Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Let's talk about faults!
Yet another thread branching off from "The Elitist Attitude" thread. This is a thread for those "in the know" and those who are not in regards to the proper conformation standard, temperament, and working drives of their particular breed. Post the standard of your breed (or a link...
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Basset Hounds :]
Bassets are by far my favorite breed though I love all dogs/animals big and small.. anyone else agree about the hounds?
Min Pin Anyone?
Does anyone have one of these? We rescued a dog that we thought was a large Chi but turned out to be a Min Pin. We are crazy about him and so is everyone who meets him. In fact, we have had offers to buy him plus actual begging for him! His temperament is so sweet and friendly, he needs very little exercise...
Breed Guess - For Fun (aDork)
Okay... I have a good idea of what Misha is. But I want to know what you'd think of him if you'd just met him and didn't know anything about him. He's currently ~26" and 85 lbs. I'm in the bottom picture, I'm 5'4", he's full height there, and that's the closet...
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help anyone
can you help me identify this one
Guess My Breed
I know what the mix of this dog is but I want to pick any ones brain that wants to guess what her mix is. She is 12 weeks old. Hint - Her parents are both reg. purebred dogs. So she is a mix of two breeds. Oh if anyone wants to guess the butt sniffers breed she is a reg. purebred dog. [IMG]http:/...
Can you help me identify my dog's breed
help anyone to identify cute pup
Siberian Husky?
Any one own a husky?
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German Shepherd fanciers...
Any opinions or knowledge of this dog or lines? [img][/img] V1 Victor vom Zellwaldrand SCHH2 Kkl 1 5 - 5............................................. in 2X SGR VA1 Fanto vom Hirschel 5 - 5............................................. in VA1...
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What breed of dog for me? *Thanks for all the help, we have decided...
Well, this will be my first real inside dog. We have had several outside/farm dogs, but no housepets. I'm really unsure of what breed to get. I was thinking maybe a mini/toy aussie, but I'm not sure. Here is some more info: *The breed of dog must be good around horses. Since I own, ride, and...
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What Breed should I get?
Hey Everyone! My first post Anyway...Me and my fiance just purchased our first home. We've both been dog lovers our entire lives, and have decided to add a new addition to the family (a dog). I've tried all thoes breed selector quizzes and they just seem too vague. So I'll list certain characteristics...
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APBTs & AmStaffs
Ok, so, I'm very very confused! I cannot for the life of me figure out whether APBTs and AmStaffs are the same or different. I mean, I always just assumed that they were different breeds (never really thought much about it before), but I had someone actually ask me the other day and I was...
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What do you love about your breed's appearance?
Anything in particular? Me, I love the Irish Setter's face...the way they can look so majestic, sturdy, wise and friendly at the same time.
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I have a herder
Bella was said to be a Shih Tzu at the shelter. I disagree with them but anyway when I let the dogs outside in the morning Molly pees and poops on command so she done real soon. Bella never learned that so sometimes it her takes awhile. I am out there to watch. After Bellas done she comes up the stair...
which breed?
I've posted before a few months back, but I cant find the thread to refer to so I guess I'll start a new one... I'm still researching which breed of dog I would like to get this fall/winter when my foster pup gets placed. It would have to be 20 pounds or lighter since that might make it...
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Breed guess for Martini, round 2(lots of pics)
I've posted on the same topic before but it was 2 years ago when I first got Martini, she has changed a lot since then. Plus I have better pics of her now showing her full body. I just want to see what people think so plz guess away. This picture was taken by shelter staff where Martini was satying...
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Hello Schnauzer people
I am new to the forums and I am looking to add some friends. I am more than happy to add other breeds but I would love to talk to other schnauzer owners out there. Please view my dogs' bios and add me.
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Chi-A-Dach?? Is this one of those designer breeds?
This couple that lives down my sister's block has been selling Chihuahua Dachshund puppies I don't really see this as a breed just think its two people who thought lets just mate these dogs and sell them for $350 a piece and people have bought them as well. I don't get this aren't they...
poodles and designer mutts
When ever I take my standard poodle for a walk or to petsmart or something, people always stop and are like "oh shes so cute! what breed is she? is she a goldendoodle?" and im like "oh, haha, no shes a standard poodle. " and they act all shocked. It bugs me that people know all...
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Will he ever look like the Little Ceasar Dog?
Max is a 4 month old West HIghland White Terrier. His fur is kind of...sparse. I know that the Westie "look" is archived through grooming, but so far Max doesn't have much to work with. Here is his pic. Note the devil horns.