standard poodle

    • Gold Top Dog

    standard poodle

    been thinking about adding a standard poodle to my family. I've had toys before but wondered what to expect from a standard ? anyone out there have one with anything to share ? thanks...
    • Gold Top Dog
    Do some research online and see if there are any reputable breeders near where you live.  Try to set up an appointment to see the sire and the dam. The breeder should be able to answer any and every question you have, and some you don't have.

    Be prepared for high energy, high prey drive and high intelligence.  These dogs, if properly bred, are hunting dogs through and through.  But don't take my word for it, go to the AKC website and look for breeder referrals.  Get into contact with the parent club for the breed.  Breeders LOVE to talk about their breed. 
    • Gold Top Dog
    thanks...will do that
    • Bronze
    My Standard Poodle...she was the most intelligent and gentle dog  I've ever known.  She was a great family dog...beautifully behaved...very "in tune" with the ;pace of  the household.  Loved her!
    As Xerxes suggests, find a reputable breeder...find out as much as you can about the health of the line.  Unfortunately Standard Poodles are prone to a number of illnesses/diseases...and it is heartbreaking when you lose a beloved family member way too soon.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Standard poodles are great pets, very soft but love to play, they are very intelligent. Adam (my partner) was bought up around Standards and he has so many great stories, his folks currently have 2 black bitch's very sweet dogs. I will post a photo.

    • Bronze
    You've had toy poodles, so you'll be familiar with the poodle trait of wanting to BE WITH YOU [:D].  With a standard poodle you also get a dog who needs a lot of physical and mental stimulation, as they are energetic and intelligent dogs. 
    Obviously they take up much more room than a toy, they poop bigger, they eat more (should that be in reverse order? [;)]), they take longer to groom, they cost more to have groomed professionally, they cost more in vets fees, etc. 
    They're much calmer and less reactive than smaller poodles, and combine a playful personality with a placid nature.
    A well trained spoo will delight you with his loyal companionship, his sense of humour, his athleticism....not to mention that there's MORE to cuddle!
    • Puppy
    Just wanted to veer off the subject a bit and let anyone interested in standard poodles know about an author I recently discovered....Laurien Berenson.  She has written a mystery series, fiction, but all intertwined in the breeding, grooming and showing to Championship:  Standard Poodles.  I am finishing her 12th book and I loved them.  I have Mixed mutts....but I wish I had a standard poodle after reading these books. 
    • Bronze

    I love the Berenson novels. She actually owns white minis. She writes well about standards, though. I can tell you that I have a Toy, a Mini and a Standard. All three have different personality types. I have to disagree that toys are more reactive when compared with other dogs...My toy is quite calm though I have seen some others who are not...My standard is VERY mello--I call him my southern calif. surfer He loves the water. No, I do not live in California--it is just a saying... My Spoo is in the show ring in AKC, and would recommend that anyone interested in a poodle meet the breeder, the dam and sire toe determine temperment. Also, ask if anything runs in that line of poodles--ex: cushings, addisons, bloat.... My mini would be the official greeter at any store--upbeat and cheerful! Karen