Any Min Pin lovers out there?

    • Silver

    Any Min Pin lovers out there?

    I am the proud momma of 4 min pins.  Donny, Daisy, Amber and Itty.  All silly little buggers for sure. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have unfortunately had one very bad Min Pin experience and one good one...and the bad one tends to outweigh the good, unfortunately! However, I have heard that they are delightful dogs, and maybe seeing pictures of your guys would sway me to join the "Min Pin Fan Club" Big Smile

    • Puppy


    I owned my beloved Cassie (min-pin) for 9 years. She was a joy and a challenge. I lost her to kidney disease 1 1/2 years ago. I have recently gotten a mini schnauzer, whom I love dearly but as my husband has said he is no Cassie.

     I hope you have many happy years with your min pins.



    • Puppy

     My crazy Strega is what I call an itty bitty min pin because she is only six pounds (standards for the breed are between eight and twelve pounds). She is a demon but I love her like crazy. They are not dogs for everyone as they are very active, curious and can I say defiant? - lol