• Bronze


    I found a stray about 3 weeks ago on the streets. She's the sweetest, gentlest dog ever & very playful. She was wandering the neighborhood with no collar, no tags, no microchip. I checked the newspaper, craigslist, posted flyers, checked with vets/groomers/etc but found no owner & she was really sick, so I took Abbie into the home. After fully vaccinating her, spaying her, & getting her microchipped she's the newest addition to the family. She knows she's spoiled too. She came home to a bed (mine) to sleep own though she has her own new one & a basket full of toys. I am trying to determine her breed & thinking about having a DNA test performed because I am curioius. I've heard so many guesses but don't know her breed so I was hoping someone else may know. I had a maltese/lhasa apso years ago that looked just like her but his tail didn't curl over the back. Her personality is: barker at other dogs/noises, very playful, doesn't know any commands, straightens her tail when asleep & curls it tightly over her back when walking, likes to lay her chin on your lap & sleep. She's a ball of energy though. I've heard maltese/shih tzu, yorkie/shih tzu, maltipoo, A groomer & vet said they definitely see yorkie in her because of the black/tan ear tips, but also see shih tzu. She weighs 8 lbs & is very thin but not underweight the vet said. Any ideas?


    • Gold Top Dog

     Kind of reminds me of my friend's Shitzu Maltese mix. Very cute!

    • Gold Top Dog

    In my opinion, she just looks like a Shih Tzu. Never was very good with the "Designer" breed mixes, though. LoL. Thanks for giving this cute girl a home :)

    • Bronze

    I was thinking maltese shih tzu as well. It's really hard to say because if you google: maltese, lhasa apso, shih tzu, coton de tulear, etc they all looking extremely similar in appearance. It is truly hard to say! I know lhasa apsos tend to show their bottom set of teeth more - which she doesn't do so I'm more apt to say shih tzu. But guessing the other part is so difficult because of the fact she doesn't show much of the other half. :(

    • Gold Top Dog

    In honesty, don't waste your money on the genetic test -- it would be likely they'd tell you she was a ridgeback/rottweiler mix!! (yeah, I'm serious -- it's usually about that far off!!)

    But I can tell you exactly what she is -- cute little sweetheart glad-to-have-a-home mix!!!  *grin*  There's no denying any of that, I'll bet!!

    btw Welcome -- glad to make your acquaintance!!  She IS adorable.  Would love to see pics of your others!! (pics tend to be obligatory on here *grin*)

    • Bronze

    I have them posted under my profile.

    • Gold Top Dog

    thinking about having a DNA test performed because I am curioius.

    Like others have said, don't waist your money on a DNA test. I did a DNA blood test on my dog and well...see for yourself in this link:

    She is adorable! She looks like a Shih Tzu to me, probably even full bred. They are a popular small dog and I have worked with many that look just like your little cuttie. Lapsa Apsa would be my second guess. I hope she brings you a lot of joy!
    • Gold Top Dog

    I was thinking purebred Shih Tzu also.  She's absolutely adorable!  Congratulations on your new family member.

    • Gold Top Dog

      Looks like a Shih Tzu to me as well :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    *scritches head*

    I be seein' a good deal more o Llasa Apso than any other type...her nose ain't a breakin in close ta the face as it ought were she a Shih Tzu, n' the coloring too bespeaks "Apso".

    That be just the thinkin' of a wayward pirate o' course. It be jes as likely that she be a mix twixt this, that, n perhaps even a bit o' the other...

    Happy Talk Like A Pirate Day!

    • Gold Top Dog

    As a general rule, a shih tzu's top of the nose is even with the bottom of the eyes---lhasa's have more of a break between the eyes and nose.

    That said, her coloring could be that of either a shih tzu or lhasa---the jaw line is saying Lhasa or some type of  mix (shih tzu/maltese or lhasa/maltese) to me----I do not see any Yorkie (the black tips are a tzu characteristic, as well), but she looks an awful lot like our shih tzu/ maltese mix female--she was white and gold with black ear tips.  Shih Tzu are happy-go-lucky, quiet dogs---love all people and are not generally barky.  I find that Lhasa's and Maltese's tend to be a bit more wary of strangers and dogs than my tzu's are.  Either way---what a cutie!  Enjoy her.

    • Gold Top Dog

    OH MY!! She's a CUTIE PATOOTIE!!!

    I'd guess Shih-Tzu/maybe shih-tzu mix?

    • Puppy
    I am almost positive i know the breed for this dog dog is identical to the one in the picture ...Im pretty sure that this dog is actually 3 different breeds ...Maltese...shitzu..and poodle most people call them shimaltipoo's this dog and my dog could be twins! you can really see the *** zu /maltese in her though thats where she gets her fur texture and color on her ears
    • Gold Top Dog
    She is so cute! But I do not see the maltipoo, the white guy in my avitar is a maltipoo and looks nothing like your little one, that you said in your post. I would go with what the others are saying. Thanks for taking her in and giving her a good home.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I would go with shih-tzu mix as well, maybe shih-tzu/maltese.Either way, she is adorable and very blessed to have found a good home! Congrats on adopting!