Choosing A Dog

Choosing A Dog
Best breed for me?
Ive went on tons of dog quiz sites and im still trying to figure out what breed is best for me. *I go to school for about 7 hours a day (none on weekends) *I dont want a dog that sheds a lot (short haired) *A dog that will be lively during the day, and calm down at night *Not a big dog.. around...
Which breed?
Hi...I just joined this forum this morning and am looking for another small companion. I just lost my lil buddy 2 days ago, he was a miniature dachshund that just turned 4 in June. I'm lost without him. Ok well i'm looking for another dog but I don't want to do the dachshund breed again....
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Catahula leopard dog
Do you have a catahula? Can you tell me about them, their breed etc. I am looking to rescue one, maybe........
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Whatever happen to Saint Bernard's?
I want toget one, but cant find many breeders, and none even close to me!
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Okay, since you guys like to guess breeds..
Can anyone see anything other than Shepherd in Rio? We know he's not a purebred, we just have no idea what else is in him because he looks so much like a Shepherd. At 9 weeks he was almost as big as Dizzy, my fully grown Aussie. I saw him and his brother when I went to adopt one as they were the...
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WHat breeds do you see in her?
Here is our little Hurricane Katrina girl. She is about 25 lbs and the sweetest girl ever. She looks mostly yellow Lab to me, but obviously others due to her size and ears in particular. She has the coloring, coat type, tail, and eyes (I think) of a Lab, but the rest is a mystery. I've thought Corgi...
Does this baby look like a Border Collie?
Hi all! It's been awhile since I've posted here, but I do come in and read alot! I adopted a sweet lil puppy from a shelter last Friday. I was looking for a female Border Collie/BC mix as a companion for my 4 yr old male BC mix.. I absolutely fell in love with this puppy as soon as I set eyes...
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Oh for crying out loud!!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it's the mini coonhound. No, I am not joking. Though after some web exploring it appears that this was perhaps a flash in the pan experiment done by the always classy Puppy Haven Kennels (vomit--just going to their website...
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500 Years of Pointer History website i found accidentally.. lots of old paintings, facts, trivia etc. i thought the pointer/bird dog fanciers would enjoy this [ ]
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Miniature Pinschers
Can someone tell me everything they know about the breed lol my mom says she want one so i wanna research for her and stuff so we know about them.
Messed up breed listings.
I know rescues and shelters are doing good by helping out unwanted or abandoned animals, but don't you think they'd do so much better if they'd study up on their dog breeds so they actually list the right breed or right breed mix? When I have nothing to do at work I'll surf the net...
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Could someone tell me what mix Asia is? I'm certain she's a German Shephard X, but what is she crossed with? (ears normally stand upright, like in the second picture.)
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What are the popular breeds in your area?
Here in the Philippines (in the city), the most popular breeds are the Lab, Shih Tzu and Japanese Spitz. There are a lot of Rotties, Dobies, Golden Retrievers and Dachshunds. Pibbles and Huskies are also becoming more popular. Now, which breeds are popular in the area you live in?
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Anyone care to guess about my shelter dog's mix?
We adopted Jack from the shelter in late February, and he was listed as a "lab/shepherd mix". I don't particularly see that, so I'm guessing they thought that sounded nice and generic. He's about 10 months old (we think) and 65 lbs. He's fairly mellow and laid back, but he absolutely...
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question to breed-savy people
ok. i'm just curious which breed would be a good breed for me. i'm not looking for another dog or anything. just for curiousity's sake... -so i know i dont want long fur, cause i just hate, hate, hate brushing. -size doesn't really matter to me unless it was one of those put-in-your...
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I-Dog's Effect On Breeds For You
Just wondering...have any of you grown to like a breed who you didn't/were neutral about before because of dogs here on i-dog and their owners, what you've learned about these breeds here, etc.? For me, I've definitely come to have a respect and admiration for pit bulls, thanks to everyone...
Daxter & Joey - Opinions, Please
I asked this a while ago but for some reason, the search tool isn't working for me (it does this once in a while), so I'll just repost it. To make a long story short, these dogs were both formerly my brother's until he abandoned them and left them with us (they were never together, though...
Want to learn more about Pitbulls
I first want to say thanks to any and all the people here for any help I have gotten. I have a 7month old beagle and he is doing great, currently going through a 12 week off leash training program. I am thinking about getting another dog when I move into a house in November. I have been researching...
Maggie (Can you help??)
OK maggie is SUPPOSSED to be a toy fox terrier but she doesnt look like one here is a picture of maggie, [/img] we measured her and she is about 14 inches tall so i call her a mini fox terrier or a regular fox terrier. what do you think?
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Serious question
Hello everyone! I have a rottweiler, as many of you already know... It's male, un-trained, 2 year old rottweiler his name is "REX"... So my story is: when ever anyone asks me, "is your rottweiler pure-breed?" I always answer, "Yes it's 100% pure-breed" [ ] But I'll...
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