15 years old and still don't know what breed she is!

    • Bronze

    15 years old and still don't know what breed she is!

    We've had her all this time and can't narrow it down on what breed mix she is.   We found her in a box during our city carnival/parade, and she was the last one in there.


    Long furry ear

     Scruffy around her neck

    Markings like a doberman

    Thick/round snout

    Weighs about 25 pounds

    Long tail with long fur

     Occasionally points (don't know if that'll help)


    Underneath her black tail is tan fur....sorry don't have a pic that shows it

    Black spotted tongue

    Loves to chase birds, squirrels, rabbits, etc. But doesn't chase people.

    ^ When she was a pup


    ^about 8 years ago

    ^ Most recent

     ^Closest thing I have with her tail

    I think she is mixed with husky...but then again I think she could be mixed with rottweiler. 

    I don't know.  I have literally thought of every breed that I could and couldn't find anything. 

     This is the closest thing I found.  It's a Border Collie Gordon Setter Rottweiler.  The only thing that's different is obviously the darker brown markings, and the tail.

    Image Detail

    What do you think? :-)

    • Gold Top Dog
    look like our old boy Zeus who's been gone many years now. He was a known...Aussie X Doberman mix. Never over about 55lbs...and about a perfect match in everything marking wise aside from the tongue spots and hefty muzzle. His was very tapered and light. His tongue and mouth, were all pink. I could see Chow/Aussie, or even Chow/Aussie/Dobe. The fullness and "hippo" look to the muzzle are very Chow. They tend to have a lot of heft to their heads and muzzles..."meaty". All three are breeds that are VERY common in most areas, especiall the Chow and Aussie.
    • Bronze
    Those breeds crossed my mind too, but she's so much smaller than them.  I did find a Chow/Doberman picture that looked similar, but had more things missing than they had in similarities.  I don't know, could just be the breed of a Myterious Mutt!  lol
    • Gold Top Dog
    Chose are not large dogs, maybe 30-40lbs? Neither are Aussies really. Perhaps a smaller Spaniel then...but Chow stays in my mix for now ;)
    • Gold Top Dog
    I could definitely see a mix of Chow/Aussie being possible. Misha's dad was (looked nothing like your girl) and he was 40-50 lbs. I kind of get an almost spaniely feel from her. Maybe she's the same thing as Annie's Grrrady -- North American Black and Tan DAWG! That particular black/tan pattern is very common in lots of breeds. It's even found in mismarked labs. So I wouldn't narrow my thoughts to Rott or Dobe just because of color. I've seen it from Chi's to Greyhounds.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Part Aussie for sure.The markings though less common are found on Aussies.They call those eyebrow markings shepherds points.Many Aussies are smaller especially those bred for herding.Some are even breeding mini aussies however this is frowned upon by the Australian Shepherd Club of America.As far as the "pointing" my girl does that while working.


    • Gold Top Dog

    I think she is definately North American Black and Tan Wink  She is very cute both then and now :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     YOu've had her 15 years, since she was a puppy?  I KNOW what she is:  LOVED!   LOL