breed! Karen