Found some old pictures

    • Gold Top Dog

    Found some old pictures

     well not too old.... from back in 1999-2000 of my two dogs at the time.


    The big black and brown one is Frank, a DobermanXAustralian Shepherd/Pitbull. he was not quite a year old in the bottom pic and the only other changes he went through as he got older was he got a bit taller, and he didnt have as much black on him, though he started life as looking like a pure bred rotti lol

    i knew both parents too, thats how i know his breeding. his mom belonged to the landlord's son. she was a brindle dog with an underbite and no tail, but was Aussie size and her pups always had tails of different lengths and also randomly carried brindle markings. the coolest ones were the black and tans with brindling in the tan.. never had seen that before... her owner's vet said she was Welsh Corgi mix... but i never could see it..

    Frank's dad was the doberman that lived next door to us. the breeding was a complete accident and since he was a more responsible man that the landlord's son, he got his Doberman neutered ASAP. 

    And the little one is Maggie, a SheltieXCollie mix... we saw a flyer at a farm/feed store for "free border collie X pups" and my mom is a collie fan.. so we went to check them out. this woman, nice as she was, hadnt a clue about dogs...... she said the mother was border collie (she wasnt. she was a B&T sheltie. you cant confuse the two unless you've never before seen a BC in your life!) and said the dad was a sheltie(the dad looked like an English Shepherd with standard collie markings and coat and drop ears)

    all the pics i have of Frank as an adult are on polaroid snaps and cant find them anywhere.... but his tail was shaped like a question mark that arced over his back and his hind feet had double dew claws.

    and here's a pic of Maggie as an adult giving my 80 lb American Bulldog a run for her money... nice size comparison eh? who'd have thought that fluffy fur face would get so big seeing as how she's half sheltie!?


    anyway i felt like sharing them.

    a lot of people come through here asking what breeds their dogs are and these two "mutts" are usually what causes a lot of my insane guesses on breeds lol

    if i hadnt seen their parents myself i'd have said Frank was a BeagleXSpaniel   and that Maggie was just a farmbred border collie. her weirdest quirk was her howling.... she'd howl after every meal and every night at 3am on the dot.....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ah I love finding old pics! Frank sure was handsome....he looks like a dog my Dad would have.

    • Gold Top Dog

    yeah Frank was a sporty looking dog lol i used to admire him while out riding horses. he always had an athletic physique and brains to match ..... most of the time lol he was so smart he stupid. always got himself into trouble by being clever .. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I like the looks of Frank too, is he still with you? 

    And what's the update on that GSD pup that your DH wanted to keep, how is she doing Stick out tongue, did you get to keep her? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    no sadly Fank is no longer with us.... i had these two(plus Amber, the JRT you see in my sig) when i was in high school.

    when i graduated and started going to college my mom and i basically were trying to kill each other, fighting all the time over the smallest insignificant detail so i thought i needed to just move out. i took Frank and Maggie to a cousin living on 200 acres of farm land, and Amber went to a friend in the suburbs.

    ETA the reason they didnt go WITH me is because the place i had moved to didnt allow dogs of any size of breed.... Amber visited us one time and the landlord came running over to make sure she wasnt staying.....

    Maggie was a satellite.. where ever you put her food bowl she hovers around it and wont go far. Frank was just Mr Friendly and wouldnt stay put. however.... if i had known that he would be neglected like he was i would have found someone else to take care of him.

    my goal was to find temporary homes and get them all back when i was settled. I got Amber and Maggie back but Frank disappeared. i didnt even know he was gone until i asked my cousins wife how they were doing. she kinda shrugged liked "i dunno.." .... well.. you're home all day.... dont you see them?? "I dont really pay attention to them, Justin(my cousin) feeds them"

    i hit the roof.... asking all kinds of questions in DETAIL. before i would ask "how are my dogs doing?" and the answer was usually "Great, fine! they love it there!" (they lived three hours away and visiting regularly wasnt always an option)


    anyway... skip a few details... by the time i found out things werent ok Frank had been missing over a week.... its likely he took up at a neighbouring house, but i never could find him. i always wondered if he found his way back to the house i was living at before i moved, but i never did see any signs of him there, and the landlords we had at the time had died.

    makes me mad to this day.... thinking i left my dogs in safe capable hands only to find out they were just chucked out in the yard and had food thrown to them once a day. no wonder Frank left. he was used to eating with his family, indoors, and sleeping beside the bed and snuggling on the sofa.... he was also terrified of thunder to the point of destruction. he would tear through a door to get inside your house if there was thunder.