Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
15 years old and still don't know what breed she is!
We've had her all this time and can't narrow it down on what breed mix she is. We found her in a box during our city carnival/parade, and she was the last one in there. Featuers: Long furry ear Scruffy around her neck Markings like a doberman Thick/round snout Weighs about 25 pounds Long tail...
Hey everyone, I just have some questions about little miss Dori. I brought her home from the shelter as a foster around 6-7 weeks old. At that time she was about 7-8 pounds. The person who surrendered her said she was a lab/pit mix. I didn't question that as pits are very popular in my area. Now...
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My new fella.
This is my new adoptee. His name is Sunny He's about 35 lbs. and 16" at the withers. His body is relatively long. He's about a year old. He has a cute under-bite and red freckles to boot. He was listed as a border collie mix, but because of his long back and gorgeous red color, I'm thinking...
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Any English Bulldog Owners ?
Hey im new to the fourm and I havent see any English Bulldog Or American Bulldog familys on here yet please reply I would love to see other pictures of AB or EB on here
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Help!! What do you think my beautiful boy is?!!
He is five months old and about 55 lbs. We rescued him from a shelter. He is very affectionate and docile. He must be with the family at all times or he barks and cries incessantly... The best guess we have to his breed mix is Leonberger / St. Bernard. Everytime I walk him everybody wants to know "What...
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Im thinking border collie mix with something. she loves to herd. herds the horses. runs in circles around u. loves to run and play in water. plays fetch. jumps high. very fast runner. has the border collie stance when herding. what do u think she is? her hair is usully longer but had her clipped in the...
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Pick a breed/dog for us :)
Hey guys... BF's parents have a boxer who was just diagnosed with lymphoma. All sad things aside, they're starting to think about what kind of dog they want after he passes. Right now he has no symptoms, so will probably have at least another year or two with them, but if they decide to go with...
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Tell me about the Bulldog
English, not American. LOL. Alex wants 2 males (yes I know about the fears of 2 males, ect..) I'm wanting to know what is day to day life like with one?
Can anyone figure out the Mix in my Mixed Breed?
I found him beat up a year and a half ago and i love him very much but whenever anyone asks me about his breed im like..."hes a ***" and they automatically assume that i hate dogs or that i abuse them...SEXUALLY...well nt rly lol but anws id rly like to know. U cn find his pic on my profile
Boxer weather tolerance
I have been researching the boxer breed. they say they are intolerant to heat and cold. But I can't find anything to say what extremes of cold and hot they are talking about, so I figure people that have them would be the best source of info. Also, tell me what you love and your dislikes about your...
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Can anybody Identify my Dog's breed?
I have a picture of him on my Profile. If anybody could help thanks.
My dog's breed(s)?
Many of you seem so knowledgeable about dogs in general, I wondered if some of you might have an educated guess as to what my dog's breed makeup might be. I have three pics on my profile but could put up a few more. She seems to be medium height and seems to be a naturally slim dog and not very muscular...
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Your Dream Breed
Ok....if you could pick one breed to have that you've never owned before, what would it be? One and only one! Mine hands down would be a Doberman Pinscher. I love everything about them, and their striking appearance is just icing on the cake.
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What Breed Does My New Rescue Resemble?
I recently rescued a puppy from a local shelter. The shelter had the dog taken to 2 veterinarians and I also took him to my own. Each doctor stated my new puppy was a completely different breed. Every time I take him to the pet store I explain the different breeds they think he may be and everyone else...
help identify my beautiful puppy please
Hi everyone I am an English first time dog owner and this is Finn my georgeous rescue puppy. Can anyone help to spot the dominant breeds in him please? Collie is the obvious one. Some have said German and some have said Belgian shepherd ? Help! Thanks
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American Cocker Spaniel
I am in love with American Cocker Spaniels. I love their merry temperament, beautiful coats, size and that they are velcro-dogs :) I have 3. But they are a TON of work. They got a bad rap from over breeding of them in the 50's. I hate nothing more that the 'oh cockers are snappy' and 'oh...
Help identify this breed! (Pt. II)
Hey, these are my friend's dogs and she's been wondering what breed they are because no one around her seems to know. So I'm asking you experts lol. Thank you. :)
Boxers - Health Testing
Nevermind. These people are less than pathetic. Have a 6yr old intact male "w/AKC papers". Took on a family friend's intact female in April who will turn 2 in August, "no papers, but do have record she was born in NH". Having an oops litter of 10 (5 male, 5 female) and trying...
What breed of puppy?
The shelter listed her as a beagle. But is she really an English Pointer? Or something else altogether? At three months, she weighed about 8 pounds.
Pitt Mix?
Hi! I see that there are lots of threads like this in this section but if you all could humor me with another I'd appreciate it! This is Molly, she's about 2 and weighs 65ish lbs. I'm pretty sure she's a pit mix and have had most people tell me she looks like a "backyard pitt"...
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