Breed Guess - For Fun (aDork)

    • Gold Top Dog

    That much purple on the tongue says chow.  Other breeds may have black spots (like a lot of goldens and it is not a fault in goldens), but not anything like so much.  Also in most breeds the black spots appear as they get older.

    I'm not so sure... Rafe has as much purple on his tongue as Misha, and I'm fairly positive he's not chow at all (I guess its possible, but he definitely doesn't look it).  I have often considered the idea that he could be part shar-pei, but that's a tad bit far fetched I think.  The only thing shar-pei about him is his tongue and tail, and maybe ears.  I don't have a picture that really shows his tongue (besides his younger pictures, and he has a lot more purple on his tongue now than he did then), but I assure you he has a LOT!  lol!  Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     I am another Chow/Golden vote. So tell us, WHAT is he (besides gorgeeeeous?:))

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, this is his mom, Beautiful:

    She's a Great Pyr, though she's very small.


    And this is his dad, Ringo:

    He's technically a mutt of undetermined origin, but Papa thinks he's Chow/GSD or Chow/Aussie.


    So ... sorry guys, no Golden within spitting distance of him, but I'm more understanding now when that's what people think he is. I understand he's big and orange and fluffy. And thanks for all the compliments on him, especially comments about his spotty tongue - I love his spotty tongue. So the official answer, the one I've been giving is 1/2 Great Pyr, 1/4 Chow, 1/4 GSD (though... looking at Ringo I'm leaning more toward Aussie). 

    • Gold Top Dog

    actually then I was pretty close with Chow/Saint..big, drop eared, and hairy. I am sure if you get him DNA'd tho it would come back that he is in fact

    Boston Terrier



    Great Dane

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know. I mean... can't you see the Boston in him? Yes, you were close and the... two? other people who guessed Pyr were close. I mean... most everyone had a least one part right. But your guess and the two pyr guesses get cookies for closest. Cause they involve big, fluffy dogs. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think he is a chow golden x.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Golden Chow.  We get so many of them at the shelter, I think there should be a breed designation!  LOL!  That's my guess anyway!

    ETA: Would've helped if I'd looked at Pg. 2.... Doh!  :) 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Since I've met him, and you told me, and I believe you, I didn't guess.  He's a boy, I remember that!  His personality most reminds me of Pyr, though he's got a lot of standoffishness like a Chow (I don't mean that in a bad way).

    I'm so glad he finally let me snoggle his fuzzy wuzzy coat.

    If you ever want to work on off leash with him, we can let him off in that side pasture where he can think he's going for a walk, but it's actually securely fenced - or actually in the area where we were eating would work too.  We can work on that technique that I used on the rescue dog I had here last summer, that we were talking about.  It's hard to explain but easy to show.  It's all about that Pyr 'tude.  

    He's a NICE boy.  But I'm a bit ga-ga for anything with LGD blood.

    I knew he wasn't Golden/Pyr because I've seen one of those - waaay bigger and fuzzier.