What do you love about your breed's appearance?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What do you love about your breed's appearance?

    Anything in particular?

    Me, I love the Irish Setter's face...the way they can look so majestic, sturdy, wise and friendly at the same time.

    • Gold Top Dog

    my friend breeds Irish Setters, they're really pretty.  Really cute as pups too!! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    It's hard to narrow it down to one thing. I guess I love how noble they look and the intelligence in their eyes.




    • Gold Top Dog

    I like naturally large, erect ears and a full tail.  I like a shorter coat and a black face.  My breeds are Belgian Malinois, German Shepherds, and Dutch Shepherds. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Goldens: size, body shape, shape of skull/face & muzzle, nose, big kitty paws, coat color, the way they stand, when they hold their ears in curiosity or eyes in concern, kind-looking, their smile, the way they wiggle when they walk, and clown face as they age.

    Shepherd: size, body shape, deep chest, sable color, ears straight up, eyes & eye color, intense stare, teeth, coat, wolf-like appearance, athletic appearance, and the way she moves.

    I'm sure I'm forgetting some others that I love about them.

    ***Editing in a few of my favorite photos of Willow, Oakley, and Myrika.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Labs...what's not to love? I love the thick sturdy build, wide girth, the entire overall size, the shiny short coat, the big head, the otter tail, and the facial expressions.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I really love dogs that look like, well..dogs. By that I mean look more "natural", I guess, more like other canids. I love all dogs, and think they're all (okay, most of them) adorable, but the little companion breeds, sighthounds, and a lot of other breeds..that're shaped unlike any other canid..they just don't call to me like a good Heinz 57, ACD, GSD, husky..

    I don't have a breed really... I can't even guess anymore what Cherokee is.. But I just think she's perfect. Every part of her is built for practicality in almost every sense. I love that.

    • Gold Top Dog
    For Chi's I love their "saucy expression" and cute little round faces. I also love their curled tail.
    • Gold Top Dog
    What I love about Mutts apearance is that it can never be duplicated, even by other mutts. Each mixedbreed is unique in its looks. Most variety of any breed of dog.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Though I don't own one, I love the look of the American pit bull terrier. When you look at them, you see a very strong, well muscled dog. Truly an athlete!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Shelties....their sweet faces, their coats, their size, their ears.

    BC's....I love their different facial expressions and all the different coat types/colors they come in.

    • Gold Top Dog

     When it comes to papillons... do I really even need to say it?  I love their huge furry ears. Stick out tongue

    • Gold Top Dog
    Obviously I love her big floppy silky ears. Whether they are up high, down low, pulled back or flopped over, just love her ears. They are so expressive. Here are some of my fave ear shots. Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
    • Gold Top Dog

    We hard core Border Collie people are supposed to look only at how well livestock is worked, as a measurement of the value of an individual dog.  I'll freely admit though, that seeing a dog that runs out as freely and swiftly as a shot arrow, makes my heart sing and always has.  None of your gallumphers, please.  I like a dog that looks well-balanced and I'm a sucker for big coated, tall, strong looking males.  I like the tiny smooth coated dogs too.

    I too love the variety - especially since I can appreciate the implications from a genetic standpoint.  I'll be attending a trial weekend after next and always enjoy seeing the wide range of physical appearances in top dogs, who all are capable of pretty much the same amazing things.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Um... the EARS! No breed even comes close. :)