favourite dogs ?

    • Silver

    favourite dogs ?

    what is your favourite dog ? and why ?
    my favourite dog is rottweiler, because i think that rottweiler is strong outside but soft inside.
    • Gold Top Dog
    This always seems to be a popular question.

    My favorite is the Bearded Collie[:D] I also really like Border Collies, Aussies, and Shelties[:)]
    Any herding dog, because I just love their energy and just simply because how clever they can be.
    • Silver
    My favourite breed is ofcorse "The Rottweiler" because, this breed is men's best friend.. Its a very powerful breed of dog, it's your best body-guard wich you can fully trust.. I love them.. and I like Retrievers, Dobermans & many other dogs, I prefer large dogs, I'm sorry but I don't really like Chihuahuas or how do spell them..
    • Gold Top Dog
    I agree, a popular question but I don't mind raving about my fave breed. [:D
    Well of course my favorite breed is the Irish Setter. They are very people oriented, affectionate (they love hugs and kisses!), intelligent (but stubborn), love to play and have fun,  generally do well with kids and other dogs, etc. I could go on but I think I've said enough lol.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm sold on coonhounds, which come hugely under-rated. They are wonderful, friendly, courageous, self-involved, enigmatic little (and sometimes big) suckers. And cute like woah. My coonhound's cuteness is a weapon of mass destruction.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I LOVE my Corgi and since I have gotten her have fallen in love with the breed. However I cant wait for the day I can get a boxer, I love the playful ness and how S-M-R-T [:D] they can be. Their bodies are very graceful and they love to snuggle
    • Gold Top Dog
    My favorite dog is the German Shepherd Dog. I don't think there is any more beautiful breed than this. Every GSD I've ever met has been so well-behaved and actually -- an overgrown, furry, baby. lol. I hope to have one someday. Now is just not my time as I don't have the space for such a large breed.
    • Gold Top Dog
    German Shepherds are my favorites.  I love that there is a variety of colors and coat patterns and that they are so versatile.  I also like large dogs with shorter coats and prick ears.  Other favorites include Saarloos Wolfhund, Belgian Malinois, Dutch Shepherd, Border Collie, Akita, Shikoku, and Australian Kelpie.
    • Gold Top Dog
    My favourite is the Toller because of their size, coat length, overall appearance, energy level, trainability, their zest for life etc. There are tons of reasons why I like them.
    Closely following Tollers are Belgian Shepherds and Australian Shepherds.
    • Gold Top Dog
    german shepherd- trainability, versatility, loyal, intelligence, beauty
    doberman- see above.
    rhodesian ridgeback-everything!
    • Gold Top Dog
    [link>http://forum.dog.com/asp/showProfile.asp?memid=26584]rottweiler4life[/link] - I just love your avatar! What a cute face your dog has!
    To the original question...I'm stuck on herding breeds ever since I started researching for my 2nd dog. And of course, since I settled on an aussie, that's my fav. breed out of the herders.
    Like someone said before me, I love their energy and smarts.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I`m going to go with a Lhasa Apso. Molly is half Lhasa and half min. poodle. Looks just like a Lhasa (took after her mother) She is a very good watch dog but she also loves everyone old and young alike.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm in love with sighthounds of all description-especially the more primitive ones-Pharaoh Hounds, Salukis, Azawakhs, Sloughis and I also love the Deerhound, Wolfhound, Greyhound, Galgo Espanol, Ibizans.

    I love sighthounds for their deceiving appearance: they look dainty (most of them) but are rather hearty and strong.  They aren't biddable but they love to make you laugh.  They are intelligent and independent, clever and sure footed.  They will sprint a mile in just a few seconds and then sprint a mile in another direction-and they seem to gain speed and energy each time they do it.  A sighthound in motion is indeed grace upon this earth.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Pit Bulls are my fav!!  I just love these dogs.  They are smart, loyal, and loving.  You cannot ask for a better "family dog"!
    • Gold Top Dog
    My heart belongs to a Doberman Pinscher.  I love that Dobes are beautiful, easily trainable, comedians. (though only their closest person may see it)  I also love the fact that their loyalty is unparalleled.  They will literally lay down their life to protect their person.