Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

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    • Gold Top Dog

    Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

     A friend is considering getting one of these and would like to hear experiences and as much about the breed as she can. Anyone knows of a breeder or forums,etc. it would be appreciated if you posted some info here!


    • Gold Top Dog

     Know of a few tollers in Agility, from an online Agility forum.  They are wonderful active dogs!  One of the folks on that forum is also on this one:

    • Gold Top Dog
    I know KindredSpirits has Lilith, and Orangedogs has... one or two now, I don't remember. You might try messaging/FBing them? I only have experience with one, she's sweet, but totally psycho active. She's not mean, she just doesn't know what to do with herself, which results in crazy zooming and being too rambunctious sometimes. But that's a limited experience.
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    • Gold Top Dog
    Thanks Sandie and ah! Well remembered Michelle, couldn't remember Orangedogs handle
    • Gold Top Dog

    I would love love love to have one!  Lillith is sooo very cute and of course the first ever Toller I saw was Orangedogs Dance.  Never met one in person.  They are pretty rare in the U.S..  I have looked at Toller rescue and there are not many.  I could swear there is one near us, I have seen it in the pasture.  I would guess it is most likely a Aussie with the red/white coloring but I havent gotten close enough to tell for sure.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just got your PM and sent along some information! I tried not to turn it into a story and kept it relatively short, haha. Sometimes I get carried away when it comes to talking Tollers. I didn't see this thread before I sent it though, so if anybody else has any questions about the breed ever I'd be happy to try and answer them for you. Life gets busy and in the way and I am bad about posting here unfortunately, but I'm always around somewhere. :-)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yea!  How are you????  Where are pictures????  We miss seeing your furr babies :)  Especially those of us that dont do FB....Please Wink

    • Gold Top Dog


    Yea!  How are you????  Where are pictures????  We miss seeing your furr babies :)  Especially those of us that dont do FB....Please Wink

     All is well here! Nothing really new or interesting has happened that I can think of. The dogs are all doing great. Ripley finally grew up (well, most days) and apparently he did come with a brain, haha. It just took a while to arrive. Keira is still the sweetest, snootiest dobergirl there ever was. And Dance is still the Best Girl Ever. Need to get her into more Agility classes this year I think. She loves it. Probably because it's the only sport that doesn't involve strangers touching her or walking too close to her, haha. I, on the other hand, prefer the slower pace of Obedience and Rally. I trip over my feet and go the wrong way in Agility, haha. I have a lot to learn still!

    Anyhow, here are a some recent pictures of Dance since it is the Toller thread after all:

    And I don't want to totally derail the thread so here is one of the Dobermans each:



    There are always new photos of them on my Flickr page too for those of you who miss them when I've mysteriously disappeared! They can be found at :-)

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    • Gold Top Dog

     Thank you Big Smile

    And the pups are as stunning as ever! beautiful photos of them all!

    Ahem Ripley I KNEW you had a brain Wink

    • Gold Top Dog

    apparently he did come with a brain, haha. It just took a while to arrive.

    LOL, poor Ripley.  Keira is so pretty and Ripley is very handsome.  I must say I am sooo in love with Dance.  Thanks for sharing the pics. Good to see you and good to hear all is well. 

    ETA:  I had to go look at more pics on the Flicker acct. :)  I love the Christmas pics.  The one of all 3 laying together was so adorable.  I noticed a pic with 3 orange dogs...are they littermates or just a Toller convention Wink.  I also noticed a very cute Rottie in Sept pics.  Thanks for feeding my Toller craving.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ETA:  I had to go look at more pics on the Flicker acct. :)  I love the Christmas pics.  The one of all 3 laying together was so adorable.  I noticed a pic with 3 orange dogs...are they littermates or just a Toller convention Wink.  I also noticed a very cute Rottie in Sept pics.  Thanks for feeding my Toller craving.

    Thanks! Those were probably just a couple of Tollers that I groom. I don't know any of Dance's relatives... I've met a couple once, but a long time ago. The other Tollers I know all seem to share some relation to her, but they're all owned by different people and are from different breeders. And the Rottweiler belongs to a friend. I was house-sitting for her back in September and took some pictures for her. :-)