Breed Guess - For Fun (aDork)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breed Guess - For Fun (aDork)

     Okay... I have a good idea of what Misha is. But I want to know what you'd think of him if you'd just met him and didn't know anything about him. He's currently ~26" and 85 lbs. I'm in the bottom picture, I'm 5'4", he's full height there, and that's the closet to a stack I have a photo of. So... what would you think?



    • Gold Top Dog

    Without seeing his toungue,his face reminds me of a chow.Except for the white foot,the body looks more like a golden retriever.He's a lovely dog in any case.


    • Gold Top Dog

    First time I saw his picture I remember thinking , wow I wonder if he is one of the new breeds like a Tiebetan Mastiff... I have only heard about them and read a brief discription ...elegant ,, gorgeous coat , noble head and face....  I really don't know but I love his name and think him very , very beautiful !

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    Bonita of Bwana

    First time I saw his picture I remember thinking , wow I wonder if he is one of the new breeds like a Tiebetan Mastiff...

    LOL- new breed!  From everything I've read over the years, Tibetan Mastiffs are actually a very old breed.  But I knew what you meant- new to the AKC.  Just could resist the laugh.  Smile 

    Have to say- Chow/Golden Retriever was my first thought.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I also thought chow/golden right away.He is beautiful!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Bonita of Bwana

    First time I saw his picture I remember thinking , wow I wonder if he is one of the new breeds like a Tiebetan Mastiff...

    LOL- new breed!  From everything I've read over the years, Tibetan Mastiffs are actually a very old breed.  But I knew what you meant- new to the AKC.  Just could resist the laugh.  Smile 

    Have to say- Chow/Golden Retriever was my first thought.

    First thing I thought when I hit post was that was not very clear ...I did mean new to the AKC ,  but typing in the dark in the weee hours of the morning  goofs happen.  Sometimes when I can not sleep I will go on line, If I go to the computer room or the front room it wakes up all the dogs and tehy are positive it must be breakfast time no matter how dark outside .  So to avoid waking the whole house I tap away in bed and hope I don't annoy the Hubs Geeked   your guess is better than mine I am sure, but what a handsome fellow he is !

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hmm...I'm going to go out on the proverbial limb and suggest Chow Saint. But I'm also comfy with the afore mentioned Chow/Golden.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Chow/Golden was my first thought, too.   

    • Gold Top Dog

    His tongue does have purple spots, but at the moment I don't have a good picture uploaded that doesn't have his mix written on it. I'll see about uploading it in a bit.




    Any ideas why his tongue has gotten more purple? I have another picture from when he was just 3 months old and he only has two large purple spots... where are they coming from? 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Smile  I have "typing issues" often- first thing in the morning, when I'm PMSing, and when my brain goes faster than my fingers plus others.  Look closely at my reply- I typed "could" instead of "couldn't".  LOL

    • Gold Top Dog
    The first time I saw Misha's picture I thought Chow or Golden mix right off the bat.  By the way the name "Misha" means bear in Russian and he sure does look like a fuzzy bear.
    • Gold Top Dog

    just to guess something different... how about pyrenees/golden mix.

    Black on the toung does not mean chow - I've seen a few AKC labs with black spots on the toung....doesn't really mean a thing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Black on the toung does not mean chow - I've seen a few AKC labs with black spots on the toung....doesn't really mean a thing.

    Yep, my boy has a purple spotted tongue like Misha's, and I'm pretty certain he doesn't have a bit of chow in him (although I suppose it is!)

    I dunno if I really see any chow in him or not. I mean he does have that orangy, fluffy coat, but other than that...  I'm more inclined to say Pyr mixed with maybe golden or even lab, or even a Newfie x!  lol!  I know, that's probably a little too far off.  Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    Black on the toung does not mean chow - I've seen a few AKC labs with black spots on the toung....doesn't really mean a thing.

    My thought too.

    I see Pyr. I'm not sure what else. Maybe golden..maybe chow..maybe neither.

    • Gold Top Dog
    That much purple on the tongue says chow.  Other breeds may have black spots (like a lot of goldens and it is not a fault in goldens), but not anything like so much.  Also in most breeds the black spots appear as they get older.