My dog's breed(s)?

    • Bronze

    My dog's breed(s)?

    Many of you seem so knowledgeable about dogs in general, I wondered if some of you might have an educated guess as to what my dog's breed makeup might be. I have three pics on my profile but could put up a few more. She seems to be medium height and seems to be a naturally slim dog and not very muscular. She has the general build of a small Shepherd dog, but is shorter and carries less weight. Normal weight for her seems to be in the 37-40 pound range.  As can be seen in the pics, she has funny tufts of hair on her toe area. Her ears are small and floppy with light, longer fur covering the short brown hair of her ears. In addition to the coloring showing up in the pics, when out in the sun there is also some reddish hair on the back half of her torso that can be seen- woven in with the other colors. She has some black spots on her tounge.

    She is very active and somewhat hyper if not given proper exercise. She is affectionate and is becoming a watch dog of "her" property. She likes other people, but now seems to be getting protective of "her" people when others come into our house- she will stand between us and the company and growl lowly until she sees that the company is accepted by us- then she will be nice to them and allow them to pet her. She is not protective to that extent when out walking and stopping to talk to other people- or when at other people's homes or businesses. We were told by the vet that she is approximately a year and a half old- but she still has a lot of puppy traits. We have almost trained her not to nibble on our hands and not to jump on our feet and nip at our heels. I've bought her quite a few toys and chew bones. She loves her stuffed animal.

    The vet's only real guess was the Shepherd part and "mixed". Any guesses?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Probably more than a few breeds, those little tiny high set ears are interesting...very terrier like but of course the coat (color pattern and length) belies that. Jack Russell about the face is certainly there, especially in the 3 pic...with something bigger and longer coated like perhaps a Sheltie, Golden, even a Collie (Border or Rough or who knows BOTH!). The sable (darker tipped hairs) and mask is found in the JRT but they almost always have patches and spotting.

    This dog tho...has almost the right color and the face and profile seem very similar. See the ear I speak of?

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    Here, you can see the slight masking effect like on your girl... most JRT have  split/blazed face to their black masking isn't always apparent. Looks like this dog might have a bit of sabling on the back too...hard to tell with so short a coat and one with white where sable is more likely to be 9along the ridge of the spine and mantle of the shoulders.


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    Here's your girl so folks can see her more quickly...


    Your typical "farm dog" mix is often a little sheepdog and a little that's where I will cast my vote.

    • Gold Top Dog

    and, just for discussions is a smooth fox terrier. Note again the ear size and placement on the head. The longer head shape and muzzle markings. A common recurring theme in the Terrier family. SFT's are pretty few and far between (whereas JRT's are VERY commonly seen IME, especially around farms or horses where one might also find sheepdog/collie crosses), so I doubt SFT is there BUT...I wanted to kind of expound on my thoughts direction given the interesting ears on your girl.

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    • Gold Top Dog

    [Edited -- TOLDJA someone else would have a better guess than me but I stopped to add all 3 pics LOL Great minds think alike, huh Gina?] 

    I have three pics on my profile but could put up a few more. She seems to be medium height and seems to be a naturally slim dog and not very muscular. She has the general build of a small Shepherd dog, but is shorter and carries less weight. Normal weight for her seems to be in the 37-40 pound range.  As can be seen in the pics, she has funny tufts of hair on her toe area. Her ears are small and floppy with light, longer fur covering the short brown hair of her ears. In addition to the coloring showing up in the pics, when out in the sun there is also some reddish hair on the back half of her torso that can be seen- woven in with the other colors. She has some black spots on her tounge.

    Since you're a kind of a newbie I'm going to be helpful (not pushy, just trying to help here) and I'm going to put in her picture right in the post

    and this one

    and this one

    You GOTTA love those "fuwwy feets" (at least that's what I used to call them on Foxy the MOstlie Sheltie!)

    She's definitely herder -- I'm thinking Australian shepherd and maybe um ... brown dog mix??  You're not gonna fall too far from the shepherd/herder tree here but there could either be cocker or golden thrown in a couple of generations ago?  If you have a pic of her standing that would help (others are WAY WAY better than me conformation-wise).  She's smaller than a golden but that could account for the coat and ears altho there are *some* herders that aren't (laughing -- I want to say a word starting with P ... and ending with "rick" but the bad-words filter will stick in asterics LOL) stick-up-eared. 

    *sigh* for the 1,000 time I'm laughing -- there are certain words that to dog people mean completely different things than to the rest of the world, and that's one of them.  Just like we discuss dog fecal matter all the time and it's just a popular topic of conversation.  LOL

    She's a REALLY pretty girl.  I have a huge huge soft spot in my heart for herders and if you've already gotten the message across not to nip at your heels you're doing a whole lot of somethings right!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have to add -- I keep cracking up when I see the tufts on the feets.  That drove the Fox NUTS.  He **hated** that those tufts on his toes would sometimes get tangled or a wee bit matted and he'd try to lie and bite at it -- so finally I convinced him *I* would keep them trimmed, and I had to neaten up his feets every few weeks.  But I had to get the long pieces up from between the toes and trim them nicely!  (Sometimes he was such a FUSS BUDGET!!!! LOL).  He's been gone now like 4 years and I miss him TONS still. 

    • Bronze

    That's very interesting. I hadn't really thought about the possible terrier connection but with those small, high set, floppy ears it sure makes sense- it would also explain her general body size.  Thanks so much Big Smile

    • Bronze

    Again, very interesting!  Thanks for the pictures too.

    • Bronze

    You're right, I'm quite a newbie and a very tech challenged one. Thanks to you and rwbeagles for adding her pictures. I have not figured out how to do that yet Embarrassed . 

    Smiling at  "fuwwy feets", that's cute. I also thought of maybe a golden somewhere along the line- and I think she is probably quite mixed. My daughter guessed some kind of Collie was mixed in there. I actually thought of Cocker too. My daughter looked at me like I was nuts and said where are you seeing Cocker? I said in the forehead and especially the eye area- just something about it.

     LOL @ the "bad word" filter remark!

     I seem to always be drawn to the herder types too. They often turn out to be somewhat of a challenge and on the hyper side- but they are highly intelligent most of the time and they are extra pretty to me- as far as my taste goes. My dog is easily bored, wants lots of attention, and would probably be thrilled with another dog around the house. 

    Well, we have Almost gotten her trained to not nip ankles. I guess I shoud say she does it much less often. She seems to really want to please, but some things are too ingrained to completely "go away", lol.

    • Bronze

    I had thought of the other breeds as a possibility- but the more I look at the terriers, the more I think that this is part of her make up as well.

    • Bronze

    I will put up a pic of her standing a little later when my daughter I take her for the evening walk. Hopefully I can figure out how to put it on the thread by then :)

    • Bronze

    This is the first dog I've had with the feet tufts. They are cute and amusing looking to me. They don't seem to grow much beneath her feet though.

    Foxy sounds adorable. You must have a lot of happy memories. I don't think we ever stop missing our sweet dogs. Some touch our hearts more than others though, most definitely.

    • Gold Top Dog

    If you have a photo site you use, you can use the URL from that -- but if you want to upload the photos *here* these are the directions (this is NOT intuitive!! *sigh*)

    (I typed this out for someone else):

    If your pics don't already reside somewhere online (if so the directions are different) Uploading pics isn't hard but it's not exactly explained well.  Look up to the "white words" (red background) and click on "Photos".

     Then, in the first "paragraph in small type in a box" click on "Upload a photo". 

    The next screen says "The Photo you are Uploading" -- and right under that is a grey box to click on .  It almost looks like you're supposed to fill in the rest of the page and you don't need to.  Just click that grey box. 

    Next screen -- look to the right and click on "Browse" , and then find the area on your computer where the picture is and double click on it.  But then be SURE to click the grey "SAVE" button as well.

     I think in the next screen you have to click "Publish" at the bottom. (I can't go any further without actually uploading one and I'm at work).

    Wait a minute or 5 and then click on your own sign in name at the top and then "Photos" from there --

     To then POST that picture, go to that "Photos" section in your own "dashboard" (cute, huh?) and click on that picture.


    At the bottom of that picture when it comes up will be a little tab at the bottom about "sizes".  Choose the one you want and when THAT comes up, copy the URL from the top of your browser.  THAT is what you'll put in a post.

    Then when you "reply" or start a post and you're typing in the big white box, you click on the little "tree" Icon in the row of icons above where you type.  That's where you paste that URL (and if your picture resides elsewhere online -- just get the URL of where that is and you can put that here instead).  Down at the bottom of that box you click "Insert".

    Good luck

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not so sure about terrier (which is odd because I usually agree with Gina).  I've seen quite a few pet or even field bred Labs and Goldens with very similar heads. Based on size, my guess would be Sheltie/Golden/Cavalier.    There's one thing I'm positive of- that's one sweet looking pooch!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I am not a good breed guesser but I must say she is so very cute!   My Hot Shot has fuwwy feets too.  They are always get burrs in them when they get too long.  Took me a while to get him comfortable with me touching his feet but now he know that mommy wont hurt and is better than have those p - rickly :) thingys in between my toes.