getting, hopefully, this dog from the shelter

    • Bronze

    getting, hopefully, this dog from the shelter

    i seen this dog on the shelter site he has been at the shelter for a few months, i go back down this week. have put in my adoption application so i can go get him when i get there, he shelter says he is a pointer mix was just wondering if he looks like a pointer, and if so can you guys point me to some good reading or forums for pointers. thank you [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG]
    • Gold Top Dog
    He's very cute, but I will be honest, I don't see pointer; I see a lot of pitbull. Please do your research before adopting - it's very noble to want to prevent him from being euthanized, but don't go in blindly. That's why a lot of dogs are returned.
    • Bronze
    thats what im doing, i have researched alot about different breeds, including pitbull was thinking of getting one at one point in time, but i see maybe some in him.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I see Pit for sure but there is such a smile on his face in that second picture.   Good luck to you and the dog.   If you are approved dont hesitate to stay here on the forum for help and advise and more pictures.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Looks more pittie than pointer to me.  He could be a mix of just about anything.  Good luck. :)

    • Gold Top Dog
    He is cute, but remember pick the dog that fits your lifestyle first before allowing your emotions to choose for you.

    Some shelters will label pits as almost anything else to get them adopted. Honestly I don't really think there is much pointer in this boy. Being an all white dog I would also be careful to look up potential health concerns. Many white pits, boxers and similar breeds are blind, deaf or both, they can also have sensitive skin issues. As with any dog you should be ready for medical bills but with a dog of this color you might need to be a little more cautious. I think pits make wonderful dogs when in the right hands but you will get the occasional person who doesn't understand them, tells you crazy things that are not true. Even dogs that have that pit look, you just have to be ready to deal with a world out there who judges them constantly. It is a big responsibility to own any dog but a pit or pit-looking dog just gets added heat.

    I'm not saying this may not be the dog for you, he may be the most awesome dog you have ever met, a perfect match. Just look before you leap. Good luck!
    • Bronze
    yea i have seen him in person i just had to go out of state and didnt think it would be good to get the dog and then leave out of state. i picked him cause he was higher energy, i like to ride bikes and go hiking, and want a dog that will love to go along with me i am ready for the bills i have had dogs before so know what could go wrong and the costs, my last dog had cancer and had vet bills that where ridiculas, i have read alot on white dogs, i know that those dogs sometimes have problems, i have been reading up on alot of different breeds and pit being one of them, as i have been looking for a dog for the last few months.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm seeing pittie too.  That said, PITS CAN BE WONDERFUL PETS.  Some of the sweetest dogs I know are pitties.  Please don't let that stop you.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Definitely some pit bull... I can see maybe a little pointer from the tail and the head shape, but like everyone has said, he could be a mix of about anything... he's very kewte though. :) Don't let shelters and stuff confuse you though... sometimes they'l say a breed is a certain kind, just to make you buy it, so just be cautious. :)