Siberian Husky?

    • Bronze

    Siberian Husky?

    Any one own a husky?

    • Gold Top Dog
    Alot of people here do. Some even have little huskie like little dogs called Alaskan Klee Kia's. Its cool. I only have a Husky/Golden shelter dog. I think full blooded husky would be way to much for me to handle. :P
    • Gold Top Dog

    Karissa and I have Alaskan Klee Kai, which are related to Alaskan Huskies.  Siberians are gorgeous though, and I'd like to have one someday.   Your husky is lovely, by the way.  I'd love to hear more about him/her. 

    And welcome to the forum! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Not mine but I usually end up trying to do something with him because his owners (girlfriend's daughter) don't do much with him. This is the second husky she has owned and was a quick replacement (people up here like to replace things too quickly) when the first died from rat poisoning. Now that she has a new baby, she doesn't have time to take care of him. Notice how I said, "she" and not "they". You see, Riley has had seizures for the past 2 years so I am helping her looking for a rescue for him. They also have a border collie/husky mix - supposedly- that was abandoned at the door steps at her second (then) job so she took it home. This is dog, Joey, hasn't been socialized, its skiddish and fearful. With the lack of time they have, I don't see how they are going help this dog mentally and physically. Because both dogs are home all day and the only time they go out is when they go potty via tie out.

    Its BS type of life for working type or high energy dogs. When the dogs are here, I give them all the physical activity they need. As a matter of fact, they can't handle the typical active day I put my JRTs through that is how far out of shape the dogs are!


    Sorry for the rant but seeing dogs just being used a "convenience" without taking responsibility of the mental and physical of them is just plain wrong. I see a roughneck down the street where he keeps his wife's dogs in a pen. These are big dogs and they bark and fight all day. When he comes him, he yells at them for barking and doesn't understand why.


    • Bronze

    They are a lot of work but we love it, we take our dogs every where, they are both in school (training classes) once a week, I do all the training for both dogs out side of class. We take them to the dog park about every other weekend, they go on many walks and hikes, play ball, they love to go swiming, which we try to do as much as possibe, we just got them a little swimming pool! they love it, and they have many doggie friends the play with the lab is 11 months and the husky is 5 months, both pups and best friends. :-)

    • Bronze

    Thats neat I didnt know that, are they the "miniture husky"? Thank you :-) She is 5 months old, loves to play ball, go on long walks/hikes, play in the swimming pool, play with her sister,play with her doggie friends,loves to chase birds of course, and she has blue eyes and she loves to howl! (we taught her that!) :-) How about yours?

    • Bronze

    jdata - Thats terrible, It makes me so mad when I hear things like that, expecially with dogs that need lots and lots of attention, people should think about the dog they choose before they get it, and make sure they are able to care for it properly, I would never get a dog and do "nothing" with it, it's not fair to the animal, they don't have a choice, I am glad to hear you are doing the best for the dogs, thats really good :-)

    • Gold Top Dog

     AKK are miniature huskies, but they are different than those who breed "Miniature Huskies".  AKK were bred from Alaskan Huskies, American Eskimo, and Schipperke, and have undergone extremely selective breeding in order to create a breed standard.  Miniature Huskies are a designer breed right now, much like those who breed miniature Rottweilers and such.  AKK are recognized by the UKC, and display much of the same temperament and drive as Alaskan Huskies.  They are true companion dogs, and are extraordinarily active and agile.

    Your pup sounds a lot like Honor, minus the fun in the swimming pool (Honor loathes water).  Honor loves to play ball (I would swear she's part retriever!), hike, and play with other dogs.  And she too will chase birds, has blue eyes, and vocally shares her opinion about EVERYTHING!  Right now, Honor is completing her first Rally Novice class, and we're starting agility with her in July.  She has so much energy!  I'm always keeping her busy. Smile

    And if you love how your pup talks, you'll love Julie's thread about Dakota (she's a Siberian).  There's an adorable video of Dakota talking, here's the post link: LINK.


    • Bronze

    Lol, Zoey loves to howl! it's the cutest thing! we taught her to do it when we say the word "howl" She loves to "voice" her opinion too! lol you know what I mean :-)

    • Gold Top Dog

     Yep - I have a husky. She's my robo-dog. 15 yrs old and still going strong!

    • Bronze

    Awww she is gorgeous!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Two here.  Crusher and Onyx, though Onyx appears to be a Border Collie instead.  They share a mother though and Nikita is a registered Siberian Husky.