nose color changes

    • Gold Top Dog

    nose color changes

    I've noticed it more in pics of maamutes and huskies.


    Our Mahalo is a malamute mix and Ialthough it changed awhile ago i'm curious. When we adopted her at 10months old her nose was black. now its gort a stripe down the middle. lol





    • Gold Top Dog

    very common in the northern's affected by the sunlight/daylight hours. Lighter in winter/fall and darker in spring/summer. My Red & White hounds are similar.

    • Gold Top Dog

    thats realy cool to know!

    • Gold Top Dog

    That happened to our late Charlie(lab mix).We got him at 6months and his nose was black. As he got older, it turned pink.I thought it was my imagination playing tricks on me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Maggie's nose does the same thing.  Brown in the summer, pencil eraser color in the winter.  She's a Finnish spitz mix. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    We had a Siberian/GSD whose nose did the same thing.  The black part would also get lighter.  Each winter, the pink stripe down the middle of his nose would get bigger and take longer to darken up in the summer.  Eventually, his nose was grey with a light pink stripe up the middle.

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's called a "snownose", my Husky/Mal. mix has a pink nose at this point......

    • Gold Top Dog

     There is also a reaction for some dogs to eating out of a plastic bowl.  There is an actual name for it, but I can't remember right off hand.  I was told by a breeder to never feed out of a plastic bowl.  I think it was a lab breeder that told me, not sure.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I have heard the term "butterfly" nose.  It is conformation fault in some breeds (even disqualifying if I remember correctly: usually in dogs for which the standard calls for black noses)

    • Gold Top Dog

    You have a " Snownose".  Our Siberian Huskies nose start to turn pink once the cooler weather is on its way.  I tend to use the snownose as a sign to start pulling out the coats and sweaters