
    • Gold Top Dog


    Hey everyone,

    I just have some questions about little miss Dori.  I brought her home from the shelter as a foster around 6-7 weeks old.  At that time she was about 7-8 pounds.  The person who surrendered her said she was a lab/pit mix.  I didn't question that as pits are very popular in my area.  Now that we are keeping her, I'm starting to question how big she will really get and what she might be a mix of.  SHe is a very smart little thing and loves to do training with me.  She is probably the easiest puppy ever.  There is no mouthing (anymore...she was awful when we first brought her home), housetraining is going wonderful, and she learns things just as fast as any of my other dogs when I train her.

    So, onto my questions.  She is now almost 15 weeks old and weighed in at the vets at 12 pounds the other day.  She is still so tiny although she is getting tall.  I'm still thinking she may have pit in her (based on her tail...not much, I know) and maybe beagle because of her size and ears, although those could be lab ears.  So what do you all think, growthwise, that we may see.  I know she is still very young so this would all just be guesses, but I'm curious to know what you all think.

    Here are some weekly pictures we took of her over the past weeks.

    8 Weeks

    9 Weeks

    11 Weeks

    13 Weeks

    14 Weeks

    • Gold Top Dog

    OMG !!  A miniature, female Bugsy !!  No answers, but she's adorable !!


    Deb W.

    • Gold Top Dog


    A miniature, female Bugsy !! 

    My thoughts exactly "Bugsy-minime"Wink  Is that a breed?, lol!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I didn't do the calculations on Dori.  She's sure a cutie and I'm so happy she's doing so well. :)

    • Gold Top Dog
    There is something terrier ish in her face (terrier ish like JRT or Rat Terrier). I see no Beagle really, and my 13" girls are about 15-20lbs adults, the 15" males can push 25/30lbs. to give you an idea of the weight range. I know some mondo Beagles get bigger but she is already on the larger end at 12lbs at 4 mos old. I could certainly see Lab/Pit being in there. Many pits are actually pretty small, topping out at 30-45lbs as adults. They are not SUPPOSED to be huge dogs, but we know how that goes. Could be some BC, Lab, Pit maybe even some other gundog like Pointer. She has long legs but heaven knows there are some RANGY Labs out there! Cute :)
    • Gold Top Dog

    OH gosh she is SO cute!!  I do love a leggy dog -- but oh gosh, I'm in love!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    So according to the chart Jackie posted she would end up being around 45 pounds.  I'm having such trouble visualizing this, she is just so small!

    I keep thinking back to when I got Finn at about 15 or 16 weeks and he was already 28 pounds (although grossly overweight), and he is now almost three years old and only 30 pounds.  He grew UP a little, but we didn't really see much in the way of growth except him slimming down to a good weight.

    And thanks guys, she is a cutie!  We love her to pieces.  :)

    • Gold Top Dog


    So according to the chart Jackie posted she would end up being around 45 pounds.  I'm having such trouble visualizing this, she is just so small!

    Remember that Dori can't read that chart. LOL   I need to see what Gabby weighed at that age.  Gabby is very long legged and she weighs 40lbs at age 21 months.  I really didn't think Gabby would get quite as big as she did but she's a great mid size girl. :)

    ETA  Gabby at approximately 4 months weighed 13.5 lbs.  She was a very skinny puppy (3 lbs when we found her at approximately 8 weeks old) when we found her so not sure if that made any difference.  I think Dori and Gabby might be close to the same size once Dori gets all grown up. :)

    • Gold Top Dog
    She's a MAZE! Lol! Maze looked exactly like her at that age. Now at the age of 5 she weighs in at 45lbs. Very leggy! and she's a BC/lab mix
    • Gold Top Dog

    Jackie, you are right.  I had forgotten how small Gabby was!   I need to just enjoy these tiny days where she just curls up in my lap and sleeps under a blanket.  It's the best!

    Kitty, she does resemble Maze!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Oh my she is cute!  Love her 3 white socks, lol. 

    Psst!  Since you say you are keeping her, you need to list her in your siggy!  LOL

    Dunno about breed, head looks more like a lab to me.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yup, I vote for a mini-Bugsy. She is a cutie! She's got those long legs like Mozey, too. I am useless at trying to guess how big/tall she'll get.

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog
    Hahaha mini-Bugsy, super mini Bugsy! I am no good at breed guesses but will say the ceasing of mouthing so young and the kind of narrow muzzle lean away from lab for me but it could be in there just a smaller influence. Other than that I'll say she's a doll!!! Of course I am biased to dog's with similar markings :)