• Silver


    Im thinking border collie mix with something. she loves to herd. herds the horses. runs in circles around u. loves to run and play in water. plays fetch. jumps high. very fast runner. has the border collie stance when herding. what do u think she is? her hair is usully longer but had her clipped in the pics




    • Bronze
    wow, a backwards blaze! i've never seen that. very cool markings. my first thoughts were border collie and german shephard.
    • Gold Top Dog

    ...my first thoughts were border collie and german shephard.

    Mine, too.  Actually I was thinking all BC until I saw the head shot.  Her ears say GSD to me.  She sure is pretty! 


    • Gold Top Dog

    I don't see GSD in either dog.  At least a 50/50 mix tends to look quite a bit like a GSD.  There's really nothing GSD in either dog (size, coat, color, head, ears/earset, etc). I don't really know much about BCs but if BC people agree with the mix I'd call her a BC mix.

    • Gold Top Dog

    What awesome coloring!  I dont have a guess but she is beautiful


    • Silver
    is it because of the ears that u say shes part GS? som e border collies have erect ears. i dont see GS in her at all. What about her looks GS?
    • Gold Top Dog

    is it because of the ears that u say shes part GS? som e border collies have erect ears. i dont see GS in her at all. What about her looks GS?

    For me, it was the size of the ears that made me think GSD.  Her ears look heavier & bigger than any BC's I've seen.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I just love her marking! I would say GS/border collie as well.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I don't see any german shepherd. I'd say BC mix, probably with some other farm dog
    • Gold Top Dog

    I  don't know but love her unusual markings!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I thought the backwards blaze was really cool too! I had never seen that either haha

    I would go with BC mix, especially that stance she is doing on the rock...that strong eye stare (when it comes to herding sheep)..looks BC mix to me!

    • Puppy

     You stated that she loves to herd...runs in circles around you and enjoys running at breakneck speeds.You also said that she has much longer hair as well. These are all the signs of a classic border collie. I have a border collie mix. Jack is Beagle Border Collie and he herds the husband around the back yard and the cats in the neighborhood if they get close enough. 

    Jack is only 30 lbs full grown, short hair and the size of a beagle but long lanky legs like that or a border collie.  Your girl is beautiful and has unique markings. She loves the water and that is a plus. My Jack hates the water so bath time is next to impossible. I have to make an appointment to get him bathed, otherwise, its like trying to hold down an octopus crossed with a wild bull.  Take care of your beauty.  According to my learning about the border collie breed, they have very little health problems which are fantastic for the breed. I'm looking forward to this aspect with Jack.  God Bless You. He gave you and very special girl.

    • Puppy

     Guide dog is one of the most difficult "dog" professions. I do't know.

    • Puppy

     Guide dog is one of the most difficult "dog" professions. I don't know.