What do you love about your breed's appearance?

    • Gold Top Dog

     I love big, pointy ears:


    • Gold Top Dog

     What a good thread.

    Husky's - god, what's not to love about their looks? Dakota in particular though is very symmetrical, even down to her half and half eyes. I'm just amazed that her DNA turned out something so perfectly symmetrical. Her looks are so intense but when she's happily running free, she just glows.


     Aussies - I love their animated looks. They are soft and loving dogs and they totally show that in their expressions. Plus I love the variety that comes with their markings.



    • Gold Top Dog

    What can I say....I love everything about German Shepherds and all northern breeds.........

    • Gold Top Dog

    Give me big ears!  My doxie and toy manchester both have huge, soft ears.  I love it!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Husky's - god, what's not to love about their looks?

    Ditto for AKK!  I love Honor's markings and plush double coat.  She feels like a living stuffed animal, and she's just gorgeous.  And she knows it too, lstm.  People are forever wanting to pet her, and she revels in her own beauty, I swear. Wink


    • Gold Top Dog

    On  well bred RR there is a line from the tail to the top of the head, it screams elegance and atheletic condition.  They can be standing stacked OR they can be laying on the sofa watching tv with you and this line can nearly bring tears to my eyes.

    The look of fine breeding shimmers almost in an elusive manner , like a single flower that catches your eye in a field, or the colors in a stained glass window  that take an otherwise non discript brick building and some how you feel both elevated and free... when I see that line I know I am in the presence of something very special.

    Bonita of Bwana

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think sheps have such a noble, intelligent expression. I too, like *** ears.

    Ridgies have big beautiful brown eyes and wrinkly foreheads. I also like their athletic bodies

    • Gold Top Dog

    IT"S THE EYES!!!!!  Aussies have the most expressive eyes and they have no problem making direct eye contact with you - at least not Kobi! Add to that the lifting of the eye brows and you definately feel a real connection IMO. On the other end is the well rounded butt. I'm not sure if their butts are bigger and rounder than a typical dog or if it because they have no tail it just looks bigger. What ever the reason when they start shake'n their booty, their whole back half is in full motion. As Queen so aptly put it - "Fat Bottom Girls, You Make the Rock'n World Go Round"!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I favor animals that show of muscle definition and strength. There is nothing more amazing then a race horse to me, I love their ribs, flanks and tucks. However my dedication to the true APBT is handed down from my family but of course I love a well conditioned APBT when they look how they are supposed to and not overly large or fat. Here are some of my favorite dogs!

     This dog's structure is perfect to me for a all around/year round look!

    This is Lil Bit my favorite pit bull ever! She is a true gem and how they should all look....a true athlete

     No steroids, just good old exercise and a amazing bloodline. Granted this is not her typical look year round, it takes a lot of work and proper diet to get this way.

    and lastly, my favorite Rory pic!

    And Primo shows off a good head size and expression!

    • Gold Top Dog


     I love big, pointy ears:

    ME TOOOOOO!!!!! I'm a mutt person, but I love the elegence of greyhounds and the beauty of the pitties too =]

    • Gold Top Dog
    I forgot the Labrador Retreiver. What I love about them is their sleek shiny coats, intelligent calm expression, and their loyalty.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I love the black and white field bred setters out in the field.  They are so light and agile, they look like smoke moving through the grass. 

    Pointers are so noble, intense and strong looking. 

    • Silver

    The elegant yet scruffy look, all rolled into one. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Aussies - A nice Aussie head and those expressive eyes! I love they way they look at you when working, soft, relaxed and ready for the next move all the time.

    Am Staff - I love the pitty smile, huge block head and pump tail. Something about their tails is so cute when the wag back and forth.

     Pointers - How graceful they are.

    • Bronze

    I like the the impression that the whole dog presents : powerful, functional, and companionable.
